22 -Clumsy-

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Sasuke's POV

I invited [Name] over for dinner the next day so she could meet my parents. Well, mostly my mom; my dad doesn't care who I decide to date. I've already told my parents about how [Name] uses sign language to communicate. My dad doesn't know sign language so, my mother is going to have to translate for him.

My mother was the one who taught Itachi and I sign language, saying it would come in handy one day. I'm so glad she did because I would have never understood [Name], and I might've never fallen in love with her either.

"Hey Sasuke!" my cousin Shisui sang from the other side of my bedroom door. "You're girlfriend's here!"

I stand up a little too quickly and get light headed but run towards the stairs anyways. My foot gets caught on something at the top of the stairs and I fall. All. The. Way. DOWN!

While I'm cradling my poor left arm, I hiss in pain. The laughter at the top of the stairs echoed into the foyer; that's when I knew it was all just one of Shisui's stupid pranks that ended up in me being in pain.

I stand, yelling, "Fuck you, you piece of dog shit!"

"Ooo!~ Someone's a little angry," Shisui teases. He slowly makes his way towards me. "At least you didn't hurt your noggin."

That's when I realize the shooting pain on the right side of my head. The aching increased every second, making me dizzy. I shut my eyes, hoping the pain would stop soon.

"Did it work?" I hear Itachi's voice call out. "Did he fall?"

"Yeah dude! He totally tripped over the string we placed down!"

Their voices started to fade in and out.

"Guys, I'm...not feeling too well," I mumble. The world around me was spinning and I had a pounding headache. My balance was terrible and I found myself on the cold floor within seconds.

"Oh shit! Sasuke! Sasuke?!"

I open my eyes, and in front of my face is a blurry Itachi.

"You okay?" Itachi asks, brushing some of my hair away from my face. "I think you got a concussion."

"H-How'd I get a concussion?"

"You fell down the stairs."

"I...I did?"

My head hurt way too much, I don't remember falling down at all. Itachi sighs, picking me up in his arms. I close my eyes again, hearing Itachi's faint voice in the background.

"My poor baby brother. I'm sorry."


An intense coldness is pressed against my head. I open my eyes and realize I'm back in my room. A gentle hand cups my cheek, turning my head to the right. A beautiful smile that makes my heart go wild.

"[Name]. You're here," I say, happiness swallowing me whole. I can't help but smile at the girl I've fallen in love with. Slowly, I sit up in bed and an icepack falls into my lap.

[Name] moves to sit in front of me, a smile still plastered on that beautiful face of hers. I just wanted to jump on her and kiss her all over; do so many unspeakable things to her.

I swatted my dirty thoughts to the back of my mind while [Name] signed to me.

*I've already met your parents, and we already had dinner.

"Oh? Really? Does that mean you have to leave?"

She nods. *Yeah...my mom wanted me home right after I had dinner. But I came up here to see how you were doing since you didn't come down at all.

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