4 -The Call-

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[Name's] POV

It's Friday night and I've been staring at my phone for the past ten minutes. I was thinking about calling Travis so we can work together on this project but, I'm too much of a chicken to pick up the phone and dial his number. Cue the mocking chicken noises. Maybe I should text him instead? I don't know! Why is this so nerve wracking?!

Just call him! It's not like you two are dating or anything.

I scratch my cheek and stared down at my phone. Just as I was about to pick my phone up, mom called me down for dinner. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I rushed down to the dinner table. We were having homemade pizza today, but my dad wasn't here to enjoy it since he was working overtime today. He has been working really hard to get this promotion at this company which I forgot the name of. I think it had an U in it.

"Eat up!" my mom cheered placing plates in front of my sibling and I. "It's your favorite."

"Thanks mom," I say before taking a bite. Marlie had already began to stuff her face with the giant slice. She disgusted me beyond all reason.

"You're gross," I grunt.

"[Name]!" my mother scolded me.

"Woe as me mother! I have such a mean sister!" Marlie drones on dramatically about me being a horrible sister. "What a cruel world to have put me in such a hostile environment where my sister hates me!"

"Oh shut up!" I roll my eyes and scoff before taking a bite out of my food. While my mother's back was turned, Marlie had flipped me the bird and I did it right back.


Saturday midmorning. I still haven't called Travis to see when he or if he has done his half of the project. It completely haunted my dreams last night; and ever since I opened my eyes, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Taking in a deep breath, I look down at my phone.

What's the worst that can happen? It's not like he gave me the wrong number.

I picked up my phone, taking another breath. I unlock my phone, going through my contacts until I stopped at his name.

You're just calling about the project. It's not like you're asking him out on a date. This is strictly business.

I pressed the call button and put it to my ear. The phone rang five times before going to voicemail.

All that build up for nothing.

I groan, "He must be busy or worst, he's ignoring me."

Try it again. He probably didn't hear his phone ring the first time.

I called him again. This time the phone rang four times before going to voicemail. So, I called him again and again and again. But only received the same results.

Why isn't he answering?!

Frustrated, I threw my phone on my bed before storming out of my room.

"I guess I have to do the whole project myself!" I huffed, pushing pass my sister, who was eavesdropping on my parents while they were in their bedroom.

"What got your panties all bunched up in a knot?" she snorted, returning to her previous task.

"Oh shut it you ogre," I hiss.

The kitchen was like my sanctuary. Every comfort food you could imagine resided in the many cupboards, every fizzy drink that could melt my anger away occupied the wintry fridge. I grabbed a six pack of soda, random junk food and made my way back to my room.

I threw the heap of food onto my bed before plopping down also. Of course I checked my phone to see if he called back, but he didn't. Only a couple of texts from Alexa, complaining about how dreadfully long basketball practice is and how terrible Kylie is as a partner.

How badly I wanted to tell her Travis is a bad partner too, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe cause I'm in love with him.

Remembering I had a project to do, I begin to finish it. By myself. Like always. I'm always the one doing the most work in group projects since I really don't want to fail, but then my so called partners just expect me to do all the hard work while they sit back and goof around. It's so infuriating.

I couldn't help but feel resentment towards Travis. How dare he!

Thank god I got the smart one.

His words echo in my head and my cheeks began to warm up from embarrassment. Tears pricking at the corner of my eyes, ready to fall whenever I call the signal.

"No wonder he said that," I mumble to myself while stuffing my face with chips. "He thinks I'm smart enough to do the project but too dumb to see that he's using me."

My ringtone blared, scaring me shitless. I look down at the caller ID, seeing Travis' name. All of my anger, resentment and sadness washing away at that moment. All I could feel at this moment was happiness.

I answer in a heartbeat, trying to keep my cool. "Hello?"

"This better be important. You called me twelve times in the pass thirty minutes. What the hell do you want?"

I blinked a couple times, letting the words sink in.

Is it me or does Travis sound like a douche bag? And did his voice get deeper?

But it was too late for rational thinking, because all common sense and phone etiquette went out the fucking window. In other words, I snapped.

"Who the FUCK do you think you are?! Matter o' fact, I don't give a fuck who you are!" I yelled.

"Um miss--"

"I'm so damn sorry for wasting your oh so precious time!"

"Excuse me miss--"

"Next time if you're so damn busy, just fucking say so! Don't be all snappy at me Travis! I just wanted to get this awful project done, which I did all by my fucking self you dick!"

"Hold the hell up! Who's Travis?"

Realization just kicked in. This isn't Travis. This is some random civilian I just went ape shit on. Travis gave me the wrong number.


"Excuse me?"

"Sorry wrong number."

A/N: i thought this chapter would be short but i used my awesome bullshitting skills to make this longer. WHOO! aren't i great? i think someone wanted me to update this (or was it another story?) ah whatever. I had major writer's block for this chapter, so some parts are as dry as desert. Thanks for reading!

Love ya'll BYE!

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