Chapter Nineteen

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

June 4th 2013


Chapter Nineteen - Ridley King

My smile must have been contagious because soon a boyish smile with dimples was tugging at Felix's full pink cupid bow lips and damn, those lips showcasing a smile like that did things to me. Things that I really didn't want to feel inside a school building.

''Come on,'' I said, breaking the short silence between us. ''We should get out to the parking lot.''

Felix gave a nod in agreement before I reached down and took a hold of his slender pale wrist and began to guide him out of the building at a quick pace. By the time we reached the doors that led out to the school parking lot, the bell for class to begin rang.

I pushed open a door but didn't step over the threshold. Instead, I turned my head to the side and gazed down at the brunette boy with an expression that asked if he was certain about skipping. I was met with that same boyish smile and took that as his confirmation before we stepped over the threshold and clambered down the stone staircase.

''So, where are we going?''

''Somewhere.'' I answered.

''That's a vague answer.''

''Yes, yes, it is,'' I agreed, gazing around the parking lot in search of Panda until I realize he wouldn't be here because it wasn't lunch period yet. It was still second period and Felix and I were suppose to be in class but well, I wasn't going to turn down an offer to have some extra alone time with him. Hell no, I wanted to get to know him.

I stopped walking which in turned had Felix come to a stop next to me. I could feel his hazel eyes staring up at me and from the corner of my eye, I took notice of the small curious frown that was tugging at his mouth. I released a heavy breath, wanting to run a hand through my hair in frustration but my one hand occupied holding his wrist and my other held my steadily melting vanilla frosty.



''Panda has my car.''

''Oh...'' Now he sounded disappointed and the silence from earlier was back. I mean, I could call Panda and get him to return to the school, but his drive back to the school would take time and through the whole drive, I'd feel nothing but Panda's disapproving gaze for skipping which was something I could definitely go without.

''We could take the bus,'' Felix offered suddenly. ''It comes every half hour and there is a stop just down the street from here.''

''The bus?'' I asked, hating how foreign the word sounded coming from my mouth.

Felix's cheeks went crimson. ''Never mind, it's stupid.''

''No, it's smart,'' I assured him. ''It's just...I've uhm, never been on a public bus before, like ever.''

I sounded like such a privileged snob admitting that, but it was the truth. Even back when I was Ridley Zuckerman, I had never used public transport and instead I walked everywhere. Not that I ever went too far from home, so wasting the few dollars on the short bus ride had seemed wasteful when I could put those few dollars towards food.

''Right, of course,'' Felix murmured and he didn't sound judgy, just thoughtful. ''Well if you want, you could have your first bus ride today.''

''Yeah, okay, but the only thing is, I don't know if it'll take us to the place I want to bring you.''

The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine (BoyxBoy) (Sugar Baby)Where stories live. Discover now