Chapter One

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

May 3rd 2013


Chapter One - Ridley King

Flash Flash Flash Flash

The flashes from the paparazzi's cameras were blinding, and I was ever so grateful for the pair of stylish black Ray Bans that kept my eyes hidden from their dreaded bright with light attacks, but I continued to plaster on a bright toothy smile as I made my way through the ambushing crowd of paps who kept me relevant.

''Ridley, is it true you've been seeing Scarlett Rosemary!?''

''Rumor has it that she's pregnant with your child!? Can you confirm or deny this!?''

''Is their love in the air!?''

''What's the real reason behind your sudden break from the spotlight!?''

They shouted questions to me, but I did what my manager Leah had constantly reminded me to do in situations where I was ambushed by paparazzi and stayed quiet because I had learned the hard way that they always manipulated your responses to benefit themselves, not caring how it affected the celebrity because all we were to them was a profit.

We were no longer a person in their eyes, and that was fine because we didn't see them as people either—they were vultures to us.

Though, my life wasn't always like this—not even close.

I wasn't always Ridley King, the singer/songwriter teenage heartthrob with enough zeros in my bank account to last me a lifetime.

No, before I was discovered by Leah herself, I was nobody named Ridley Zuckerman, a wannabe singer/songwriter who lived in a small dingy apartment and did street performances instead of attending High School with a beat up old guitar and my voice, souly depending on the tips to insure my little brother got enough food in his stomach.

''Oh my god, is it always this crazy?'' Caitlin asked, raising her voice so I could hear her over the roar of voices shouting.

''This is a good day.'' I deadpanned, making sure to keep a tight, but gentle grip on my cousin's slim wrist to help guide her through this ambush that was buzzing around us in front of her house.

''Miss? Miss, what's your name!?'' A man appeared in front of me, clicking away at his camera and was clearly trying to get a better shot of Caitlin and I, but I abruptly stood in front of Caitlin.

''Excuse me.'' I told the man and when he ignored me, I held my hand up in the air to signal my body guard Bo or as I had nicknamed him Panda due to the fact he only wore white and black.

Panda was by my side in an instant before he stepped in front of me and herded the man off to the side which allowed Caitlin and I, a clear walkway towards the front of her house. I was quick to open the front door and ushered Caitlin inside before I followed in after her with Panda right on my heels and closed the door behind himself, promptly muffling all the paparazzi noise outside.

''...they'll vacay the premises soon enough.'' I heard Leah say from somewhere in the house, and I frowned because I wasn't expecting her to arrive until tomorrow and the fact that she was here meant something was happening—something I wasn't aware of.

''Leah?'' I called, wandering towards the direction of the kitchen, but barely managed to take a step before Caitlin was grabbing hold of my arm and tugged me back.

''Shoes, or you want my dad to have an aneurysm?'' She asked, referring to the fact that her dad was a total germaphobe and neat freak, and he didn't take kindly to people walking over the mat with their dirty shoes on.

The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine (BoyxBoy) (Sugar Baby)Where stories live. Discover now