14 -Late Night Talks-

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[Name's] POV

"Sakura Haruno. That's her name."

"Oh, okay." I yawn.

"She's annoying but she's the only girl that sincerely loves me to death."

"Hm. She sounds clingy."

"You don't know the half of it."

I giggle and take my phone away from my ear to look at the time.

"Sausage man, it's like almost 4 in the morning. Shouldn't you get some rest?"

"I've decided I'm not going to school tomorrow. I won't be able to wake up in time," he mumbles into the phone.

"I guess I won't be going to school either. Not after what happened over 13 hours ago."

"Move on from this guy. He probably wasn't right for you anyways."

I didn't respond because, I've always thought he was right for me.

"What's this guy's name?" Sasuke asks after a loud yawn.

"Travis Boyer," I answer in a hushed voice.

"Ah, the guy you mistaken me for when we first talked," he scoffs. "You should've known from the beginning he was an asshole. Such a foolish girl."

"Shut up."

"He didn't even give you his real number. Obviously, you weren't that important to him. That should've been a red flag."

"I said shut up!" I repeated. Clearly, I was still embarrassed and butt hurt about what happened earlier.

"Damn, sorry."

Silence. That was all there was between us. I could hear shuffling on his end of the phone call, then a loud sigh.

"Look, I know you still have open wounds, but I think it's best for you to move on."


"I'm pretty sure there are other guys out there who like you," Sasuke clears his throat.

"Are you being nice to me?" I ask, somewhat amazed.

"What? No!"

"You were totally trying to make me feel better!" I point out.

"Sh-Shut up!"

I laugh at Sasuke as he tries to deny the fact that he was being compassionate for once.

"I just hate it when a girl is heartbroken over some asshole. They should move on instead of being caught up on some idiotic, pompous, good for nothing douche!"

"But aren't you an idiotic, pompous, good for nothing douche?"

"No. I'm an ingenious egomaniac with a foul mouth. There's a difference," he explains.

"Well, at least you're honest with yourself."

Time flew by as we spoke about nothing. The sun's rays shined through my curtains, letting me know morning has come. To be honest, the sleepier Sasuke got, the cuter he became. He would mumble, yawn softly and confess things he wouldn't normally say if he was wide awake.

"Sasuke maybe you should sleep," I suggest.

"No, not until you," he yawned between his sentence. "Not until you go to sleep."

"Sasuke," I say, using a warning tone.

"But babe...I wanna talk to you moar."

"Sasuke, I'm going to hang up now."

"Noooo," he whined. "Sweetheart please."

"Good night Sasuke."

"Hmph. Night night. I wub you," he murmurs.

"I...I wub you too," I say hesitantly. Afterwards, I hang up instantly.

He was like a damn child.

I roll my tired eyes and turn on my side, preparing for the long slumber I desperately needed. Sasuke was really getting on my nerves with all that cutesy baby talk. He's so annoyingly cute.

However, I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter in my chest as I remembered the way he said "I wub you".

A/N: Cthulhu said I had to start and finish this today, so I did! Hope you enjoyed it. I know it was short but I didn't know how to make it longer, hope it's okay. (>_<)

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