By The Sea

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You felt the splash of the waves tickle your bare feet. Although you knew it angered your parents fiercely whenever you acted unlady like, this was the one thing you could never stop doing. The dark twilight sky seemed calm and sirene. You start humming to yourself softly.

"Waiting for someone?" A man's voice suddenly asks causing you to whip around in surprise.

Your voice was caught in your throat as you realize this wasn't just a man, this was a pirate. Suddenly aware that your only in your nightgown you wrap your arms around yourself and try to remain calm.

"Not exactly" you say slowly eyeing him suspiciously.

He flashes you a smile with gold teeth.

"Who are you?" You ask getting ready to sprint if needed.

"Captain Jack Sparrow" he says bowing.

"And may I inquire, your name Ms...?" He says walking toward you.

You step back and run the best response through your head. Lie or no lie? It's a pirate you remind yourself, lie.

"Mrs. Y/N L/N." You reply calmly.

Though your name was real you added the Mrs, perhaps the idea of an angry husband might deter him from getting any closer.

"Mrs?" He says calmly as he steps closer.

"Yes" you reply firmly with confidence.

"Now it seems odd to me, that someone of your..." he paused looking for the right word.

"Situation" he says finally.

He's close now, too close, but if you back off now he will definitely see through the lie.

"Mrs Y/N, would have a ring on her pretty little finger." He says his smile streaching wide.

He lifts your left hand and plays with your ringless ring-finger. You quickly pull your hand out of his gentle grip and slap him. Oh shit I just slapped a pirate. The thought was fleeting but it was there none the less as you glare at him.

"How DARE YOU" You snap faking an offended fury.

"I-" You start

"Miss L/N!" Someone calls from the manor behind you.

Well fuck, I guess this is just going to get worse.

"Miss L/N!" the voice repeats loudly.

The voice behind you was that of James McCarth, Captain of his majesty's finest. Also, as it happens, your future husband.

"Get out of here" you hiss suddenly aware of the situation.

If your future husband was to find you out on the sea side at night in your dressing gown, the last thing you needed was a pirate to be present. God you regretted only wearing your dressing gown. Spinning around you didn't give him the chance to respond. You stride confidently to your fiancé.

"Captain McCarth you surprised me" you said attempting a calm lady like voice.

"Who was that talking to you?" He asked.

"Who?" You repeat faigning innocence.

"The..." he paused clearly choosing to avoid fighting this particular battle.

"Are you in your dressing gown?" He gasped voice a combination or horror, shock, and well, appeasement.

"I was having a nightmare and needed some fresh air" you replied quickly covering your tracks.

It wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't very convincing.

"I see" he said clearly distracted.

"I believe that it is improper for one to see their fiancé so... indecent before the wedding. So I will bade you goodnight Mr. McCarth." You let the words slip out in the honeyed voice you had been taught to use.

"Right, right, of course, I will let you take your leave then." He said gesturing for you to walk.

You strode back over the sands quickly. You couldn't stand him, that man was a mix of pure incompetence, lust, and cocky confidence. But as he was of high social standing your parents took his offer without the blink of an eye. Your ideas of the matter we're of course ignored.

Once you reached the glass doors that led to your bedroom you turned back to look at the sandy beach down below. How you wished you could lay there for ages and never be disturbed....

That of course would never be. After your marriage to McCarth you we're going to be toted to the main capital. And after that... well, that was the one thing you always closed your mind to. The last thing you wanted was to be married, much less taken by him and forced to provide an heir.

Oh God an Heir! The very thought caused your stomach to churn with bile.

You closed the door to your bedroom that night with every part of your body begging to forget it ever happened.

Oh God he saw me practically naked.

Falling asleep tonight would be particularly difficult you think grabbing your pillow and hiding your face under it from embarrassment.

Captain Jack Sparrow X fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now