Chapter Eighteen

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

June 4th 2013


Chapter Eighteen - Felix Zimmerman

''I'm sweating in places I never thought I could sweat.'' Wind bluntly informed me while he settled into his desk seat next to mine with a huff.

I peered at him from the corner of my eye, taking note that he was in fact sweating much like myself and the other students attending. It was a scorching hot day in Dawn and to make matters even worse, the school still refused to turn on the air conditioning. Instead, teachers were encouraged to open all the windows, which was pretty pointless because there was no breeze today. Only hot, humid heat.

Not even the English room's tall white floor fan could beat the heat.

It just blew around even more hot air.

Today was definitely a heatwave and because of that, I had to opt out of wearing a pair of track pants and settle for a pair of light brown cargo shorts. And I'll admit, I felt a little too exposed and self-conscious in said shorts. I hated my pale legs being exposed. So, here I sat at my desk with my backpack pressed up against the front of my legs, in hopes to keep them hidden.

''Yeah, I can relate to that,'' I responded, wiping the palm of my right hand against my damp forehead and wiped away the sweat that had gathered there. ''It's really hot. Both inside and out.''

''Fucking cheap ass public school.'' Wind grumbled and sunk lower in his seat without another word.

I opened my mouth to continue our conversation, but paused and closed my mouth while I watched him pull his cell phone out and then proceed to text his boyfriend Ryder. I deflated a little at that and turned my head towards the front of the classroom and began to awkwardly fiddle around with my fingers on top of the desk, debating with myself whether I should continue on talking to Wind.

I mean, I had so much to tell him regarding Ridley. I wanted to tell Wind everything and I've been meaning too, but we've been talking and hanging out less and less.

He's been all about Ryder lately and I hated that I was jealous. Not because they were together in a relationship but because Wind gave Ryder all of his time and attention. Wind is my only friend—my best friend and I felt as though our friendship was drifting apart little by little each day. I just wanted my friendship with Wind to be the way it had been in the beginning.

I released a quiet sigh and switched my gaze to the clock on the wall. It was still two minutes till class actually started. My gaze darted back to Wind whom was grinning down at his cell phone screen.

''So uh, Wind,'' I said, deciding to break the silence between us and I was happy when he pulled his eyes away from the screen and settled his ice blue eyes onto me. ''For lunch, uh--''

''At lunch, we'll eat with Carmen and Ryder.''

''Oh, okay, but I actually--'' I stopped and frowned when he turned his gaze back down to his buzzing cell phone. He read over the text and breathed out a laugh before he began to type back a response. I continued talking anyway. ''I won't be joining you for lunch today. I'm actually going to have lunch with Ridley.''

I waited on his reaction but he continued to gaze down at his phone and text.

''....Hmm, that's cool.'' He said after a moment.

''It is,'' I hurried to agree, hoping to get him as excited as I was. ''I'm really excited but also really nervous too, you know?''

Wind furrowed his eyebrows and once again turned his attention onto me, pinning me down with those icy blue eyes of his. ''Wait, what's making you nervous?''

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