Chapter 19

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"Ok... No we don't just drink blood. We can eat food but it doesn't give us energy or nutrients etc. Okay?" Shawn says taking more of my muffin and placing it in his mouth. I pick up my muffin and take a bite out of it, without removing my eyes from his.

"I have to go my aunt wants me home by 6 and it's... 4:50." I say standing up and checking my phone.
"Wait you still have an hour before you need to leave." He says quickly while standing up and standing in front of me, stopping me from moving.

"Yeah I know but I want to go for a walk and get home before dinner so I can shower." I say attempting to push past the strong boy blocking my path.
"Well can I walk with you please?" Shawn asks with a small shy smile and worried eyes. I nod and we make our way out the door.


"Yeah?" He replies.
"Wanna stay for dinner?" I ask with a small shy smile while a look at the side of his face. He turns his head and looks me straight in my eyes before nodding and opening the hotel door and allowing me to go in first.

"Thanks Shawn." I say as I walk through the entrance with him following behind me.
"No problem Dekodah." I shake my head and make my way to the elevator.
"Ok it's Dee, but just brace yourself my aunts a bit of a wierdo." I say giggling while pushing the floor level button.

He chuckles and places his hand on my lower back and guides me out of the elevator and to my apartment door. I remove his hand from my back and pull out my apartment key from my pocket. "So do you like Caesar salad?" I ask awkwardly as we step inside.

"Yes. Are you gonna have a shower because before you said that you wanted to have one before dinner?" He asks awkwardly, running his hand through his hair. "Oh yeah. Do you want to watch some Tv while I take one?" I ask as we walk into the living room. He nods and I hand him the remote and nod while walking off to take my shower.

I stand in shower and hum to the lyrics to my favourite song.

"Oh Cecelia you're braking my hea-" I was cut of by a loud crash. "What the fuck was that?!" I ask turning off the water and stepping out. I get dressed as quickly as possible and scurry out into the living room.

I find my aunt and Zac standing in the living room with weapons. My aunt with a knife and Zac with a hand gun. I run up to them and stand in front of them, facing them. "Hey! Put them away he's a guest! Gosh calm your farm before your sheep explode." I say taking the knife and the gun away from them and placing them on the coffee table.

"Who is he and why is he here?" Aunt Cass says firmly not looking away from Shawn. "He's a friend and I invited him over for dinner. And yes I know I should have told you but he walked my home and I asked him to join us." I say grabbing him by his wrist and dragging him into the kitchen. "Yes you should have told us we were scared as hell. Want to know why?" Zac yelled causing me to flinch a little.

"Sure tell me why." I said. They looked at each other then walked up to me and stood in between me and Shawn. "Because he's a vampire Dekodah!" My aunt yelled grabbing the knife I was using to cut the bacon, and holding it toward Shawn.

"I KNOW! IM NOT FUCKING RETARDED AND THERE iS SoMEthIng else you should know." I said screaming but then muttering by the end of my sentence. I push past them and stand facing them. They look at each other confused then stare at me wide eyed. "Shawn is apparently my soulmate. BUT! I don't know him well yet so I'm getting to know him and I'm trusting you guys to help me with this until I know for sure who he is." I said grabbing the knife of my aunt and putting it back on the bench.

My aunt and Zac look at me in shock before nodding and whispering to each other. "What was that?" I ask pointing at them after they whispered to each other. "Nothing." They say simultaneously. I know Shawn heard. I'll ask him later.

Zac sticks out his hand for Shawn to shake and I watch as they clasp hands and drop them at their sides. "Okay. You two can set the table." My aunt says pointing to me and Shawn. I nod and hold his hand as we walk to the table.


"Well that was a shit dinner." I say as Shawn and I stand in the elevator. He chuckles and the door opens revealing the empty lobby. I walk him to the door and we say our goodbyes. I watch him super speed out of site before turning around and making my way back to my apartment.

"What is wrong with you?!?" I yell as I open the front door. "Ok Dee we didn't know you knew and we are were scared he was going to hurt you." Aunt Cass says walking from the kitchen and into the lounge room. "Well he won't! He protected me!" I argue. "What?!?"Zac and my aunt say at the same time. "Oh my god! Do you listen? Why do we have Stacey in the dungeon?" I ask sarcastically. "Oh yeah. Sorry Honey. We should have taken that into consideration. We didn't even ask him who he was and how he knew you?" My aunt says hugging me.

"Yeah well now you know. But if he does turn out to be an evil vampire I'll get you guys to help me take out him and his cult. But since I bearly know him no one touches him or his friends. Okay?" I say staring at them waiting for an answer. They nod and begin packing up the table. "I'll be right back." I say walking down the hall and into my room.

Wait how will they know who his cult is? I'll ask for a pic of them.

*Hey Shawn, my aunt and Zac will leave you and your cult alone until we know exactly who you are, because I don't know you well yet. But since they don't know who your friends are so mind sending a picture of them. -Dee*

*Hey Dee. Um one thing I can't just send you a picture but you can look up 'Magcon boys' on google images and you will find us. Oh and that song you were singing... I sing in that song with the vamps. -Shawn*

Wait what!? Oh wait that explained why I thought he looked familiar.

*I still can't believe you dont know who I am. -Shawn*

*I thought I recognised you! But I couldn't figure out where you were from. Wait you can sing? -Dee*

*Yes I can. I have an album. - Shawn*

*What the fuck?! Why didn't you tell me? And what's it called? - Dee*

*Like I said. Look us up. - Shawn*

Ugh fine!

I open my laptop and type in 'Magcon Boys' and a group of very attractive boys show up. "Dayum." I say a little too loud.

I continue looking through pics until i find one with Shawn and Jack? What the hell? I save it and send it to my aunt via email, with the caption 'These are the boys you cannot touch and the one with the blonde hair and brown eyes, with the flower crown is a hybrid. Werewolf and vampire. You can't touch him either. Okay?'

I wait a good five minutes before there is a knock at my bedroom door. "Come in!" I yell. "Dee. Why did you email my this picture." My aunt says. "Because I figured that you will need a picture to keep so you don't kill them." I say in a smart ass tone. "Oh." Is all she says.

"Did you know that Shawn can sing?!" I screech. She laughs and shakes her head. "Well I didn't want to listen with me?" She nods and we listen to his most recent song, 'I know what you did last summer.'

"That poop nugget!"


This is just a filler but thanks for the reads. Please tell your friends and vote. I would really appreciate it and also let me know what you think. I feel like it's bad but it's going to get better ok?

And if u have followed me in Instagram and vine etc. please leave your names in the comments.

I will try to put pictures in every update.

P.S I know all this is weird but just role with it. It's just a book.

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