6 -Troublesome-

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[Name's] POV

"You gave me the wrong number!" I yelled at Travis on this Monday morning.

"S-Sorry," he stutters. "I forgot I bought a new phone, so I got a new number."

He scratches the back of his head nervously. I couldn't tell if he was lying or not. There was only one way to find out.

"Show me your new phone," I cross my arms over my chest, tapping my foot.


"You heard me. Show me your new phone."

"Well I can't right now cause my parents took it away. I'm sorta grounded," he mumbled. Eye contact was not made at all, he was avoiding my gaze.

Sighing, I dismissed the whole thing, thinking it was pointless.

"Whatever," I grumble. "You definitely owe me Travis. I did the whole project by myself and, thanks to your carelessness, I was insulted by a dude named sausage!"

He smiled once he saw I was joking. I couldn't stay mad at my crush for too long; that would be a crime against humanity! Travis is too cute, too perfect. We stared into each others eyes. I got lost into his forest green eyes, and it seemed like the perfect time to lean and kiss his lips.

But then, my phone buzzed like crazy in my pocket. I squeaked and pulled out my phone. I barely looked at the caller ID when Travis says, "I'll see you in class [Name]. Bye."

The red haired hottie waved at me before continuing down the hall. Growling, I answer the phone, not knowing who it is.

"What?" I snap.

"Still a little grouch bella? I understand. Mondays aren't my favorite either."

I knew that voice. That mocking tone, and the weirdly cutesy nicknames. It's sausage man.

"What do you want?" I sigh, leaning against the blue lockers lining the wall.

"My knuckle head friend isn't here and I needed someone to talk to," he says. "I get lonely and bored."

"So what? I could honestly careless."

"I need amusement babe."

The bell rang, starting the school day.

"Well can't do it now, school started. Bye sausage man."

"Wait, sausage man? Who the hell--"

I ended the phone call there and rushed to class. I knew I was at least a minute late and my English teacher will have a bitch fit.

I busted through the door of my first period class, which was all the way on the third floor, so I'm a little out of breath.

"And why are you late [Last Name]?" Mrs. Gregor asked, glaring at me through her glasses.

"My mother called," I lied, hoping she would believe my poor excuse.

The old lady looked at me suspiciously but dismissed me to my seat. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I sat behind Travis.

He winked at me and I nearly melted.

There is no one in the world that's as dreamy as him!

Sasuke's POV

Did she really forget my name?

I was seriously dwelling on this in Science, ignoring everything Mr. Orochimaru and his assistant Kabuto was saying. I already learned the material, why should I listen?

She couldn't have. She's joking.

The rest of the class was spent staring out the window thinking about her. That girl wouldn't leave my mind.

She's bothersome indeed.

Once the bell rang, I shot out of my seat and left.

Maybe I can call her at lunch... Make another attempt to get her name.

"Hey Sasuke! Why are you such in a hurry?" Pink hair and jade colored eyes came into my vision.

"No reason. Just want this day go by a little faster," I reply dully. "Now if you'll excuse me Sakura, I need to get to my next class."

"Oh sorry Sasuke," Sakura blushes, moving out of my way.

Obnoxious fan girl...

[Name's] POV

Lunch is my favorite time of day. I finally get a break from the mental abuse called school work.

I sit outside with Alexa, my bestie. I stuff my face with the lunch I brought to school, while Alexa eats the horrid school lunch.

"It's not that bad," she defends.

"It nearly killed me once," I state every time we would have this debate.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and without looking, I knew who it was.

"What do you want sausage man?" I answer the phone, irritated once again.

"Do you really think that's my real name? Or are you just being empty headed?" sausage man sighs.

"If that is your real name, I feel bad for you."

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. And if that's too hard for you to remember bella, you can call me Mr. Perfect."

There was a long pause until I said, "You're high, aren't you?"

"Not at all babe. Completely sober."

"Whatever. And can you stop with the dumb nicknames?"

"Not until you tell me your name, sweetheart."

I scoff, "Well you better come up with some different nicknames cause I'm never telling you my real name sausage man!"

"I told you it's Sasuke. Say it with me now, Sa-su-ke."

"Yeah yeah! Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke!" I roll my eyes.

"Already screaming my name babe. I haven't even touched you yet."

There was a long silence.

"I hate you."

A/N: I could've done better in my opinion... but whatever! I'm still the ruler of trolls and the general potato. I was on vacation so I couldn't get this out earlier even though I wanted to. Thank you for reading! I appreciate your love!

Love you to pieces!


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