Ch.13 I dedicate this to you

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I woke up and the first thing that popped into my mind was every detail no matter how important or little it was I remembered everything like it was a dream, because it was. I looked at the time and it was 12:15 pm I looked at the group chat and it was just the girls saying their goodbyes and Yoandri replied to some of the texts
Y: Ima miss u guys!💜 hopefully I'll see you soon
Lmao last night was bomb

And then bren started talking about me and Yoandri....
Y: lmao chill but when I see her again we'll see about that
My face turned horribly red. I was by myself so nobody would've noticed thank god but, why?
I ignored the text and went to get breakfast as I was greeted by my mom.
My beautiful single mom, oh how she deserves so much love.
" good morning sweet pea, how was last night? " I gave her a hug and Olivia rolled her eyes.
" it was great! How was your dinner?"
Then Olivia decided to crash the conversation "no need for all this chit chat while I'm here. Lizzie, you didn't get with anyone did you now?" I stared halfheartedly at my plate and looked back at her.
" no, now why would you assume that?"
" I wasn't assuming, I mean it's pretty hard for you to get a guy let me tell you about that. " I rolled my eyes and didn't reply and just kept eating
" Olivia leave her alone.she can get a guy when she feels right, and I don't see you with any boyfriends do I?" My mom said
Olivia gave my mom a death glare
" Oh and you think I would comment on my boyfriend in front of you? " my mom responded in a sassy tone. She fell for this one.
" so you're saying that do in fact have one? " Olivia stared hard at her plate without saying anything " may I be excused?" She pushed her chair hard towards the table and went up the stairs towards her room. With me and my mom chuckling lightly.

The weekend went by pretty quickly. I went to the mall with the girls, ate with my mom and sister (she behaved normally for an older sister for the first time in a long time), and on Sunday I also went to an arcade with Amanda because it was close to our house and we needed to get our mind of the boys. Which didn't really help because they both kept texting us by private sending us pictures of miami, there is absolutely NOTHING like a miami sunset.
" Amandy I can't, I miss them so much."
" aww I miss them too. But, for our sake we have to try and get our mind of them." We grabbed a slurpee from 7/eleven, and kept on walking until it got late and we said our goodbyes.
School the next day was far from exciting or fun like it used to be, but the only thing that kept me awake in my classes was the fact that I will be able to see Yoandris audition next week. His audition is this weekend, but I will be able to see it air on television next week which made me happy. I took my tests and got solid scores, but when I got home it was like I had nothing to look forward to. So I decided to read a book, it was called ' Delirium ' by Lauren Oliver. I finished the book in two days on my kindle, and i decided to read the whole series since it was really good yet sad because it was somewhat about love and it was pretty heartbreaking but I'm gonna leave the spoilers for another day.

-A week later-

I asked the girls if they wanted to come over for an episode of la Banda and to see Yoandri and Jaime. They told me it was gonna air on the same day so I could see them both without a problem. I made popcorn and my mom and sister were out with other people so I asked my mom if it wouldn't be a problem to have them over, she agreed.
We ate Popcorn and as the show started we clapped excitingly and began to watch the show. From what I saw you had to get a certain percentage to be able to sing to the judges I believe it was a 75% or higher votes from the girls there. I saw some people who couldn't even get to sing for the judges because of their low percentage and some that didn't take no for an answer. Like one named Johann who had a lot of potential but in his picture his hair was pointed straight to 11 o clock and he got a 68% and I was guessing he didn't take no for an answer so then he turned around and started Singing, he was really good and I was guessing the judges liked him as well.

After a few other participants then came Jaime, he looked good and he was one of the youngest participants since he was 14. " he's so hot holy macarole." Said lasey
" chill that's Amanda's man." I responded in a sassy tone.
Amanda winked at me and I responded with stinking my tongue out in a sexual yet playful manner and we both laughed out loud. Jaime got an 83% and got to move on and sing to the judges and we all clapped and cheered for jaime. The judges asked him where he was from and he said Puerto Rico. Then he proceeded to sing boyfriend by Justin Bieber and he sang it good but he had a calm voice and by the vote of the judges he was in! After that he got interviewed and was asked to if he wants to say hello to someone at home
" Hey Guys in California ! I miss you guys especially Amanda."
"Esoo Jaime." I felt Amanda blush even if she was straight across from me.
I was super proud of him and so we decided to make a voice note for him and sent it from my phone to our group chat in whatsapp we all shouted " Felicitaciones Jaime te queremos!" But of course it all got fucked up since some people decided to finish later * cough cough* Amanda, she was really shy around him yet she knew how to flirt so he would get the hint. She's his number one fan although, it's pretty Lowkey.
Two contestants came after him and then cam Yoandri. I literally blushed so hard and I just couldn't take it he looked so amazing and he had this huge smile planted on his face, his smile must be contagious since the judges were smiling as well.
" y cómo te llamas tú mijo?" The beautiful host Alejandra asked him
" me llamo Yoandri Cabrera y tengo 16 años." I could hear some girls cheering for him
" hola yoandri y de dónde nos acompañas hoy?"
" vengo de miami, Florida." I could here the girls cheer louder and there was a little bit of jealousy that just wanted to snap.
Then came voting and I swear I was pretty nervous. Although he nor Jaime texted me if they made it in. But Jaime did so I had my fingers crossed he would too.
Then after the voting they looked up at the screen and waited for the results to chime in, he got an 88%. I cheered so loud I think the whole neighborhood wanted to file a restraining order.
" esoo, vamos a ver cuál canción cantara." Amanda told me and she winked.
"Hola yoandri de donde eres tú?" Ricky asked him
" yo nací aquí pero mis papás son de Cuba."
" y que canción nos vas a cantar hoy?" Alejandro sanz chimed in to ask
" when I was your man de Bruno Mars."
" bueno cuando estés listo." And i already heard the melody playing in the background, I was anxious to see how it would go. He started singing, with the angelic voice I just heard a few nights before and I swear it was so cringeworthy. He left me hypnotized. Not screaming not cheering, just hypnotized. I listened to the sound of his voice and I knew the judges would approve, where else could you find a 16 year old voice like that? Rare as hell.
The judges took their votes and they all agreed to let him into the band, and in that moment I screamed we did the same thing with the voice message, except the girls did it for me.
" YOANDRI LIZZIES CRYING SHES IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Amanda screamed into her phone
" chill with that bullshit I'm only 14."
She looked at me and winked.
" I'm jk I'm so sorry." I gave her an air kiss and laughed then after that Yoandri got interviewed and the girl asked him to sing for
" wow se me pararon los pelos, ahora hay alguien a quien le dedicaste tu audición? " he smiled shyly and responded
" esa persona sabe quién es, besos y espero verte pronto." He looked straight into the camera and waves with his cute smile of his
" ay qué lindo eres bueno gracias yoandri."
" gracias a ti." And like that he left
After all of that I didn't pay attention to any of the auditions. I couldn't, with all of these psychopaths bugging me about that audition, I'm gonna rewatch it later on YouTube to not feel so sad while he's gone for the next few weeks.

I know he'll still be here and I'll text him
E: hey Yoandri, I'm so proud of you
Y: hey my girl hope to see you soon
And it continued throughout the night..
Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Thanks for the votes and the cool comments! You guys always keep me going have an awesome break you guys!💋🤘🏻 #RockOn
~ Cori💜

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