8 -The Mute-

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[Name's] POV

I'm in too deep! ABORT MISSION!! ABORT!!!

Don't ask me how I ended up taking a stroll with Ukulele man. It just sorta happened. One minute I was watching horrified by the fact that Naruto can gobble down two bowls of ramen and still not be full and the next minute, Alexa was nudging me to go with Sasuke. I guess, this was like some sort of date to her. She seemed pretty attracted to Naruto.

Anyways, I had half a mind to dash down the street and never look back right now, but something made me stay.

"[Name], isn't it?" I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on the surprisingly attractive male next to me. Since I couldn't speak, I nod my head. "Would you like to do anything? Since you're still my so called date for today."

DATE?! I can't be..I mustn't be! How could this be a date?!

I calmly shook my head no, even though my mind was in a state of shock and confusion.

"Are you some kind of mute? Why won't you speak to me?"

Goodness! How does one communicate without speaking?! ... SIGN LANGUAGE!!!!

I only dabbled a little in the area of sign language, and I'm hoping my lessons will pay off.

I began to sign, hoping he would understand.

I can speak. I'm just afraid to.

He blinked and then smiled. It was small, but you could definitely tell he was smiling.

"Ah, so you know sign language?"

I only know a few words. But I can hold up a conversation.

"Why are you so afraid to speak?" he asks, as we sit on a park bench together.


I hesitated before signing.

My voice was called annoying one day when I was younger. I think I took it too harshly and stopped speaking. Well, that's the short version of it.

"How long has it been since you last used your voice?"

I shrug.

A couple years. But I do speak a little when I'm with my sister and father because they don't know sign language. My mother, she's very advanced in the art of sign language.

Sasuke nods. "Can you try to speak?"

My breathing hitched in my throat, nearly choking me. I shook my head.

I can't!

"I'm sure your voice is beautiful [Name]. Let me hear it," the handsome boy attempts to reassure me.

No. No. No.

His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes squinted into a glare.

"You should understand that, I don't like it when people say no to me. I get what I want doll," Sasuke grabs my chin and smirks. His coal colored eyes shined with something devious. "Your lips look like they've never been kissed before. Maybe if I kiss you, you'll speak to me then."


He leaned forward and I leaned back.

I'm not kissing you!

Sasuke's features softened. "I apologize," he sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "Lately, the guys at my school have been teasing me because I haven't had my first kiss yet."

So, the whole wanting me to speak thing was all a ruse? You just wanted to kiss me?

His cheeks turned pink as he looks away from me. "Shut up!"

I giggled at his embarrassment.

Don't feel so bad. Having your first kiss should be special, not like this. I gestured to the scenery we were in.

"But this is special. We're at the park, the sun is setting, the air is getting colder so you would've moved closer to me for warmth. I'd give you my jacket, you'd say 'Thank You'. We stare into each other's eyes and then BAM! We would kiss. But I guess not," an irritated sigh escapes his lips.

I thought about what he said for a moment. It did sound like the perfect kissing scene.

Maybe another time, when we know each other better.

He nods and smiles.

"Fine, I'll wait for you. These virgin lips are all yours."

And my virgin lips are for you as well.

Holy donkey balls! Did I just promise my first kiss to the guy I hate the most?!

"You want to hang out Saturday?" he asked, a sparkle of hope in his eyes. "Just as friends. It's not another surprise date again."

That would be nice.

"Great. If you give me your address, I can pick you up and drive you where ever you want to go."

I smiled and gave him my address. After that he accompanied me home, walking down the dark streets with me until we reached my home. Right as we arrived, the door flung open, and my little sister was standing right there. She gave me the death glare, but after seeing it so many times, I was unfazed.

"Do you know what time it is Missy?! While you were out having fun with..." Marlie trailed off once her eyes were set on Sasuke. "Who's the hottie, sis?"

I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Sasuke Uchiha."

"An Uchiha? You were hanging out with an Uchiha?!" my sister began to fan girl like crazy. "DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW HOT THE UCHIHAS ARE?!"

I shrugged. I only met one of them today. Marlie basically tackled Sasuke into a hug. "I love you so much!!" she squealed.

"So does every other girl. Now get off of me!" Sasuke's eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he pushed my sister off. "I have to go [Name]. It was very nice meeting you."

Goodbye Sasuke. See you Saturday.

Sasuke waves bye before stuffing his hands into his pockets. I wait until I couldn't see him anymore before walking inside of my house with my sister.

"You totally ruined me and Sasuke's first encounter. He was supposed to fall in love with me but you were there to ruin the whole thing!" Marlie blames me before storming up to her room.

"Even if he did miraculously fall in love with you, I still get to claim his first kiss."

A/N: I feel great about this one. I started it last night and finished it this morning. This story is going to get really complicated, I can just tell. Hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comment vote and love most things!

Love y'all bye!

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