23 -So Sick-

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Sasuke's POV

Surprise surprise, I actually got sick from last night. It's just a minor cold; nothing hot soup can't fix. But, [Name] did say she'd take care of me, maybe I should take this opportunity to be brought back to health by my love.

"Hopefully she won't get mad that I show up unannounced," I mumble to myself as I slip on shoes and grab my house keys.

Once I left, I make the long trip to [Name's] home. I knock on the door, waiting patiently as the wind blows, giving me goosebumps and chills. I hear the door being unlocked and the door creaks open but [Name] isn't standing there, it's her little sister. What was her name again? Charlie, Carly? I don't know, nor do I care.

"Hey is your sister here?" I ask as she invites me in.

"Nope. She's with Alexa today," she says, twirling some of her hair. "But you can stay here with me until she comes back."

I'd rather die.

"Fine," I grumble. At that moment, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room. Boy band posters hung up on the walls and girly teen magazines littered the floor. Did I also mention that almost everything was fucking pink?

"Shouldn't you always clean your room before inviting a person in? Or apologize for the mess?" I ask, stepping over a heap of makeup kits.

"It's not that messy hubby," she says.

"I'm not your hubby!"


"We're never getting married!"

"Yes we are. You love me and I love you!"

I sigh, irritated. There's no getting through to a lovestruck preteen.

Annoying just like the rest of them!

I lean on the wall, not wanting to touch anything of hers. "When's your sister coming back?"

"I don't know. But who cares? The longer she's with Alexa, the more time we get to spend alone with each other," she says in a suggestive tone.

I shiver with disgust. I don't want to be alone with some 12 year old. "You're like twelve years old, I'm not doing anything with you."

"Hey! I'll be fourteen in a few weeks. Maybe when it's my birthday, you'll give me a little gift? Like fourteen kisses? Or fourteen minutes in--"

"I'm in love with your sister!" I bark out, irritated with her flirting. I just wanted to get it through that thick skull of hers that I'm not fucking interested in her.

Silence swallowed the room as [Name's] sister stood there. Her brows furrowed as she grabs the nearest thing -which happens to be one of her many magazines- and throws it at me.

"Hey! What the--"

"What does she have that I don't?!" she screams at me.

"I don't know! Curves! You're flatter than a ten year old boy!"

The shock on her face was priceless. I didn't mean to say all of that, it just came out voluntarily.

"So you only like my sister because she's curvier than me?" she asked, stomping her foot in anger. She obviously hates how I think [Name] is better than her.

"No, it's not just that. She's also around my age, mature, funny, and cute," I begin to smile as I talk about [Name]. "And she's, wait! Why am I confessing all of this to you?!"

I glare at the little girl in front of me, but she has a smirk plastered on her face. Her eyes held that devilish glint; the look Itachi has right before he decides to ruin my life.

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