Chapter Two

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

May 6th 2013


Chapter Two - Ridley King

''Ridley, remember to smile and be charismatic, and most importantly--''

''Have fun?''

Leah frowned and wrinkled her nose while she continued to tap away on her Smartphone. ''No, be polite, but firm while you deny the rumors, and make sure you mention you're single. It'll make your Riddler fan base happy to hear because when they're happy—they continue to support you by purchasing your latest album which in turn makes me, you and both our bank accounts very happy.''

I rolled my eyes at her in the mirror, but didn't respond as my hair and make-up lady—Dawn approached with a bright red lipstick grin that showcased her pearly white teeth.

''Ah! Ridley, how are you?'' Dawn asked, coming up to stand behind the black leather chair I was seated in and rested her hands on my shoulders to give them a squeeze.

''I'm doing fine, Dawn. How are you and your wife, Brenda?''

''We're the same old, same old.''

I smiled. ''That's good, you'll tell Brenda hi for me, won't you?''

''Of course.''

''Dawn.'' Leah spoke up, taking her eyes off her Smartphone screen and pinned her green eyes on Dawn who gave my bossy manager her attention. ''Work your magic by making him appear boyish, but sexy and could you please lather on the chap stick—his lips look incredibly dry.''

And with those instructions left for Dawn who raised an eyebrow at me, Leah stalked off to probably talk to the host of the show who's name I couldn't remember, but I'd learn eventually considering they always introduced themselves with that phoney plastic smile of theirs.

''Well, I guess I better work my magic and make you look boyish, but sexy.'' Dawn commented with a smirk I returned before she got to work styling my hair into a wavy quiff, using styling gel and hairspray before she moved onto make-up, my least favorite part as she layered on the ivory toned foundation and other beauty products I'd rather not wear. ''Wow, Leah was right, you need some Blistex and stat.''

Before I could defend my dry lips, a lanky man in wearing a black headset stalked over with Leah right at his side. ''Ridley, you need to get on set. We go live in five minutes.''

''Okay.'' I responded while Dawn applied some Blistex to my lips and after she removed the white paper that kept my black acid wash button down tee shirt safe from the make-up Dawn had been applying to my face, she deemed me finished.

I stood to my feet while adjusting my dark jeans and followed behind Leah and the man who was talking quietly into his black headset onto a brightly lit set. In front of a flamboyant orange love seat and a navy padded seat was a round impeccably clean glass table that sat on top of a white furry rug and the backdrop was a green screen with a few fake white square windows.

Though, the man in the headset guided Leah and I off to the side of the set and out of view of the three large cameras that were being manned by two older men and a younger woman.

''Here, put this on.'' The man ordered, handing me a small wireless microphone. I clipped the small microphone underneath the second button of my shirt and watched the man in the headset stalk off, calling out that I was ready-to-go.

''Remember, to smile, be charismatic, polite but firm and deny, deny, deny.'' I internally rolled my eyes because she was sounding like a broken record, and I knew her heart was in the right place, but there was only so much of her repetitive motto a guy could take.

The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine (BoyxBoy) (Sugar Baby)Where stories live. Discover now