Ch.6:He left me satisfied with emotions

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As I got to my next class, I was filled with a raging anxiety and I tried to simmer down. Amanda caught me and made a statement
" You should chill you know, its not like your meeting zac efron or Justin bieber." I stared at her gave her a scornful look.
" Who cares about them, It's not like I'm gonna meet them anyways and I get like this when I meet boys." I replied still trembling
"Aw that's cute you should really calm down though he's a really nice guy." She told me with a smile
" i know but it's me I'm worried about. I'm probably gonna ruin everything like I always do because im really shy, please help me Amanda."
" I will I promise, but first you have to calm down and I can even talk to him about you. He'll like that he was staring at you for half the period."
I blushed. Although that was true, I mean i still don't believe it's possible but it actually happened and I'm happy about it
" you know what let me text him right now." She told me
" Wait what please don't mention me."
She smirked and unlocked her phone. I read what she was typing.
' Hey Yoyo I'm just walking to our next class with the cutie from bio' Before I could stop she clicked send
" No that's so freaking embarrassing."
Then *ping* she got a notification
' who that girl you were talking to?'
She smiled and she started typing
' yeah she has our next class get to know her, make a move, your call #flirtnation.'
I actually cracked up at that last message. For that reason only I couldn't slap her and I'm too nice to do that, I just met her.
" What the hell." I said laughing.
" he's probably into you, you'll see"
*ping* she looked at her phone screen
' your hilarious bro, and lmao I'm not gonna go any further on that topic okay?'
She looked at me viciously, like she just got her parents permission to rob a bank.
" he's probably into you, class is that way." We passed through a sub hall and found room 215. Writing Skills.
As I walked in we sat at a table with two extra chairs and as she sat down Amanda took out her phone and went to yoandris contact and proceeded to text him
' when you get here sit with us, I promise you I won't make it awkward '
And she clicked ' send '
" why would it be awkward. " I asked her
" because the stare off session you guys had, it was too real and he can't deny that. "
She got a notification. She proceeded to take out her phone and she read
'lmao I actually have great social skills.
Idk about u'
Then I saw Yoandri walk into the class. With a friend....
I looked over at his friend and made out is physical features. Dark brown hair, brown eyes yet you might get lost in them, and well lips. I'll see if I could tell you how they taste later.
I looked at both of them and then Yoandri spotted us.
" Hey lets slide over there he said."
The two of them walked as if it were their own catwalk. They both looked like gods it was pretty impossible for them to even be from this universe.
I suddenly felt my anxiety fade away as Yoandri came over and hugged me as Jaime took a seat across from me.
" hey whats your name?" He asked me while having his hand on my arm
" hey my names Elizabeth." I replied smiling.
" oh she knows your name." Amanda joined in and gave him a smirk.
" oh yeah probably and I've actually heard about you." I looked at him puzzled. Not believing this.
" Really from who?" I asked him.
" The twins, they told you were a really good friend and that they wanted me to meet you." That made me feel a lot more confident
" Wow I love them they're like my cousins, we mess around but we highkey love each other." He laughed, he had such a sweet and simple laugh. It made you wanna hear it over and over so genuine. I turned over and smiled at yoandris friend
" hey Elizabeth I overheard, I'm Jaime." He finally spoke
"Hey Jaime where you from?" I asked with courage, trying to hide my anxiety.
" I'm from Puerto Rico how about you?" He asked looking like he wanted to know
" I'm from Cancun, México." I replied
" Damn Ive been there, the resorts there are sick." I chuckled. Although he was right.
" Yeah I've been to the resorts a few years after we moved.I was really young but, I can still remember it clearly." He smiled and nodded. His dimples though man oh man.
As the bell rang and class started, I looked at the teacher and it was the same thing all over again, although this time we weren't able to talk so much cause the teacher was speaking really loud and even if I tried to say something i probably couldn't hear myself. So I took a couple of notes and saw what exactly I had to bring because unlike some people, I actually wanted to do good.
The class ended in what seemed like minutes but it only seemed like a few this time because I actually bothered to pay attention. Then the blonde haired girl Amanda disturbed my thoughts.
" Yo, I'm gonna make a group chat with all of you." I smiled at the thought.
" Can you add the twins as well?"
She nodded. " of course."
" But it has to be on whatsapp though it better be if not I'm bouncing." All three of us but Jaime laughed he smiled.
" yeah yeah why not im gonna do it."
The rest of my day hasn't been bad, just boring. I also found out that I had all of my classes with Amanda, I found that quite impossible for some reason yet it made me happy so I wouldn't have to be alone the whole day. I also had the class after that with Yoandri and he walked me there, we laughed talked about our laughs and some funny throwbacks with the twins. I realized that he was a really good listener and that made me happy because I needed more friends that were listeners, since all of them loved to talk. After that Amanda kept her word and she made the group chat as I proceeded to unlock my screen I saw the contacts which were: Yoandri, Jaime, Bren, Rebecca, and of course Amanda.
I wanted to ask if they could add Eva and lasey but they didn't know them and I was to shy though.
I decided to not be a ghost and type 'sup' and pressed send.
J: hey lizzbug
Y: sup Liz
B: fucking Lizzie
R: make like a tree and get out of here will u
' so much 💕 rebell!!!!' I clicked send and got out the notes I wrote for each class.
I took a picture and send them to my mom to get the stuff she replied with an ' okay ' and that she would be there soon.
After this long day I decided to take a nap but put the timer on so I wouldn't oversleep. My phone kept buzzing with all the messages which caused me to wake up. I looked at the messages and it was a messed up conversation not even able to understand it I asked them to explain.
J: so first off we were just talking about how Yoandris ex girlfriend flopped and then we went through all this crap about exes and then after that we talked about hookups and shit. Do you wanna contribute?

I looked at the screen and being the coward I am I haven't been able to kiss anyone, yet I knew if they knew about it I would be far from ever having a chance with them so I replied with a swift ' nah chill ' and just locked my
Phone. Then my phone kept buzzing knowing that it couldn't take any more messages I unlocked and looked at the messages.
Y: come on Lizzie you have our trust

Reading this gave me a warm sensation knowin that I could maybe trust him although I just met him. He gives me a good feeling a safe one I have never felt with any other person before although, it was just a text.
I replied with a 💜 and kept on looking at my unread messages.
J: RT Yoyo
A: oooo lizzie that heart though is it gettin serious
R:fui fuiiiiioooo
I looked at these and could not stop laughing, how much more awkward can they get? Ha.
Well apparently I spoke too soon
A: Yoandri watch out she's coming for you.
J: aye lmaoo
As soon as I saw this I saw I got a private text.
It was from Jaime
J: hey Lizzie!! U good with all this Yoyo crap😂
E: it's all good bro I know they just playin they're such ballers
J:😂 so you don't like Yoandri ?
E: nah I just met him
Although that wasn't completely true
J: oh so would it be awkward if I told you he wanted to hook up?
Wait that's bull......
E: uhh that's probably bull I just met him
J: nah cuz he wanted to i STG
E: that's a whole lot of swearin that you do it better be true if you STG
J: trust me, i do.
J: so you want to
E: not yet, I'll get to know him better
J: aight I'll see later cuz
E: l8er

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