What I've Found

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Though you let his hands wander as he reached for the buttons of your dress you pulled back. Then leaning in to his ear you whisper,

"Not yet"

This clearly seemed to only excite him more.

"Tonight?" He asked starting to kiss along your neck.

You freeze for a moment, memories from that night at Tortuga filling your mind. Then you remember the situation, act accordingly or everything will go to hell.

"Tonight" you reply.

God hope that necklace was nearby.
He broke away and swung open the door,

"SEIGRID!" he shouted loudly making the older Butler come running.

"See to it my wife is taken care of" McCarth said calmly


Seigrid ushered you out of the room before you could react. You walked up two pairs of steps and down so many halls you felt dizzy. Then finally seigrid opened a door and you walked in.

This must have been the wedding sweet. A large bed with silk sheets was set in the center. To the right was a dusty but farmilliar trunk. It looked half unpacked as some of your dresses already hung in a wardrobe.

On the left side was a dresser and wardrobe completely spotless minus a single sword and a carved wooden box. Seigrid shut the door behind you and you walked directly to the box.

Opening the box you immediately set eyes not on your necklace but your rings. McCarth's and yours, something tugs at your heart, why the hell should he bother to keep your rings?

You fiddle with the box hoping to find a hidden area with your necklace however there was no such luck. Turning around you lock the door behind you. You didn't want anyone to walk in while you search.

You open his drawers, and rifle through the clothing in hopes to find your necklace. With no results you turn to see a door. It was hidden from original view of the room by your wardrobe.

Opening it you discover a tub and other necessities. There was however no necklace. Meaning only one thing: you had to get ready. Dropping the whiskey scented dress to the ground you remove the rest of your undergarments and climb in the tub.

It was warm, you missed your warm baths. An hour later you we're cleaned, dressed and ready to meet your fiancé again.

Unlocking the door you take to wandering the halls. Poking your head into empty rooms every so often. Your stomach growled signaling the need to discover where the kitchen was. Wiring your way back around you found the staircase and decending the flight of stairs you began to explore further.

The kitchen was in a haway to the right of the enterence. Fortunately for you it looks like the cook had one to many "sips" of the wine she had been cooking with. She was propped to the corner snoring loudly and a shattered bottle at her feet with very little liquid.

"You look beautiful" a voice breathed from behind you.

Spinning you take in the farmilliar shape of a tall tanned pirate.

"The hell do you want Sparrow?" You snap coldly.

You could tell your words stung but to be honest being used doesn't exactly give one a warm sunny feeling.

"What I found"

"The damned necklace isn't here" you respond glaring daggers.

"That's not what I'm looking for love," he answered stepping closer.

The cook stirred slightly,

"Then why the hell am I here?" You retort

"I told you I found something I was looking for when I wasn't looking for it, but I never ment the necklace" he answered inches away from you.

"Then what did you-"

You we're cut off as without hesitation Jack leaned forward pressing his lips to yours. One of his hands slid to the back of your neck, the other wrapped around your waist pulling you into him.

A tear slid from your widened and surprised eye. You hated him, you hated him for using you and yet... you close your eyes and bring your hand up to touch his cheek closing your eye and kissing him back softly.

He broke away but still held you close,

"I found you" he whispered softly

Captain Jack Sparrow X fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now