Ch.12 Hasta luego

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I felt weird. Now I have this feeling in my gut that keeps telling me I don't wanna meet up with him anymore because I felt like there would be people watching and I can't even make a move anymore. I feel so attacked. I wanna know who this girl is But, nothing has really giving me the chance.
My phone vibrated along the sheets of my bed and I see it's a text from Yoandri.

Took ya long enough......

Y: epale mami! Jaja you Know WHAT that means you speak spanish right?

He knew that I was online right know which made it so much more tempting to just leave it on read. But then I realized I couldn't really do that to him right now, he seemed so happy today.

E: u may not know but I am Hispanic... I'm a spaniard you bozo. Que dice el cubano?
Y: OH REALLY wow, i have yet a lot to learn about you later :(

My heart sunk.

E: oh yeah well let's not worry about that too much okay? I wanna see you with my friends too.
Y: I wanna hang out with you guys too! Don't worry it won't be a last time thing I will see you guys again okay?
E: how can u be so sure?
Y: because I have faith, and God taught me to live by honesty and faith, so I can count on it.
E: oh okay I will have my fingers crossed
Y: ok. when will you be coming over?
E: I think Amanda's sister is gonna give me a ride. Not sure when tho
Y: don't hate me for this but I forgot, is Amanda a freshman or a sophomore?
E: freshmeat, why?
Y: I just forgot whoops @ me
E: lmao gotta go get ready it's 6:30
Y: aight, see you later bye!

I went to go wash my face and took a quick shower, Washed my face,and applied a little bit of concealer since I couldn't go there with just my face clean. I grabbed some ceviche I asked my mom to bring and I put it in a big just in case he was hungry, then I got a call from Amanda.

" hey bitch I'm almost there literally be ready in like 2 minutes." She shouted out " don't curse!" I heard her sister shout in the background.
" I'm ready 100 percent, I have everything I'm gonna give him." I smiled
" okay, great. Now you wanna tell me what happened last night?"she asked I couldn't sense a smirk on the other side of the phone, how witchy of me.
" what about last night? " I asked her. Sounding as innocent as possible.
" oh you're so naive Lizzie I mean what happened between you and Yoandri? He wanted to tell me but he told me to ask you about the details."

What why me....
" why would he do that." I spaced out thinking about this. " I don't know but please tell me what happened?" I blushed a little basically reconstructing that image In my head. " We kissed, made out just for the sake of your technicality nothing special." I had a smirk planted on my face, and I'm guessing she did too " he made it sound pretty special."

