Goodbye Jack Sparrow

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When you woke up Jack was still asleep next to you, arm around your waist. You slip out from under his arm and survey the clothes the both of you had strewn about the room the previous night.

Two bottles of rum, bone dry were left on Jack's desk. Sliding out from the bed you pull the white sheet Jack had abandoned in his sleep and wrapped it around yourself.

You attempt to quietly dress as you make your way across the creaky wooden floor.

"Usually I'm the one leaving in the morning" A voice echoes from behind you.

"Guess there's a first time for everything" you say quietly

You hear the creak of the bed as Jack gets up, he walks over to you and turns you around kissing you gently as if testing you.

You respond just as gently and let the sheet drop to the floor.

"Your beautiful" Jack sighed as he ran his fingers through your hair.

You turn away slightly,

"I can't stay here Jack" you let the words that had been grating on your mind out.

"Y/n-" Jack began,

You step back from him,

"Please don't, you'll only make it harder" you plea as he reaches forward and touches your cheek.

He steps forward closing the gap between you.

"Stay with me Y/n" Jack pleads in response,

"I can't" you choak out a tear slips down your cheek and you rub it away.


You shake your head and pull away walking to the door.

"Goodbye Jack Sparrow"

Author's note:

I think it's safe to establish I kinda suck at endings. But if it wasn't to your liking I hope you can imagine a prettier one that is. I just wanted to thank everyone that's followed this fic, I'm not the best writer but I'm glad that some of you enjoy what I write :)

Captain Jack Sparrow X fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now