Chapter Twelve

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

May 28th 2013


Chapter Twelve - Ridley King

Every breath you take and every move you make

Every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you

The song playing through my white ear buds was eerily on point in a rather taunting way, considering I had been trailing after the boy whose been a repetitive thought on my mind and now, I was trying my best to look casual, leaned up against the corner of the hallway while he stopped off at his locker down the hall to collect the stuff he'd need to make it through the first two periods of the school day.

I watched him through the bustling blur of students who were milling about along the hallway, waiting on the bell to ring, but the thought of attending class was the furthest thing on my mind. Instead Felix clouded my mind and I couldn't help but think about how truly beautiful he was even from the distance I stood.

True beauty was hard to find in the world today, but there stood the one boy in this world whom I believed was the utter definition. From our brief encounter, I had learned he was not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well and that was hard to find in a person.

But he lied to you and not once but twice. The thought traveled to the forefront of my mind without my permission and I grimaced, because he had lied to me but the first time didn't really count as a lie. He just didn't want to tell me what or whom had caused him to breakdown into tears and I shouldn't have just expected him too.

I was a stranger to him.

I wouldn't go around telling my problems to strangers either.

And the lie about what his next class would be was a small lie I could easily look past.

With that all settled, I planned to go through with my goal today. To approach him and hopefully have a decent conversation. I steeled my nerves with a little help of the chilled red wine in my thermos. I undid the cap and brought the black metal cylinder up to my mouth and took a few hearty gulps, barely even registering the rich, sweet and yet bitter flavor.

I released a breath after swallowing the last mouthful and placed the cap back on before I put it back into my satchel. I took out my earbuds and had them hang over the collar of my black with white paint splatters shirt and down my along chest and left them to dangle.

I shook out my suddenly shaky hands and told myself to walk over towards him, but my feet stayed rooted in place. I don't believe I had been this nervous since my first concert.

''Come on, just walk over there. It's not like he'll bite.'' But what if I wanted him to bite?

Fuck, I was such a pervert and in desperate need to get my mind out of the gutter.

I rubbed the palm of my right hand along my forehead and inhaled a deep breath and now, with more determination this time around, I began the short trek towards Felix who continued to stand at his open locker, only now with his arms full of text books and binders. I came to a stop at his side and he didn't seem to take notice of my presence.

''Hey, Felix.'' I greeted in order to catch his attention. He squeaked, startled and dropped everything he had been holding in his arms. His stuff landed on the floor with a few heavy thumps and the sound of rustling paper.

''Oh shoot.'' He mumbled and reached his now free right hand up to scratch at one of his furrowed eyebrows while staring down at the mess of books on the ground. He diverted his attention onto me and his dark hazel eyes widened. He stared at me before he began to open and close his mouth before he decided to keep it closed and flushed a lovely shade of pink that started from his neck and went all the way up to the tip of his ears.

The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine (BoyxBoy) (Sugar Baby)Where stories live. Discover now