Key to Freedom

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When you returned the ship was nearly empty save for a few crew members that looked half asleep. Jack and you took no time hurrying to the Captain's quarters.

Bursting through the doors Jack wrapped you in his arms kissing you deeply. When he pulls away you were at a loss for words.

"Why..?" You asked surprised at the sudden kiss.

"Because I haven't been able to take my eyes off you since the day I set my eyes on you that night on the beach."

Your cheeks flush, you could hear your heart beat in your ears.

But you pull away,

"The necklace, what now?" You ask looking down at it.

You had put it around your neck earlier on the way here, he wrapped his arms around you from behind,

"What now" Jack repeated mind clearly on other things.

"Jack" you sigh, frustrated that he didn't answer you properly.

"Y/n, that is our key to freedom, with it we can go anywhere or anything. But we cant revisit this moment. Savor it." He replied

He was right of course, every moment is fleeting, every second spent can never be returned.

"I've had far to little rum for that kind of talk Captain Sparrow" You reply

Smirking he stepped back and you heard the farmilliar clattering of keys he kept on his belt. One of which was the key to the supply room.

"Well I think I can fix that, Savvy" Jack replied.

You saw him trapse out of the room and let his jacket slide from your shoulders. He was of course right, every passing moment once passed is gone forever.

But this here, it felt wrong. You weren't a pirate, you we're a fool. You didn't belong on a ship in the middle of the ocean. That wasn't what your Father wanted. He would never have wanted you to be here.

The ocean was beautiful and your adventure had been filled, but you didn't belong here. This is not your story and it was time for you to move on. Every story has it's ending, and it seems now it's come to it's end.

Captain Jack Sparrow X fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now