29 -Time Alone-

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Sasuke's POV

I woke up this morning in a foul mood. I was pissed off. I know, it's been three days since [Name] slapped me, but I can't get over it! How fucking dare she slap me?! HOW DARE SHE?!

I sat in my room angry. I just wanted to grab [Name] by the shoulders and shake her. I needed to meditate, like mom does when she becomes stressed out. After taking a long, relaxing, hot bath, I sit on my bed, closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring. My eyes snap open and I glare at the called ID.


Of course. He's the only one that can make my day even worse than before.

"What do you want." It was more of a demand than a question. Like I said before, I'm in a pissy mood.

"Hey! I need you to go on a double date with me," Naruto nearly screams into the phone.


"I don't want it to be awkward between Alexa and I," he explains. "So bring your girlfriend along. What was her name again?"

"Her name is [Name] and she isn't my girlfriend!"

I didn't want to see her. Not today, actually, I didn't want to see her all week. Maybe I'm being a little petty and a spoiled baby but, not one single girl has ever called me a pervert and then proceeded to slap me! I hate how she'll be shy and innocent one moment but then become a fire breathing dragon the next!

Why are women so complicated?!

"Yeah yeah whatever! So are you coming with your girlfriend or not?"

"She's not my girlfriend and I'm not going."

"WHAT?!" the dimwit screeches on the other side. I could feel a growing headache forming in the back of my mind. "Why not?!"

"I'm not speaking to [Name] right now. We're on bad terms." I explain.

"You're going!"

"No I'm not." The headache got worse with each minute I talked to this loser.

"Yes you are!"







We decided to have a movie night at Naruto's house. I clearly lost the argument with the idiot, and had to bring [Name] along. We all sat down on Naruto's orange L shaped couch. Alexa sat next to Naruto, Naruto sat next to me, and [Name] sat to my right.

I was being a sourpuss the whole time as we watched a series of movies. As the rest awed at cutesy scenes, I scoffed. As they cried, I threw up in my mouth. As they cheered for the protagonist, I booed.

Naruto instructed me to get more snacks for the rest of us, I gladly accepted the errand. I'd do anything to get out of there with those idiots. As I went to the kitchen, [Name] followed after me.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked, putting one hand onto her hip.

"Nothing," I quickly replied, pouring chips into a large bowl.

"There's something wrong," she persisted to pester me. "You haven't talked to me all day, hell, you haven't talked to me in three days. You've continued to act like a spoiled brat, ignoring me when I talk to you, scooting away from me when I sit next to you and don't act like I couldn't hear you muttering about how much of an idiot I am."

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