Chapter Fifteen

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The Cute Weird Boy Will Be Mine

May 31st 2013


Chapter Fifteen - Ridley King

''...Do you understand?''

No, I didn't understand anything Felix had explained because my main focus wasn't on his words but rather his lips. His full, rosy pink, cupid bow shaped lips that looked as soft as rose petals.

''Yeah, I totally get it.'' I lied offhandedly.

I forced my eyes to meet with his beautiful hazel brown ones, but I noticed he could never hold eye contact with me for very long. He stared back at me for two seconds top and then he would either drop or avert his gaze. This time he went with dropping his gaze down to the paper covered with math problems that laid on top of the island counter.

''Okay, so answer these two questions.'' He responded quietly and then with his right pointer finger, showed me the two questions he wanted me to complete before he slid the paper over in my direction.

I gave the questions he wanted me to answer a slow and thorough once over and then promptly deemed the questions unanswerable with all those numbers and letters mingled in. Okay, I knew there was an answer, there was always an answer in math, but I was not smart when it came to mathematics, like at all.

Now, English on the other hand, that was the subject I flourished in.

''Do you want to go swimming?'' I asked suddenly, choosing to ignore the math problems and turned my attention back onto Felix.

Yes, he was way better to look at.

''Swimming?'' He repeated, like he was making sure he had heard me correctly.


''...I-I don't have a swimsuit.''

''I'll let you borrow one of mine.''

He opened and closed his mouth a few times, like he was struggling to find words. ''Uh, but the math--''

''We've been doing math questions for like an hour. I think we deserve a break.''

''It's only been seventeen minutes. We spent longer eating.''

''Damn, really?''

Felix frowned and averted his gaze. ''Am I just not very good at explaining the math problems?''

''What? No, you're amazing at explaining the math problems, believe me, best tutor I've ever had.'' And hands down the cutest I've ever had. I mean, this boy was adorable and so, so sweet.

He flushed right to the tip of his ears. ''Oh okay, but maybe we should do some more problems? Because exams are coming up and--''

''But swimming sounds a lot more fun, don't you think?''

''I don't know.''

''Do you not like swimming?''

''...It's not that, it's just, uh, I don't know how to swim is all.'' Felix admitted and he sounded embarrassed and he shouldn't be because it wasn't uncommon. Lots of people didn't know how to swim but I'll be damned if I allowed Felix to continue on in life not knowing how to swim, because not knowing how to swim was dangerous.

Swimming had actually been one of the first things I had taught Ethwood when he was little.

''I'll teach you.''

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