24 -Exposed-

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[Name's] POV

"Mom, dad, can he please stay? He's really sick and I don't want to send him home when he's still weak," I say, standing before my parents trying to convince them to let Sasuke stay just for one night. They both sat in chairs, as I stood in front of the television so that they can have their full attention on me.

My parents has this "No Boys Allowed" rule, where boys can't be in our rooms behind closed doors; well more like boys can't be in our rooms period. I understand their concern - raising two girls, fearing that some boy is trying to grope and touch their goodies - but they know I'm responsible. They know I won't allow a boy to touch me inappropriately.

"I don't know," my mom says, looking over to me my dad. "What do you think dear?"

"What does his parents think about this?" My dad asks, looking at me.

"They think it's cute," I mumble. "Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha already think Sasuke and I are dating, so they think it's cute that I'm taking care of my-- I mean, Sasuke."

"Well are you?" My dad asked, glaring slightly.


"Are you two dating?" he asked, more clearly.

"N-No we a-aren't we-we're just fr-friends," I stutter, quite flustered that my dad would ask that question. I fiddle my thumbs as I feel my cheeks warm to a fiery hot.

"Aww look at her, she's embarrassed!" My mother squealed. "You like him, don't you?"

"Mom," I whine as she grabs my hand.

"I totally say yes! He can stay," she agrees to my first question. "He's such a cutie, I see why you chose him."

Still embarrassed, I look over to my dad waiting for his answer. I was really wanting to hear his answer because he usually would say no to this type of thing.

Sighing, my dad looks me in the eyes. I can already tell he didn't want to say yes to this, but he also didn't want to kick out a sick boy.

"If I see him touching you inappropriately, he's getting kicked out," he threatened, promise lacing his words. I know my dad wouldn't hesitate to throw Sasuke out. I should probably warn Sasuke about this.

"Thank you daddy!" I kissed his cheek. "Thank you mom!"

My mother hugged me before I ran upstairs to my room. When I got to my door, I hear Sasuke and Alexa talking to each other.

"So what does her voice sound like?" Sasuke asks.

"Uh I dunno. Why do you care?" Alexa responds a little too harshly.

"Cause I feel like she doesn't trust me. You get to hear her voice all the time. So, what does it sound like?"

"I don't know. She sounds like a girl."

"Wow very descriptive," sarcasm laced every word Sasuke said. That's when I opened the door. I would hate if Sasuke and Alexa got into an argument.

Sasuke looks at me and asks, "Are they allowing me to stay?"

I nod, walking into my room and sitting down on the floor next to Alexa. We were supposed to have a girl's day and a sleepover, but Sasuke came over unannounced, so this kind of put a dent into our plans. Now I won't be able to use my voice until Sasuke falls asleep.

"So what're we going to do now?" Sasuke asked, looking at both of us.

Alexa scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You're going to rest, Mr. Vomit-on-my-brand-new-shoes. [Name] and I are gonna do some girl stuff."

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