The Necklace

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When your Father gave you the necklace he had told you something you never forgot, "it opens great treasures" he said.

You believed him even until the day he died. That was the day you met McCarth. From the moment you met him you couldn't stand him.

He was full of himself and boasted constantly. He was hardly what you would call humble, and on top of that it seemed like everything he said was coated in sugar.

His first words we're an apology for your loss, he then introduced himself and boasted in his placement. Then came the flirting.

Then he turned to impress your Mother, who was immediately smitten with the idea of him and you.
He was rich, had a stable placement, and his words of wishing he had a family of his own only made him more suitable in her mind.

After all with your father dead where would you live? Your family would need to marry or move in with a relative.

Within a week you were engaged. Since you held no dowry McCarth took the only treasured thing you had, the necklace.

"We've arrived" Jack's voice echoed off the walls of the Captain's Quarters.

Since realizing Jack was after the necklace you had taken to staying in the cabin and keeping to yourself.

"Okay" you reply not looking up from your hands.

Your job in returning was simple, because it was just that. Your family and your fiancé we're to be told that the pirates had dragged you away the day of your wedding.

You we're lucky to escape from the ship one night at Tortuga, you found a simple fishing boat and luckily it's crew obliged to bring you back home. So here you we're back at last and ready to go.

Your hair was dishoveled and you wore the filthy dress from that night at Tortuga. It reeked of whiskey, you must have accidentally slopped some down your front that night.

Standing up you walked out into the main deck. Everyone stood in wait for you. You nodded at the crew. You hadn't known them well so there was no need for a sappy goodbye.

Mr Gibbs however was different, he had been almost father figurely to you while sailing. So rather then a nod you gave him a tight hug.

"Goodbye Mr Gibbs" you say foundly.
Then you we're faced with Jack, he have you an easy smile but something in your heart ached. He didn't crash your wedding because he thought you wanted to be at sea nor anything else. He simply wanted a necklace that wasn't there.

"Jack" you say flatly.

"Y/n" he said stepping closer as if expecting a hug or something more.

You however didn't move closer, you walked off the ship onto port and didn't look back.

A tear slid from your cheek as you walked. But something was different something didn't add up. Why interrogate the excommidore if the necklace was expected to be yours? What did Jack mean when he said he found what he wasn't looking for? The questions slammed around in your head.

And then you we're there. Outside of your fiancé's home. What would have been yours. It was ornate white, blue, and yellow. It was four floors high and the amount of windows uncountable.

There was however only one large door, stepping forward you reached out a grasped the knocker. You slammed it down firmly twice.

The door was opened a few moments later be a grim looking Butler.

"Seigrid!" You cried recodnising the old butler,

"Ms. L/n!?" The buyer gasped in surprise Swinging the door wider.

"Wha-what happened to you where-" he began

"I'm sorry I need to see my fiance where is James?" You ask cutting him off.

"Of course, come in, come in quickly!" He cried leading you into the house.

The both of you walked down a long hall before stopping at a simple blue door. Seigrid rapped it with his knuckles loudly,

"What is it?" A voice droned from inside.

It was McCarth's voice, no doubt of it.

Seigrid swung the door open and ushered you forward. The room was a study with walls covered by bookcases and a single desk in the center. At it sat McCarth, his eyes widened and he stood abruptly at recognization.

"James" you cried running forward and throwing your arms around him instanty.

"Y/n what?" He started but you cut him off by grabbing his collar and pulling him into a kiss.

An unusual show of display based on your past but it needed to happen. You let fake tears flow down your cheeks as you pull back. You heard the door shut behind you.

James was clearly dazed by this entire ordeal but recovered quickly,

"What happened to you?" He asked not second guessing the situation.

So you told him the fake story. How the pirates took you and what they did to you. You made your voice crack at that part letting your tears flow a little easily there.

And finally how you escaped.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you, about us" you sugar coated your words.

Anything to add to his ego and he would buy it.

"I love you, James!" You cry pressing closely against him.

"Please," you beg

"Please, tell me, do you love me?" You ask looking up into his eyes.

"Y/n I-" he said slowly.

His eyes slid from your face to your cleavage.

"I love you" he said.

He was no actor, you saw through his words like glass. But you still kissed him. And even though you wanted to scream, pretended to enjoy when his hands wandered from your waist.

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