Chapter Ten

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

May 22nd 2013


Chapter Ten - Ridley King

It was six in the morning on a Wednesday when I found myself staring down at the inanimate beige manila folder that was placed on top of the island counter. In large black font written across the front of the folder in black sharpie was Felix Edward Zimmerman.

''His middle name is Edward, huh?'' I asked aloud and then promptly turned my attention towards Panda, the ever cool, calm and collected man. He was tall with broad shoulders and he always wore a black suit, shined black leather dress shoes, a crisp white button down and a black tie.

It's why his nickname was Panda.

His facial expression continued to stay pinched with seriousness. ''Yes, and I collected everything I could on the young man, but there wasn't really much on him. His parents on the other hand...''

I frowned. ''Does he not come from a good home?''

''He lives with his grandmother, Betsy Barbra Zimmerman. Age seventy-eight.''

I furrowed my eyebrows. ''What of his parents?''

''All the information on Felix's parents are in the file...Ridley?''


''I'm not one to ask questions, but I'm curious to know why this boy has grasped your attention and even more so as to why you wanted his background and information.''

I traced my pointer finger along Felix's name and licked at my lips. ''No one ever catches my attention or interest, Panda, but this boy did and that intrigues me.''

Panda was quiet for a moment before he asked. ''So then, you care for this young man?''

''I think so, yes.''

''Well then, I should advise you not to read anything I've brought to you regarding Felix and get to know the boy the old fashion way, but with everything I've gathered on him, I highly suggest you know what exactly you'd be getting into if you pursue this boy.''

My hand fell flat on the folder. ''What exactly should I expect to discover, Panda?''

''It's all in the folder, Ridley. Also, I'll be out front at seven-thirty to take you to school.'' Came his brief response and then he took his leave from my apartment.

The ringing silence in my apartment was back and I sighed, removing my hand from the folder to run it through my already disheveled hair in frustration. I knew looking through Felix's information and background without his knowledge was a total invasion of his privacy and borderline creepy and stalkerish, but I just couldn't not look into him.

I needed to know all I could about him before I tried to pursue even a friendship with him, let alone a actual relationship because once the paparazzi caught wind of Felix, they'd too invade his privacy and spin it so they'd have a story to sell, and I needed to be able to protect Felix from that by already knowing and with a plan on how I could have my PR team spin it.

Because I wasn't exactly a normal teenager that could just dive head first into any type of relationship whether it be platonic or romantic and from what I've learned about mine and Felix's brief encounter was that he was a Riddler fan. So, the press would not only have a field day about Felix being a boy, but him being a fan of mine as well.

How hardcore of a fan was Felix? I didn't know, but given that he didn't scream or pass out and actually turned me down escorting him to class gave me some hope that he wasn't completely obsessed or utterly starstruck with me.

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