25 -Gangs-

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[Name's] POV

When Sasuke said he needed some time to think, I didn't know it would take him so long to think everything over. It's been two weeks since I last seen him. I was hoping it would take no longer than two days for him to come back to me.

You can't just take my first kiss and disappear from my life, you bastard!

I was honestly hurt. I know he has a life that's separate from me, but, I feel like we've been inseparable since we met. He always wanted to meet me somewhere and hang out. Life seemed slow without him.

It's weird. All I ever wanted was to be away from him in the beginning, but now, I want to be next to him. I want to get closer to him. I want to know Sasuke! I don't even know his favorite color.

I sigh, hugging my pillow. Alexa was long gone. She had to go to her basketball game. I wanted to support her by going, but I'm way too bummed out.

"Back to my bleak, dull life," I mumble to myself. "I can't believe I'm actually missing him."

I still remember the way he held me so close to his body, the warmth of his love washing over me. The kiss that was so sorrowful, but also full of want and need. His lips, I want another taste.

"Stop thinking about him," I tell myself. "The more you think about him, the more you will miss him."

Sitting up in my own bed, I dress myself casually before leaving my house. I needed Sasuke out of my head, so I thought that a walk might help. First step out the door, and I'm already feeling better. The fresh air, the greenery, the animals, it all cleared my head.

I continued my walk down the street, looking at people walk by. The sky was cloudy, reflecting my mood perfectly. I wasn't sad, but I wasn't happy either. Lonely, I guess that's how I'm feeling. With Sasuke gone, my life felt boring.

Sighing, I clear my mind again. I didn't want to think, it would only lead me to think about Sasuke.

"Sasuke," I sigh, bumping shoulders with random strangers.

No don't think about him, it'll only cause you more pain.

The only question I had was, why he was being so distant? Why is he avoiding me?

I slow my walk to a stop, standing at the park Sasuke and I declared to give each other our first kiss.

Well, he got what he wanted. Maybe that's why he's avoiding me. Maybe he realized that he doesn't love me at all. His only goal was to take my first kiss. And he succeeded.

"Why would he want to be with me anyways?" I grumble sadly, and plop myself down on a nearby bench. "He thinks I've just been toying with his emotions the whole time. It's not like I wanted to mess with his emotions."

Okay! Stop thinking about him, you went on this walk to erase him from your mind. I doubt he's even thinking about you right now!

That just sinks me deeper into my depressive mood. My heart felt heavy, and Sasuke weighed painfully on my mind. I can't believe I can't go one second without thinking of him.

Cursing to myself, I stand from the bench and continue my little walk. After twenty minutes or so, I find myself at the mall. I don't know why my feet led me here, but I might as well take a look around. I walk in, the smell of expensive perfume and sweet candy fills my nose.

My mind clears and I smile for the first time today. I don't bother with any of the clothing stores, I head straight to the food court. The smell of cinnamon buns and teriyaki fills the air. Before picking a food to eat, I scan the area hoping to find someone I know.

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