Author's Note

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Hi, hello, author here!   I've read a few complaints about the ending and I just wanted to say this:

Your complaining about how you or the character didn't stay with Jack and the reason I did that was Jack's attitude toward women.

As seen in the movies Jack has had multiple girls, weather they're a one night stand or like what's-her-face-from-the-fourth-movie (I haven't seen it since it came out back in 2011 or whenever it was, it wasn't as good in the originals in my opinion).  Jack has never been the "ah yes let me find a perfect girl and be with her forever" type.  He's never had that sort of attachment to any girl.  He's always changing his mind on decisions and going here-there-and-everywhere.  

When I write a fic I want all the characters to act as canon as they possibly can.  If Jack never attached himself to any girl before why would he change his mind for your sake?  Rather then find your character heart broken over Jack I wanted you to take the reins.

I wanted you to understand Jack can say "I love you" but also understand that he will never truly mean it.   I wanted you to have something with him because you care for him but I also wanted you to know he wouldn't care.  Therefore you let yourself fall in love just for the tiniest bit before leaving.   Hurting yourself by leaving was in a way easier then him hurting you.

If that makes any sense?   I know my logic doesn't always get across to my readers. You may still disagree and want to believe that you and Jack will get married under a rainbow and sprinkles and confetti will rain from the sky and Jack will be a great dad (lol with his drinking tho?) But my ending will always be as written. 

It's a pessimistic ending from a pessimistic writer, where I attempted to be as canon as possible.  My opinions are my own and you will probably have opinions that differ from mine and that's okay because that's what makes life interesting.

If you've actually reached the end of this and don't want to murder me then thanks.   I didn't expect this story to go so far, and because of y'all it has.   So thank you.

(Also this is very unedited because I'm lazy so sorry if something seems off)

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