A New Treasure

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When you woke the pounding in your head hit you immediately. The light seemed to burn your eyes and all you could do was let out a pained moan.

You open your eyes again, squinting to help lessen the light, and sit up. Your eyes slid from the dress to the corset coldly abandoned on the floor, to the man sleeping next to you.

His boots we're gone but he was otherwise dressed. Thank God, because whatever happened last night was more then a little bit blurry.
You rub your temples slowly and focas on your breathing. There is no way to mince words, you felt like shit. Sliding from the bed to the sun warmed wooden floors you slowly got dressed.

Picking up the corset first you wrap it around yourself and attempt to lace it properly. You were so focased on your corset and headache you didn't realize that Jack had woken and was behind you.

His rough hands took the laces from you gently.

"Thanks" you murmer slightly embarrassed.

You felt his hands work the delicate lacings until the corset was completely laced.

"Don't mention it" he said in response clearly dishoveled.

It was funny to see him like this, unawake and still tired. Nausea rose in your stomach as you by glanced down at the dress one the floor. Instead you grasped the shirt, bottoms and boots Jack had given you.

"Have you talked to him yet?" you ask Jack.

Him hereby meaning the excommidore. Something in your stomach made you avoid his name.

"Maybe" he said prowling around the room in search of his hat.

You pick up his hat which had laid abandoned on his desk by your bottle of whiskey.

"Ah!" He says happily as he noticed you carried his hat.

You walk closer and place his hat on his head, riskily close to his lips.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" You ask closing your eyes a second.

You felt the warmth of his right hand as it came along your cheek as if to caress you without even touching.

Then he retracted, stepping away.

"I found what I was looking for when I wasn't looking for it." He answered as you opened your eyes slightly disappointed.

He strode around behind you picking up your empty whiskey bottle.

"So you found something better then?" You ask turning around.

"Exactly" he says pointing at you with a grin.

"But there's a bit of a... problem" Jack said hesitently.

"And that is?" You answer.

"It happens to be with your fiancé" Jack said quickly.

"What?!" You snap unable to contain your mix of surprise and frustration.

"Now, love..." Jack began hesitantly approaching you.


"I would never!" Jack replied indignantly.

You glare at him in a fury,

"I might..." he said a second later a bit quieter.

You spin around rubbing your temples and start pacing. You didn't want to go back not now not after your first taste of real freedom...

You feel two hands reach up and grasp yours pulling them down.

"Damnit Jack" you say with a tired sigh.

He gives you a tiny smile. Damn that smile. Your mind flicks back to the excommidore.

"What are you going to do about the ex commodore?" You ask,

"Everything and nothing" he answers with a grin.

"What?" You ask as he walks to the door.

You follow him out, the crew looking skittish of you.

Grabbing a bucket of water as he walked Jack strode up to the mast. Where a certain ex commodore looked rather out of it. Jack promptly soaked him making the ex commodore rise out of sleep in a panic.

Hi say face turned to sheer terror at the sight of Jack's face. When the excommidore made eye contact with you, he looked as white as a ghost.

"Release him" Jack snapped at the nearest crew member.

The ropes we're loosened and the excommidore dropped to his knees.

Jack grasped him by the collar and hissed something inaudible into his ear. With that the excommidore took off the ship in a sprint leaving the entire crew silent.

"Move it ya scabberous dogs!" Jack snapped before spinning around and facing you.

"Your just going to let him go?" You ask aghast

"Do you think that man is going to speak again, savvy?" Jack asked you.

"What the hell did you do to him?" You ask in a mixture of awe and horror.

Jacks expression turned dark,

"what he deserved." He retorted.

Spinning around his demeanor changed as if someone snapped their fingers.

"Mr Gibbs!" Jack roared making his way to the helm.

You saw him pull his compass from his jacket and talk to Gibbs in the helm. An unease settled into you stomach as the rest of the crew returned to work.

You walk up the steps and lock eyes with Jack immediately.

"You want the necklace, don't you?" You ask locking eyes with Jack.

Jack turned to face you,

"Aye" he answered flatly.

Your Father was once a man in his Majesty's fleet. He and the rest of those sailing on the Silver Lock took down many ships of bad reputation. Or rather pirate ships. After a particularly long voyage your father returned with a she'll necklace made of bronze.

It was his present to you "a peace offering" he had joked when giving it to you.

"That's why you broke up the wedding, you thought I would wear it." You reply flatly.

"Yes, and as it happens you weren't wearing it. Why was that?" He answered as he leaned on the wheel.

The ache in your heart burned.

"It was taken from me."

Captain Jack Sparrow X fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now