The Black Pearl

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"Holy shit" you gasp taking in the massive ship in front of you.

It was beautiful, broken and splintered in some places, but entirely beautiful. It hadn't been your plan to come here but after the rest of the crew returned it wasn't really an option to leave.

"She's beautiful" you say with a sigh.

"Aye, that she is" Jack says proudly.

The crew pulls the bottles you we're holding from you and pass them out miung themselves. One member attempted to approach Jack but the death glare he received when placing his hand on one of the bottles caused him to back off.

"Follow me!" Jack says giving you a silly grin walking up the plank.

You had no choice as the crew pushed you along as they climbed onto the ship. You we're not entirely foreign to ships. Your Father had taught you everything you knew about them. Stepping on the rest of the crew flooded out away from you opening the bottles and beginning to drink and laugh. You hesitate and take a step back but Jack suddenly appears and puts his hand on your back leading you to the captain's quarters. Leading you with his left he takes a swig of rum with his right.

Once reaching the captain's quarters he rounds the big desk and sets his feet up on the desk swigging from the bottle once more.

You stand out from the dark in your white wedding dress compared to the probably never-cleaned ship around you. You fidget a bit before sitting down across from Jack.

He starts listing names off mumbling to himself -

"Lizzie? No. Scarlet? No." The mumbling continues for a minute then is eyes shoot up,

"Y/n!" He shouts triumphantly.

You cringe.

"We have met" he says with a grin.

"You slapped me!" He added abruptly as if the memory just came back to him.

Your face flushed red,

"You looked good in that dressing gown." He added with a far away look in his eyes as he took another sip of rum.

How dare he! Your temper flared immediately. You quickly start to focas on your breathing to avoid an out burst.

"I hardly think that is relevant" you say through gritted teeth.

Sliding his boots off the desk he leans forward until you can smell the rum in his breath.

"Everything is relevant" he says suddenly serious.

His tone made you wish you hadn't given him that damn rum.

"You don't have anywhere to go" he said leaning back to his former position.

You open your mouth quickly then close it frustrated that you couldn't counter him.

"And you don't have anything to offer" he said slowly before getting serious again and looking into your eyes he said very clearly.

"But I saw the way you looked at the sea that night, and that is all you need to be on this ship." He said calmly.

"So what'd ya say savvy, care to join my crew?" He asked with a grin.

Reaching forward you grasp the bottle of rum he held and took a swig.

"Why Mr Sparrow, I thought you'd never ask." You say returning his grin.

"Call me Jack, sweetheart." He said taking back the bottle.

"Jack" you say with a hum to your voice.

"Yes, love?" He asks absently

"Why DID you crash my wedding?" You ask,

He winks in response and says;

"Thats for another conversation" before lurching out of his seat and flinging open the door to the Captain's Quarters.

He stalks out and you immediately follow, not keen on sitting alone. Stepping out you see the crew have moved to gather infront of Jack. Bottles are left, though not completely forgotten judging by a few side glaces the crew made.

"Right!" Jack says spreading his arms wide enough that he handed -well shoved is the better turm- the bottle of rum to you causing it to nearly slosh down your dress.

An older looking man steps forward and looks from me to Jack then to me once more.

"Jack" he says voice somewhere in between an angry concerned parent and one who has given up entirely.

"Weigh anchor!" Jack shouts clearly attempting to ignore him and he walks up a set of steps to your right.

Grasping the bottle of rum in your right hand you roughly grab your white skirts in your right holding them just high enough that you could keep up with his pace.

The older man followed behind you as you clamored up the steps.

"Jack I've told you a hundred times, Jack!" He seemed almost pleading as the rest of the crew leapt into action.

Jack walked up to the Hull still pretending he couldn't hear. As he flipped opem a black compass. The old man brushed past you and walked up to Jack. Lowering his voice to a kind of whisper, though still completely audible. He whispered,

"It's bad luck to have a woman on board, Jack!"

"Hey!" You snap indignantly.

The man winced at the tone of your voice but still looked pleadingly at Jack.

"Mr Gibbs" Jack began with a smile.

"I think you'll find she can help us in ways..." he pauses and glances at you.

You return it with a death glare, be careful how you finish your sentence Jack Sparrow. You think as he turns his eyes back to Gibbs.

"That the crew can't" he finishes.

You'll live another day you think as he glances back at you for confirmation.

He gives you a grin in response to your un-offended expression.

"How in the hell is-" Gibbs began

"Oh" he says a second later.

He looks at you and just-


You took a swig, if the rest of the crew reacted this way it was going to be a long - then it clicked.

Where the hell were you going.

Jack glaced down at his compasd before turning to Gibbs.

"We have our heading!" He says with a grin

Gibbs turned and retreated down the steps taking a second to get his bearings before shouting orders.

Then the ship began to move. You ran to the back of the ship putting both hand on the rail to lean forward and see your last glance of home.

Jack came up behind you and you stole a glance back at him with a flit of your eyes.

"Where are we going?" You ask without turning around.

His arms slide next to yours as he comes closer behind you - God you hoped you weren't blushing like an idiot right now. He was leaning against you completely head next to yours.

"To the horizon and back."

Captain Jack Sparrow X fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now