Chapter Thirteen

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

May 31st 2013


Chapter Thirteen - Felix Zimmerman

Fashion was something I just didn't understand, but then, I wasn't one who put a lot of thought into what I was going to wear for the day.

Not that my wardrobe had a lot of variety to choose from anyhow. My closet consisted of track pants—tons of comfortable track pants that ranged in color, graphic shirts—both long sleeved and short sleeved, sweaters—both hooded and zip ups, and a few pairs of cargo shorts.

But, I tried my best to avoid wearing shorts because I had the knobbiest of all knobbiest knees ever, and to be honest, I was just overall self-conscious about my legs in general. I had what peopled referred to as chicken legs, and not to mention, my legs were incredibly pale—so pale that they looked like I coated my skin in whiteout. And to top it all off, my legs might as well be considered hairless.

Scratch that, my whole body (excluding my head of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows) might as well be considered hairless—okay, not hairless, because I did grow body hair, but the dark hairs were so fine and soft, and just, really embarrassing which is why I resorted to shaving it all off in hopes of it growing in never did.

I sighed quietly to myself while I rummaged through my closet, looking for my best pair of track pants which were Nike (I had gotten them half off at Sports Chek) and when I finally found the desired pair I was looking for, which were black in color with a small white check mark, I slipped them on, and then began looking for a decent top which was a lot harder than I had anticipated.

Because like I had said, most of my shirts were graphic and while there were tons of cool graphic shirts you could buy, I seemed to only have the un-coolest of graphic shirts ever. Mine all ranged from cartoon characters (mostly looney tunes or Disney) to video game characters and funny sayings.

My shirts were all a little too young for my age, I knew that, but I liked them which is why I finally settled on an Angry Birds shirt. It had all the different colorful birds in a collage while the t-shirt's sleeves and collar were black. Once the shirt was on and I had soothed out the wrinkles, I stalked over to my dresser and collected my cell phone and my plastic bag of assorted candies and shoved both things into each of my pant's front pockets.

I departed from my bedroom and walked down the short hallway that led to the front hallway, and off to my right was the large doorway that led into the small but open kitchen. Grams sat at the oak table in a light pink flowery night gown, sipping at a mug of steaming tea, like she does every morning.

And like every morning, I sat down with her at the oak table and ate my breakfast.

''You look very handsome today, dear.'' She commented, like she did every morning since I could remember.

I frowned down at my empty bowl that now only held a little puddle of cinnamon milk before I raised my eyes to stare at her. ''Like, do I look more handsome than usual?''

It wasn't part of our routine, so I expected Grams to look a little caught off guard, but soon, she smiled knowingly. ''Impossible, because you always look very handsome.''

I could feel my cheeks heat up and I murmured a disbelieving. ''Grams...''

''What? It's the truth. If I didn't raise you to fib; then why would I?''

''It's just, you're my Grams, you'd think I'd be handsome wearing a burlap sack.''

''I'd never let you wear a burlap sack,'' Grams said with a slight head shake and took a sip at her tea and swallowed down her fill with a sigh. ''Plus, you've got sensitive skin. You'd get a really bad rash wearing that nonsense. I remember when you were just a wee baby and you had reacted really bad to this laundry detergent I had used...Anyway, where is this all coming from?''

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