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Tortuga was exactly what you had expected. But an unease had settled in your stomach as Jack hadn't spoken to you since what happened in the Captain's quarters.

You followed him and Mr Gibbs to a rowdy saloon. Jack and Gibbs separated upon entry leaving you to find the ex-commidor. You locked eyes on him the instant you stepped in the smokey room.

The ex-commodores uniform was torn and dirty. He himself looked like a mess. You swipe an ignored pitcher of booze from a table as you pass. It was probably left by the man passed out on the floor.

You walk over to the table and lean over it making your "assets" the main stay of his eyes.

" 'nother round, love?" You asked biting your lip.

He leaned back taking you in

"I don't mind if I do..." he hummed with a smirk.

You slide the pitcher across the table and precede to round the table like you had in Jack's quarter's. Coming around behind him you let your hands roam first his shoulders, then his chest.

"What's someone like you doin' in ere?" You ask him leaning down.

He leaned his head back on your bust, you wanted to gag and shove him off but instead you smiled. You see Jack sitting down in sight of you. He fidgets clearly frustrated... were you not good enough?

You take advantage and bring your lips to the ex commodores. Breaking away you straddle him, and nip his ear receiving a groan from him.

You make butterfly kisses along his jaw but he was hastely and immediately turned to catch your lips. You attempt your best at faking a heated and passionate kiss, even giving off a small moan here and there to make it believable.

You break it off again and whisper

"Let's get out of 'ere" as seductively as possible.

Jack you noticed is no linger sitting and Gibbs had come out of where ever he had been. Gibbs looked like he was talking to Jack, but Jack was clearly distracted by the both of you.

Unfortunately as your gaze flicked up the ex commodore took the advantage to start kissing your neck making his way passed your collarbone.

"Mmm" he grunts in agrement. You slide off his lap and he stands.

You attempt your best at another hip sway leading him to the back door.
You push open the door and the cold air hits you. Wherever the crew was, it wasn't here. Where the hell are they?

Panic wells in your chest but the ex-commidore wasn't waiting much longer. He grabs you by the hips and pushes you against the opposite wall.

No, no, no, no you panic. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. You didn't want this, you didn't want him. You however didn't seem to have much say in the matter as he attempted another kiss.

His hands groped for anything under the skirts. Unfortunately there wasn't much cloth to this dress and he found his mark immediately. You let out a squeak if surprise and place your arms between you, he however was too drunk to care.

"Stop" you shout,

You attempt to shove him back but it was clear he was still muscular from training and wasn't going to be budged so easily.

Then you heard a click which distracted the excommidor enough to pull back. Right behind him stood Jack. Jack had his gun trained on the back of the excommidore's head.

"I think it best you step back now, mate" Jack said coldly.

"What the hell?" The ex-commidore asked wheeling around.

Captain Jack Sparrow X fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now