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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

Sequel to The Crazy Bad Boy Has Me Smitten

April 28th 2013



Felix found love to be an odd emotion, but he so desperately wanted to fall in love.

Love was complex, Felix knew that and he accepted that love could lead to a great happiness or shove you into an awful heartbreak that left you vowing to never love again, but Felix thought that falling in love with someone was worth the risk of heartbreak because if he could find happiness like Wind had found with Ryder—he'd get his heart broken as many times as he needed too until he found his happiness with that one special guy.

And at the young age of sixteen, he believed he had found that special guy.

His name was Ridley. Ridley King.

Just saying or hearing his name had Felix's heart fluttering wildly in his chest and caused little butterflies to explode inside his stomach and his hands got so clammy that he'd have to repetitively wipe them on his track pant covered thighs; and no one that Felix met had ever caused him such reactions. Nor had they ever visited him in his dreams at night and left him needing to clean his bedding when he woke up.

But his newly found love for Ridley King was one-sided and he was on said side because Ridley King didn't even know Felix existed.

And sadly, Ridley King would probably never know Felix existed unless by some miracle the famous singer/songwriter striked up a conversation with him. Which Felix knew wasn't likely to happen because Felix wasn't like everyone else and people were quick to pick up on the fact that he wasn't exactly in the norm.

Maybe, they knew he wasn't in the norm because of how he dressed in a different colored pair of track pants each day with a matching colored cartoon shirt, or when Felix got nervous he'd get a slight speech impediment and loose control of his clammy, twitching hands, or when he tried telling a lie, he could never keep eye contact, or when he got excited, he talked louder and faster then he normally did, or it could be because of a reason Felix was totally unaware he was doing in the first place.

But, the fact of the matter was, they knew he was different and most weren't shy in pointing out his flaws and calling him mean names he didn't understand, but he remembered them and when his curiosity got the better of him, he typed the word into the Google search engine and each and every time, the word they called him were mean.

He tried not to let their name calling hurt him, but the names did and it was a constant reminder that he was different, something he was told by his Grams was a good thing; only he believed in his case it wasn't.  Because if the people he had grown up with through kindergarten, elementary school and now high school still didn't like him—how could Ridley King?

That unanswered question left a bad and almost sour taste in his mouth and he sat the turkey crust-less sandwich he had been eating down on the table beside his metal Iron Man lunch box because he suddenly wasn't so hungry anymore.

With a soft sigh, he averted his eyes over in the direction of Ridley and his heart skipped a beat in his chest the moment his eyes landed on him, but how could they not? Ridley was beautiful, especially when he smiled—showing off those clean, pearly white teeth of his.

But, the famous singer/songwriter wasn't seated by himself like Felix was, no, Ridley was surrounded by his fans, and he was seated next to Caitlin. They practically looked like identical twins with the platinum blonde hair and the ivory skin, but their eyes were different. While Caitlin had gray eyes, Ridley had bright, beautiful cerulean eyes that Felix knew he'd get lost in if they were ever to come face to face.

Of course, that was if Felix could even keep eye contact with Ridley.

Loud laughter erupted at the table Ridley was seated at and that had Felix diverting his eyes back over and he frowned as everyone stood from the table and began making their way out of the cafeteria. Felix was quick to stand as well, but before he left the table he sat at, he packed up his half eaten sandwich into his metal lunchbox before following after the herd of students that trailed behind the cousins.

Felix made sure to keep some distance as he followed along, clutching his Iron Man lunchbox to his chest as he walked the halls, and because his eyes were souly focused on the head of short platinum blonde hair that was styled into a quiff—he walked right into someone.

He squeaked without meaning too and quickly took a huge step backwards without looking up at the person he ran into as he blurted out a quick apology. ''Sorry!''

''It's fine, Felix.'' Cliff's voice met his ears and that had Felix tilting his head up to stare into the familiar face of his Special Ed teacher. ''Are you having a good lunch?''

''Uh, well, I normally have lunch with Wind, but he's suspended for a few days.''

''Yes, but unfortunately, that was of his own doing.'' Cliff responded and Felix frowned, wanting to defend his best friend, but stayed quiet because he didn't want to get into trouble. ''Well, if you'd like, you could always join me for lunch in my classroom while Wind is absent.''

Felix clutched his lunchbox closer to his chest. ''Maybe.''

''My offer stands, Felix.'' And with that said, Cliff walked around Felix.

He took a quick glance over his shoulder and watched Cliff stroll down the hall towards the direction of his classroom before turning his attention back towards the large group of students that were following after Ridley King, and Felix jogged to catch up.


A/N: So, Felix's story has officially been posted! Yay!

And as you all know by now that the twist is sugar baby, meaning it will be a sugar baby/sugar daddy kind of relationship with a hint of BDSM...maybe? Still kind of unsure, I have to see how everything progresses to be honest, and fair warning now, this story is gonna be kinda sad. Sorry, not so sorry.

Any who, leave some thoughts! >:)

The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine (BoyxBoy) (Sugar Baby)Where stories live. Discover now