Chapter Twenty-Five

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

June 11th 2013


Chapter Twenty-Five - Felix Zimmerman

The moment I entered the house, I went straight to my bedroom.

I stripped out of my underwear, tossing them into my overflowing laundry bin before I removed Ridley's white v-neck shirt. I brought the shirt up to my nose and sniffed, his masculine scent filled my nostrils. I sighed before I neatly folded his shirt and placed it on my bed. I entered my bathroom and took a long, hot shower; hoping to wash away all the negative events of today.

The got hot water did wonders as I thoroughly cleansed myself, hair, body, and the likes before I stepped out of the shower. Steamed filled the small space, even with the dehumidifier turned on. I was soaking wet, but I felt a whole lot better as I wrapped myself up in a plush green towel and returned to my bedroom.

Though, I paused, my stomach churning as I remembered how Tom had taken my cell phone and all too gleefully put it in the toilet along with my clothes. So now, Ridley had no way of contacting me and I too had no way of contacting him.

I could use the home phone...but I didn't remember his cell phone number.

Frustrated, I got dressed in a baby blue t-shirt with a yellow smiley face on the front and circled around the face was a peace sign and a pair of black cargo shorts. I was pulling on a pair of black ankle socks when a knock sounded at my door. My first thought was Ridley, but it had barely been an hour since he left, and I knew it was at least a half hour drive to and from his apartment building.

"Felix?" Grams called and gave another knock. I stood from my bed and slowly opened the door. She stood on the other side with a frown, snow white hair rumpled from laying down and wearing a lilac colored nightgown with a pair of yellow slippers adorning her feet. "What are you doing home from school so early?"

I opened and closed my mouth but couldn't find the right words. I wanted to tell her the truth because she deserved the truth and raised me to always tell the truth and I really didn't want to lie to her, but I knew if I told her what happened today, it would upset her greatly. She would probably even cry, and I really didn't want that to happen, nor did I want to burden her with the details.

"Uhm, well, uh, with exams coming up, today was was a half day." I lied, and it caused a sour taste to spread throughout my mouth.

"Okay, well I hope you've been studying, even with the time they give you off." Grams said, and I nodded in assurance. She smiled. "Good, and did you enjoy the lunch I packed you today?"

"Yeah, it was really good, thank you." Another lie.

"No problem, dear." With that, she ambled off towards the kitchen area and I closed my bedroom door.

Deciding against sitting around and doing nothing while I waited on Ridley's arrival, I turned my television and Wii on before I returned to my bed and sat down, the mattress dipping under my weight. I switched between playing Mario Kart and Smash Brothers online, but after a couple hours I grew bored and powered off the system.

I tossed the white controller and nunchuk onto my bed before I stood up and stretched, my bones cracking pleasantly. I scratched at my head and glanced towards the alarm clock on my nightstand, it read a little after five. I frowned, Ridley still hadn't shown up and it's been hours.

I didn't want to wait anymore hours, I wanted to see him right now.

Determined to go see him now, I left my bedroom in search of Grams. I found her in her bedroom, sleeping peacefully on her bed. Instead of waking her, I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down a note, explaining that I had gone out for a bit and left it on her bedside table for her to find when she woke up.

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