Where is it

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Hearing his words you lean into him kissing him without hesitation.

"Damn you Jack Sparrow" you sigh softly

You glance to the side,

"We should move, she might wake up" you say gesturing your head to the cook.

"She won't wake up for a while, not with what was in that drink" Jack said with a twinkle in his eye

You couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculously happy expression.

"Your horrible!" You say with a little shake of your head.

"No love, I'm a pirate" he replied

"In any case we need to find the necklace, I searched the entire upper floor but I couldn't find it." You say pulling back to the plan.

"It's on him" Jack replied

You let out a slightly strangled sort of noise,

"And when were you planning on telling me this?" You gasp thinking that you probably could've taken it off him earlier.

"I only just found out a minute ago" he defended,

"The cook is very chatty after a few sips of wine." He added with a smirk.

"Right, well I'm going to have to hide you somewhere, if McCarth sees you this plan is going to hell." You say, simply.

You let your mind run through the rooms you viewed upstairs in an attempt to figure the best hiding place.

"Follow me" grasping Jack's hand you drag him with you up the steps into the first room, the wedding suite.

Pushing the door closed behind you, Jack wraps his arms around your waist, your cheeks burn from enbaressment.

"Jack.." you say hesitanly

He hummed softly in response lips skimming past your ear, his breath warm on your neck.

"I um, don't really think now would be the best time" you say awkwardly.

He stopped then let out a slightly disappointed sigh,

"Y/N?!" You heard McCarth call loudly

Your breath hitches slightly and you pull away from Jack,

"In Here!" You call motioning for Jack to hide in the wardrobe.

You open the door for McCarth hoping that your cheeks weren't still flushed from Jack.

"You look beautiful" he said eyes clearly below the throat.

"And you are more handsome than I remember" you him in a seductive voice.

You walk forward and slide your hands into his jacket pulling him into the room with you. You quickly kiss him as if desperate, the door shuts behind you and you stumble along not breaking the kiss until you fall onto the bed.

Finally breaking the kiss you unbotton his shirt throwing it to the side. Before you can get any farther he stands up pulling you up and pulling at the laces of the dress. Unlike most things in life he was skilled at unlacing and a second later both your dress and corset were on the ground.

Knowing you need the upper hand you push him down on the bed climbing into of him and continuing to remove the rest of his clothing. You hopes raised as you saw the glunt of a bronze chain. Pulling him so he sat on the bed and you straddled him. You kissed him letting your fingers slip under the chain.

Without warning he decided he wanted the upper hand and tossed you down making you lose the chain.
You want to curse but continue the attempt again pulling him into a kiss and grasping for the chain.

Then in a snap you pulled back from the kiss slipping the necklace over his neck.

"Jack!" You shout breathlessly

"What the-" McCarth began

Jack burst from the cabinet gun in hand pointed at McCarth's head.

"Get off the lady, savvy" Jack said cooly.

"Your the damned pirate from the wedding!" McCarty growled then turning his head back at you his anger bubbled.

"You filthy pirate whore" he spat

"Off the lady!" Jack shouted cocking the gun.

McCarth pulled back and you clambored off the bed to Jack's side,

"Got it?" He asked keeping the gun trained on him.

"Got it" you reply putting the bronze shell necklace around you neck.

McCarth's hand shot up to where the necklace was on his neck.

"You foul ass bitch" he growled.

"I think you'd do well to hold your tounge mate" Jack said coldly

He glared down Jack

"And what if I don't" he retorted

"I use the gun in my hand" Jack responded flatly.

"The hell you would" McCarth retorted,

Jack fired at the floor less then an inch from McCarth's foot.

"Shall we try again?" Jack asked

He didn't respond only glare,

"Into the wardrobe" Jack said gesturing with his gun,

"The hell I am" McCarth snapped

Jack cocked the gun and McCarth complied, as soon as he climbed in you closed both doors and locked them.

"Your not going to get away with this I am a high leader in his Majesty's-"

You and Jack didn't hear the rest as you raced down the steps and out into the alley. Jack slid off his jacket and put it around you - walking around in nothing more then a dressing gown would bring too much attention.

You slid your arms through and both strode into the street in an attempt to be as un attention grabbing as possible.

P.s, the pic is of the necklace :) Also this fic is probably going to end soon... :'(

Captain Jack Sparrow X fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now