Chapter Twenty-Three

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

June 11th 2013


Chapter Twenty-Three - Ridley King

I was spiraling.

I was smart enough to know that but it was because I was incredibly stressed and hell, sad as shit. This last week has probably been one of the worst weeks of my life. It wasn't suppose to be like this. I was suppose to be on cloud nine and over the moon happy because things with Felix had gone great...but that sure as shit did not happen.

Felix didn't want anything to do with me.

Hell, at school he avoided me like I was a walking plague. He'd so much as catch a glimpse of me at school and he'd be scurrying away in the opposite direction.

I sighed, bringing the bottle of red wine up to my lips and took a good chug before I lazily set it back down on the counter with a clang. I rested my elbow on the counter before I tilted my head and laid my cheek down on my clenched fist. I just wanted to talk to him. Explain why I had no choice but to be in this relationship with Scarlett and make him understand.

He had to understand.

I didn't want a relationship with Scarlett.

I wanted a relationship with him.

"Really? It's not even seven in the morning and you're guzzling down wine?" Scarlett asked, scrunching up her nose as she waltzed on into my kitchen. It irked the living daylights out of me that she just walked around my apartment like she owned the place.

Not to mention since her sudden and very much of a not so great surprise stay here, she assumed I would be a gentlemen and give up my bedroom to her. Ha, like hell. She was blackmailing me. She was rude to me. She downright looked down on me. She didn't respect me, and I sure as hell did not respect her.

So, she took up residence on the couch at night. And all her crap took up residence well, everywhere. She was messy as hell and just left all her stuff laying around in the most inconvenient of places. It had probably been day two when she told me I needed to fire my maid because she clearly wasn't doing a good enough job cleaning up.

I didn't have a maid. I was a grown ass man who could and would clean up after myself. Plus, I didn't want some random stranger in my house touching and snooping through all my stuff. When I had told her that, she had looked at me like I had grown a second head and so, my apartment looked like a train wreck because I refused to clean up after her.

I narrowed my eyes, watching her approach me all dolled up like usual. Her strawberry blonde hair was up in a high ponytail, spilling out beautifully curled locks. Her make-up looked professionally done with dark wing-liner, light eye shadow, full brows and red painted lips. She wore a beautiful white, skin tight dress with a red rose design and adorning her feet were a pair of expensive black heels that clicked obnoxiously with each step she took.

I didn't bother with a verbal response and instead I picked the bottle back up and took another hearty drink, savoring the flavor.

She sighed. "It's a good thing we're not really dating cause you're an alcoholic. Not even a cool one at that, I mean, wine? Really? Talk about a real desperate housewife with no rich significant other."

I rolled my eyes. "Then dump me. Save you some trouble."

Scarlett scoffed. "We're still under contract, you know that."

"Break the contract."


I scowled. "How much longer are you gonna stick around? You said a couple days and yet, you're still here."

The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine (BoyxBoy) (Sugar Baby)Where stories live. Discover now