What the hell was that supposed to mean.....
" I'm outside liz, say hi to your parents for me and come out."
" oh my parents aren't home. But I will come out, alright see you in a sec." And I hung up
I took my bag and I walked out to my front porch to see a white tiny Mercedes just waiting outside my garage.
As I got in the car I said hi to her sister and gave her a kiss Latino style though it was okay because they had Spanish roots and they knew what I doing.
Amanda got out of shotgun and sat next to me in the back. We started talking.
" so is you excited?" She asked adding enthusiasm. " you could say that,
Although I don't find me hooking up with him one night and doing absolutely the contrary another night to be exciting.... I got an anonymous text this afternoon."
" really, what did it say?" I pulled out my phone and quoted the exact text messages and my responses I could see her face getting more and more angry as I spoke.
" Oh girl. I think I know who that is." I looked at her curiously. " who the hell could it possibly be? Because I for one have no clue."
" well if it's not her I might be close but, there is this girl in my computer/skills class named Sedna and She always talks about him and she always makes it known how much she likes him so that everyone gets the know that they have to stay away."
My eyes blinked with shock taking this in.
" can you quote what she says?"
" i can try. She basically says " so the new guy Yoandri passed by me in the halls and I can swear he winked at me." Or " I swear if he goes for a freshman or some shit I'm gonna flip a hoe." So I think when she found out about you, she wasn't too darn pleasured." I gave her a scared look. Knowing what she could do. " well she does have her little Rugrats following me around.she saw me and Yoandri kiss at school today,
And I made sure no one was looking. The little bitchy queens followers are on to me yo, some of them are even going to Florida for a ' trip ' and if by any chance happen to show up they will track me down, how the hell am I even gonna have a chance with this guy. How the hell am I supposed to have hope?" I looked at her with a worried look and I made sure the message was clear to her that I was actually pretty scared. She looked at me and said,
" have hope, that's all we can do for now and they won't win. You know why? Because Yoandri likes you. He even told me that himself."
I smiled for the rest of the way there which was only a few seconds away and I got out of the care and took a deep breath and looked at all of the mini apartment buildings
" his number house number is 468 the last one on top." I looked at it and went up the stairs. " Is anyone else already here?."
" Yeah the twins, lasey and eva came too and Jaime also came to say goodbye."
" you know Ima miss that kid, he was on point."
" yeah he's such a jit, and pretty hot if you ask me." I gave her a surprised look
" you like him?"
" nah fam life's too short for that shit, he's leaving anyways though."
" what you guys are both super attractive! I would ship you guys to africa together in a box."
" Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny." As we got to his door I knocked on his door and I felt the door knob trying to be opened
Jaime popped up in front of us.
" hey guys welcome!" I gave him a little kiss and went in to explore Yoandris crib. I looked at it and at the neat choices and they were all sitting in the kitchen bar and some seated on the couch right next to it with a few drinks. As soon as Yoandri saw me he came rushing over and I smiled. As I was about to greet him I felt him lean in to kiss my lips, so then I swerved over and kissed him on the cheek. I dodged a bullet there. He gave me an awkward smile and went to go greet Amanda as I went to greet all the other fam members.
" Yo so we got a lil surprise that's gonna come a little bit more into this party." Bren said bringing me a drink.
To my surprise it was actually a Sprite.
" oh really, does it involve yoyo?" I asked
" maybe, maybe not." Rebecca said winking at me and I decided to change the topic of convo. Talking about shoes for 5 minutes or less yoyo came to us
" Hey Lizzie can I borrow you for a second?" I looked at them. Not one of them made eye contact with either of us.
" okay I guess I could." I followed him to where he was leading me which I'm guessing was his room. I all of a sudden got kind of scared but when I saw the teddy bear and the electric piano he had it for some reason called me down.
" so how are you?" He asked bringing me out of my thoughts
" I've been better, you?" He gave me a look like he was hiding something
" well that's what I wanna talk to you about. You see, I'm gonna be leaving tomorrow and your not gonna be able to say bye because it's gonna be at 5 in the morning and you and I both know that your not up for that and neither am i. So tell me please the truth."
What truth what did he mean.
" truth about what?" I looked up at him he was taking this seriously.
" about me. What do you think of me? Do you think of me as some hookup buddy, friend, or are you attracted to me." I immediately knew the answer I could give him but worded it differently
" it depends on what you think of me actually." I got up of the chair I was sitting at and I walked up to him taking every step slowly.
" because if you think of me as just a hookup I swear I will promise myself I will not have any attraction for you."
A smirk creeped onto his face although I knew what I just gave away.
" well you just gave me your answer bebe." But I didn't let my guard down I kept walking towards him
" but what do you think of me really? Am I just a friend?"
" mmmm." He gave me a facial expression which kinda said not really.
" hookup buddy?"
" mmmm." The same sound came out of his mouth but he shook his head and his expression gave it away. I took a step forward then I stopped myself.
" or an attraction?" He looked at me and smirked realizing how close we were to one another. Then I stepped forward causing him to step back against the wall which God bless
Didn't make much noice
" we have to go back they'll-" I was interrupted by him plunging his lips onto mine and I honestly didn't care what they thought we were doing cause I knew what were doing and I didn't wanna stop it. Our kisses got more heated as I pulled away and whispered into his ear
" unfortunately you don't know what I'm up against." I looked at him and he looked very confused. I left the room and as I was about to enter the living room he gave me an ice bag.
" just so they don't suspect anything sweet pea." He winked at me and walked away.
I went into the living room and told
Them I was back from helping Yoandri ' break the ice ' then after that we ate some of the ceviche I brought and let's just say delicious was an understatement. Me and Yoandri made heated eye contact but the others were too hungry too notice and kept feasting,
I felt a buzz coming from my phone. I opened whatsapp and saw yoandris text.
Y: you have no idea how great you kiss.
I smirked. Although I didn't make eye contact.
E: pooh. I would've gone a lot farther if it weren't for life being a bitch. But I guess that's that right?
I looked at him read it yet he didn't look at me so I looked away and I made conversation with Rebecca who was sitting next to me. Me and Yoandri were sitting right across from each other so we could look each other's straight in the eye and not hurt our necks.
Buzz buzz
Y: what are you up against? Bro I'm a junior and there probably isnt a junior in this school who's as hot as you are

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