The Plan

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When you opened your eyes you realized you we're no longer on the Hull of the ship. What happened? You think opening your eyes and sitting up. You lay alone on a bed with crumpled sheets in the captain's quarters.

On the desk a pair of pants, boots, and shirt were laid out. Light streamed in from windows. Where ever Jack was he was long gone. Oh God, I must have fallen asleep on the Hull! You bury your face in your hands for a second. Then climb out of bed, sore from having your corset on overnight.

You play with the strings of your dress for a few moments before it's loose enough for you to slide out. Pulling out your arms you let the dress pool at your ankles. Walking over you grab the shirt and bottoms. You slip the shirt over your head and the bottoms over it.

A belt was hiding under the bottoms, it was much larger then you needed so you wrapped it around your waist twice before buckling it. Hopefully it would keep the oversized pants on. You slide up the boots happy to find they weren't too large.

Then taking your wedding dress you roll it in your arms before placing it on the bed like an extra pillow.

You step out of captain's quarters to find the crew busy at work. Some men were in the rigging, others doing their various jobs. Gibbs was center of ship barking orders here and there.
That's when you took in the island before you, Tortuga. You had heard of the island before, it was essentially pirate capital, as well as home to the filthiest kinds of people.

Even from here you could hear the music. Though, in all honesty, did it surprise you? This was a pirate ship after all, not a cruise.

The ship hit port and Gibbs turned around,

"Miss L/N!" He said smiling

"Mr Gibbs" you reply returning the smile.

"Jack said yer to come with us to port"
He said nervously.

"Captain's orders" you reply, as much as this place bothered you, it was an adventure to be had.

Gibbs looked slightly disappointed before turning back to the crew.

"Y/n" you hear Jack say

You spin to face him,

"Yes?" You reply

"Come with me!" He says troting back to the room from whence you came.

You groaned internally before following him, you had just left the room.

When you walked in the door Jack was once again sitting with his feet on the desk.

"I need you do to something, love." He says blatantly.

"It requires your... particular abilities." He says slowly.

You shoot him a death glare, he better not be implying what you think he's implying.

"I'm listening" you answer walking closer to the desk.

"Good, because you'll need this" he says and tosses something red and billowy in your direction.

"A dress?" You answer in surprise.

"It's part of the job" he replies with a wave of his hands.

"And the job is?" You reply sharply

"If you want to know your going to need to... persuade me" he says with a glint in his eye.

"Mmm I see" you hum rounding the desk.

You we're curious about the job but being able to give Jack a bit of a tease seemed the perfect punishment for his assumption you would do what he wanted.

You place one foot directly in front of the other to increase the sway of your hips. You walk slowly around Jack's chair. Running your fingertips over his chest lightly.

He pulls his feet off the desk and you take the advantage to straddle him, leaning in so your body pressed into his and your lips were near his ear

"And why is it" you whisper in a sultry voice

"That you need me to persuade you"
You add a little moan to the end of you before leading little butterfly kisses across his jaw.

He smiles clearly pleased,

" 'Cause it needs to be believable love" he answered turning so his lips brushed yours.

You however didn't pull away.

"And am i believable?" You ask letting your lips brush against his as you spoke.

"perfectly" he whispers lost in the moment.

You pull back and stand up.

"Good" you reply in your normal tone.

His dejected expression when you pulled away made it worth the teasing.

"Now why exactly am I persuading someone" you ask calmly.

" 'cause he has something we need, love" he said voice sounding slightly irritated.

Probably as a result from your pulling away.

"And he's stupid enough to tell any girl who climbs on him his secrets?" You reply sarcasticly.

"No but he's stupid enough to follow her" he answers,

His plan was simple, you needed to persuade ex-commidor Zach to follow you out of the saloon. Where the rest of the crew would wait for you both. They would then take hold of the ex-commidor and get the information needed.

"And when is this all taking place?" You ask when he finished explaining his plan.

"Now" he answered grinning

"And you just expected me to agree to this?" You retort in surprise.

"Well... no" Jack said getting up from his desk.

"But you agreed, savvy?" Jack said approaching you.

"I hate you" you replied in a jokingly irritated tone.

"Note taken, I'll be waiting" he said walking passed you and out of the Captain's Quarters.

After Jack left you slid on the deep burgandy dress. He hadn't told you where it came from but the fact that it reeked of booze and the neckline which dipped much lower then any dress you had worn made you certain this had come from a "special friend".
In the dress was cupping to push up your bust which aside from the dress already being low made you entirely uncomfortable. Unfortunately you realized this wasn't a dress you could lace up yourself.

Awkwardly holding the back laces you popped your head out of the Captain's quarters. Jack was leaning on the wall next to the door.

"Could you give me a hand?" You ask him.

A smile streached across his lips before he asked,

"I thought the plan was to put the dress on, but..."

"Shut up" you snap not wanting to hear the rest of his comment as your cheeks blazed uncomfortablely warm.

He follows you back into the room and takes the laces in his hands. A few seconds, and tugs, later the dress was laced up.

"I much prefer removing these things" Jack mumbled as you spun around.

"As do most people" you answer walking over to a small dusty mirror where you precede to pull up your hair.

The more skin shown the more likely the ex-commidor would follow you out. When finished you we're about to turn around when to arms wrapped around your waist.

"Jack?" You ask nervously.

His lips skimmed the side of your neck and you couldn't help the tension in your stomach.

He pulled away and walked out of the room,

What the hell was that?

Captain Jack Sparrow X fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now