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It had been three months since that night on the beach. Today, well, today was your wedding.

"Oh Young Miss you do look so beautiful!" Cried the seamstress as she sinched the lacing of your dress.

(See picture of dress above)

You sighed miserably. The dress was beautiful, there was no doubt of it. However the pitt in your stomach did not ease as you remembered who exactly you we're walking down to in this dress.

"Is she decent or not!" A proud voice shouted from behind the changing wall.

"She is ma'am!" Cried the seamstress the pride in her voice clear as she led you around so your Mother could see.

Your Mother sat stiffly in a chair. Her white-grey hair pulled back into a tight bun. A dress which pushed her bust much to high for that of an old woman was over dressed in blue lace. A furry animal or God knows what was draped over her shoulders and in her right hand she held a cane. The one she used to smack the servants with.

"And this is the best you can do?" Snapped the old woman.

The proud stature of the seamstress deflated immediately.

"I think it's beautiful" you say to the seamstress who gives you a small weak smile.

"yes, yes we all know what you think!" Your Mother snaps.

You feel as if someone has slid a blade into your spine and has expected you to walk as normal.

"The ceremony is hours away, fix that filthy thing!" She crows before walking out in fury.

The seamstress turns to bring you back behind the curtain but you shake your head gently.

"Leave it be, it's beautiful, she won't tell the difference anyway." You reply with a smile.

"Thank you miss" she said smiling before ducking out of the room.

The second your alone you melt to the floor as best you can in the hoop and corset. Pressing your hand to your stomach in the hopes to release some of the tightness of the corset you let out a sigh. You wanted nothing more then to run out and never come back. But there would be nowhere to go. Unless you count that filthy pirate island, Tortuga? You shudder with the very idea. God, no. The idea made marrying McCarth sound almost enjoyable. Shaking your head you start to laugh at how stupid you were. Then you let the dark feeling really sink in. You didn't want this, you didn't want him. His hands we're cold and foreign, his attitude even more so. You felt bile rise in your throat as you realize what tonight will entail. This time your unable to keep it down and rushing onto the balcony you hurl over the side emptying your stomach of it's contents. When it finally stopped you felt the tears prick your eyes.

Anything to stop this, you look at the waves longingly. Anything? You think letting the waves entrance you. Your snapped back to reality as a servant scurries in

"Your veil miss" she says gesturing for you to sit.

You sit on the stiff vanity chair you've always hated as the servant plaits your hair to accomadate the veil. At least by emptying your stomach the corset didn't pinch so hard.

"Pretty as a pricess you are" she says giving the veil a toss over your face.

Your only response was a muffled cry.
Thank God the veil was there to hide the tears. You felt numb and cold. You let the servants lead you out of your room to the ceremony. You see him standing at the end of the isle and another muffled cry escapes your lips.
Your Mother shoots you a glare at your very sign of emotion. You want to die. The music plays and your forced to walk forward. Every step shakes and you can't help but glance around in a panic, did no one care that you wished to be free of this?

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