15 -Butterflies-

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[Name's] POV

When I awoke from my all nighter, a large headache emerged out of nowhere. I hold my head and stand, nearly falling over from lightheadedness. My phone alarm went off this morning, but I slept through it. Thanks to Sasuke, I didn't get a good night's rest. But it wasn't like I was going to school today anyways.

I wonder how Sasuke's doing...

Surprised at my own thoughts, I smack my head thinking I've gone crazy. When did I suddenly start caring about Sasuke? AND WHEN DID I START CALLING HIM BY HIS REAL NAME?!

"I wub you"

My stomach did back flips, somersaults and cartwheels. I felt queasy and I clenched at my stomach.

"Must be hungry," I mumble to myself, as I make my way to the kitchen.

No one was home. My sister was at school, dad was at work, mom was hanging out with friends; I was alone. Although, I didn't mind it at all. It was nice to have some peace and quiet for once.

I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat down in front of the TV. As I watched my favorite shows, I shoveled sugary cereal into my mouth.

"I wub you"

I started to choke, not extremely but enough to make me cough. After my coughing fit, I went back to eating the food in front of me. My stomach clenched, getting that jittery feeling again. Sort of like butterflies.

Why would I have butterflies in my tummy?

Reality smacked me in the face. My spoon dropped to the floor.

"Oh. Oh god."

How could this have happened?!

"Oh dear! Oh no!"

This can't be real!!

"I can't be. I shouldn't be!"

I done goofed!

"But...But I HATE him!"

"I love you."

I smacked myself, physically and mentally. The butterflies I had felt would not cease fluttering.

"There are other guys out there who like you"

"He was just trying to be nice, right? RIGHT?!"

A knock came at my front door. I was in no hurry to answer it since I was going through a love crisis.

"If you don't let me in, I'm gonna let myself in!"

Just what I needed...ugh...

I opened the door, and Alexa was standing there with her hands on her hips.

"Why weren't you at school today?" she asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

"I couldn't sleep," I answer as she let's herself in. "Why aren't you at school right now?"

"Ditched so I could come see you, duh!" my best friend states plainly. "So, how ya been?"

"Terrible and now I'm even worse since I just found out something...disgusting."

"What is it?" she asks as we sit down on my couch.

"I wub you"

Shuddering, I say, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Aw come on. Tell me," she nudges me in the side, which I find very annoying.

The butterflies in my belly don't stop, in fact, they fluttered faster to the point I felt like I was going to vomit. I felt so uncomfortable, especially knowing that Alexa will laugh at me if I tell her what was really happening.

Sighing, I look down at my sweaty palms and say, "I'm over Travis. He's an asshole."

"HA! Told you!" she says, keeping a smug look on her face. "I've been trying to make you move on from that guy forever! Even tried making you think that Ukulele man has a crush on you but no! You didn't want to listen to your best friend."

"I just hate it when a girl is heartbroken over some asshole."

A break out into a small smile, rubbing my thumbs together absentmindedly.

He really does care.

Heat rose to my cheeks and my heart fluttered in my chest.

"Are you blushing?"


"You always twiddle your thumbs when you feel flustered," Alexa points out.

"Wha- No..I was just...thinking."

"And you become tongue tied as well as coming up with poor excuses."

"I need to check my phone," I say quickly, rushing up to my room. Once there, I slammed my door shut, finally taking a breath. I felt like I was suffocating.

My phone laid on my bed where it usually is. I picked it up and looked at it, seeing I had a text message from Alexa. For some reason, I wanted Sasuke to call me, but I figured he was sleep right now. I wanted him to talk cutely into my ear and call me babe, sweetheart and doll. I just wanted to hear his voice.


I've completely lost it. This is how it happens! This is how I end up becoming heartbroken again!

First I think he's attractive, next I find myself wanting to hear his voice more, now I want him to whisper sweet nothings into my ear! What next?! I want him to kiss me?! Ugh! Why must he be so attractive?!

I just have to stay stubborn, if I start thinking that I don't like him, then maybe I'll start believing it.

I was very determined to keep Sasuke out of my mind for the rest of my life.

"I wub you"

My heart fluttered again and my stomach flopped.


A/N: Cthulhu once again said that I must make another one in order to keep the people happy. This is just another chapter to apologize for my long absence away from wattpad. This is where the love begins to blossom. There still will be times where hatred for Sasuke will arise because well, Sasuke is a jerk.

I already have the next part in mind so if I feel giddy enough to type it up, it may be done by tomorrow or tonight.
Thanks for reading, hoped you enjoyed it.

This one is for LilaQuinn because she wanted more and I didn't want her to cry.

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