Ch.8 Ill get to know. Hi- plot twist

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it was 6:45 I was getting ready to meet Yoandri I put on my plain white shirt with the little alien stitch and my adidas sweatpants. I washed my face brushed my hair and then I called " mom I'm going outside to meet a friend !" I called out loud & clear
" okay honey! " she called back
" no one cares just leave already! " the devil confirmed and I left. I was looking through my phone and Yoandri texted me.
Y: have you left yet?
E: yeah I'm Omw
Y: cool, same I'll arrive soon
And after that I went out of whatsapp and onto Instagram and remembered that I started following Amanda earlier. I saw Amanda's picture of me, her, Jaime, & Yoandri cruising through the halls and I actually laughed out loud so hard at our faces. Me with an actual duckface looking like an actual duck, Jaime with his blown cheeks looking like he deep throated the worlds largest apple and Amanda actually looking pretty, well she is pretty.
I commented:
I loled
You Slay all of us
And i locked my phone still chuckling by myself.
When I got to the commons I saw Yoandris shadow although I couldn't really make out his features instead of his hair which was pretty clear if you met the guy. He has a unique hair style, I saw he was drinking something which looked from a can, maybe it was Coke or any soda but I was praying it wasn't beer
" hey Yoandri!" He turned and reveals himself
" Lizzie sup how are you?"
" I'm pretty good it's been a relaxing day."
" for me too man I literally was watching Netflix and have my mom get my shit."
" o my god same what a relaxing day!"
" forreal. "
We kept talking about our life's, laughing at our stories, and I was Lowkey flirting with him not knowing if he took a hint of what I was trying to do.
" do you know where I'm from? Like not country but have you seen me before?"
" wow no I dont I have, why's that?"
" have you heard of this thing called la Voz kids? Or are you just that American"
" I'm not completely American, I have Hispanic relatives from Colombia."
" holy shit then they probably watched it, it's like the voice but in Spanish you hear?"
" wow you auditioned?"
" yeah and I got two chairs to turn around and I didn't win but I did make it to the finals."
" holy shit that's awesome I'm gonna search for your audition."
" why not I got it right here."
I looked at his audition when he looked more fetuslike and had his hair shorter. I couldn't keep my eyes off him and his beautiful voice, it was rare to hear a guy sing like this. He told me that this was in February which pretty much surprised me considering how hot he is now.
" I'm auditioning for la Banda, it's kinda like la Voz I believe but it's an actual band your auditioning for, you can be a good soloist but that's for other things, I'm gonna have to travel to Florida and miss school for a couple of days."
" Wow I'll be watching, I hope I get to see you on tv soon! When are tryouts?"
" um in September, I don't even know if I'll be moving back or not but I really hope I don't."
Hearing this made my stomach drop and flip over, how could this be happening? Now I only have two weeks to get to know him better and I might not even see him for a really long time, I knew this was gonna hurt, considering It always happened the same way. I never had real relationships with boys they all ended the same way. Either they didn't like me back or faith just decides that we shouldn't be together.
" hey don't be sad I promise you we will get to hang out that's why I wanna get to know you because lord knows how long I'll be gone but sorry you had to hear this on the first day."
I looked at him and gave a fake smile to hide my sadness. Although I just met him I don't wanna have to go to school and spend some other time without him.
" and just to add Jaime will be auditioning too. He'll be coming with me and we'll make a plan so we can communicate every day okay?" He added and I nodded
" listen it was hella fun talking to you but I kind of have to go, I'm gonna be late for dinner."
I felt the warm sensation of him kissing my forehead and when he pulled back I knew I wanted to kiss him, but it would ruin the moment wouldn't it?
" goodbye Yoandri see you tomorrow."
" goodbye pretty one I'll keep in touch."
Hearing that made my wanna cry since I might not see him again for a while.....

God knows how long
He left me there drowning in my own thoughts, yet again...


So I updated 3 times in a day wow so not like me XD but i am almost sure I will be updating every day this week since I do leave early so stay tuned


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