ch.16: how could you

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So I kept thinking and thinking and thinking....

Amanda told me that it was this random girl in her class because she knew it was her sister and maybe she was helping her out.... What if that was the case?

I had school the next day and the thought of Amanda being a fake ass friend still bothered me. I found out Amandas sister had a name, Bella. she knew who I was all along because of her sister probably but Amanda might be too of a coward to admit it tbh.

I went toschool like it was just any other day and ignored Amanda and sat with Eva & Lasey who I've been ditching for solong it felt good to reunite with them, Amanda came up to me in the lunch line but I still gave her a bitchy look. Not too bitchy so she wouldn't bitch slap me but just enough so she could get the hint.

" Hey girl." Amanda said with a smile so innocent, like she wasn't accused of anything.

"hi." I responded, with no emotion whatsoever

" how was your weekend?" she smiled but I didn't look at her

" It was good I guess."

" um girl, you ok?"

" not really the appropriate question to be asking me right now, listen Amanda and listen close, Its not my day to talk at all. So try not to talk to me and I wont talk to you, Okay? good day." Just as I was about to walk away I felt a tug on my arm and I saw It was her, okay dumb blonde. Guess she really couldn't take a hint.

" What in the hell is going on, did I do something?" she asked with look that has " I'm innocent" all over her face, maybe that look should be covered in white out, because she definitely wasn't innocent I had never felt so right about something in my life.

" I don't know did you? whats been going on with your sister lately?"

" what does our friendship have anything to do with my sister, Lizzie?" I sighed a big sigh and turned around to face her while everyone in the lunch line was still to focused on their problems, so I spoke as low and calmly as possible.

" Oh okay so since me and Yoandri had our first moment together I've been getting these anonymous texts from my phone, every single week after that and they would even pop up during class and that person texted me the day after me and Yoandri first kissed. You were the first person I told and texted that same night which leaves you a suspect because I now know it is your sister and your sister always gave me looks, I said hi and she gave me a bitchy response. Its not her isn't it? I'm the target your sister isn't bitchy, she just hates me." With every single word that buzzed out I could see her feeling a stab of guilt and know she looks like she's been stabbed 20 times. I turned away, leaving her with nothing to say, not even an " I'm sorry ".

I went to go find Eva & Lasey's original spot and I saw them wave at me and I gave them a weak smile and sat with them. If I didn't have them, oh boy how would I even survive this hellhole?

" hey girl! I've missed you." Eva said with a smile and Lasey agreed with her

" I've missed you guys too, I'm sorry I haven't been sitting with you guys lately."

" It's all good, how you been girl?" Lasey asked me

" I've been alright lase but theres somethin I haven't told you guys and that I haven't really told anyone." I eyed both of them and they eyed each other.

"I've had this anonymous number texting me for a while now and I found out who it was and your not gonna believe who shes related to." they stared at me as if they wanted to know.

" its Amandas sister." they looked at me as if they were not surprised

" Listen, lizzie we've had a bad feeling with Amanda anyways and since you've gotten so close to her, we didn't wanna say anything." lasey stated

" what feeling have you had about her."

" well my sister knows Amandas sister and they've been hanging out for quite a while and then all of a sudden they stopped hanging out. Wanna know why?" lasey eyed me waiting for me to be certain that I wanted to hear this.

" My sister liked this guy and the guy didn't like my sister back so Bella if that's her name decided to do something about it." there was a long pause.

" tell me, please"

" bella and Amanda made the guy kill himself, they made him so miserable, he committed suicide."


Hey guys! hope yall had a merry Christmas and spent lots of time with your families, and I hope you enjoyed opening your presents with your families as well! so ill leave it on this note, Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year!

~ Cori

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