Me + Jock = WTF?!?! Chapter 2

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I've re-edited this one also, wow! My writing style has changed so much since then!


Me + Jock = WTF?!?! (2) Lunchroom Prank

It was Fredward, well most of the girls that go to this school call him Freddie, but I like Fredward better. He's a jock, surprise, surprise and also the red-head's idiotic boyfriend. Cliche much?

I have to hand it to him, he still thinks that he and Mikayla are "ment to be". What he doesn't know is that she not only cheats on her tests, but also on him. Makes me pity the guy really, but then again, he is an idiot.

"Great first the Miss Stupid Cheerleader now Mr. Fredward Jock" I said making a annoyed face. "What do you want from me?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Call me Freddie" he said smiling. Hate to break it to you, pretty boy, but I don't see anything dazzling in your comment.

"I prefer to call you Fredward, Fredward" I said trying not to laugh. He really is stupid, did he want to break into conversation with me only to tell me how to say his name correctly?

He sighed at my comment. "Anyway I saw what you did to my girlfriend-" I cut him off.

"Bravo Fredward," I said clapping "No need to thank me, now no guy will put his hand under her skirt any longer and she won't cheat on you any longer" I said in sarcasm voice. As if she would stop, that cheerleader needs her desires fullfilled each night, I bet.

"That's all rumors" he said with a look like he didn't believe me "She is NOT a slut" he said becoming more serious.

"Wow you need to get into the century, Fredward" I said as I walked away. Uh-ha, Mikayla isn't a slut, and I'm Gwen Stefani. Dream on little jock, dream on.

"It's Freddie!" I heard him shout after me.

"As if I care!" I yelled back and noticed that the whole hallway was looking at me again.

"Get a life, lifeless losers" I insulted them and walked to my homeroom.

What a nice morning. I hope I'll cool down to chill with my only friend Danni. She is my best friend since I started middle school. She's the only one who actually understands me. As if I need a guy when I have a best friend.


 Later at lunch I was finally able to chill with Danni. God, you have no idea how long I've been waiting to fill my empty stomach. 

I walked into the cafeteria and as always, I noticed that the jocks and sluts are in the best table in the middle of the entire cafeteria. No surprise there, the best popularity = the best table. Simple, easy to remember and hard to believe.

I sighed grabbed a tray and went to get some food. I put a piece of pizza, a coke, an apple and chocolate pudding and went to the little table in the corner of the cafeteria.

I found Danni sitting there playing with her food.

"Hey Dan, what's wrong?" I asked sitting in front of her.

"Oh hey Jen" she said looking up "Nothing much" she said smiling "Just waiting for you"

"I know it would have been boring hell hole if we didn't know each other" I said with a smirk while opening my coke.

"You got that right" she said laughing and taking a bite of her pizza.

I looked around while taking a sip of my coke. I saw Fredward making out with Miss stupid cheerleader. I immediatly spit out my coke and coughed multiple times.

'Talk about getting a room.' I thought to myself.

I felt as if I was about to puke out of my empty stomac and turned to Danni with a gross look.

"What is it?" she asked me putting down her pizza.

"Mr. Fredward Jock and Miss Stupid Cheerleader eating out of each other's mouths 2 o'clock" I said pointing at them before standing up and throwing my food.

'I have to remember to thank them for ruining my appetite.' I though as I sat back down and looked at Danni.

"When will you admit that you like Mr. Freddie Jock?" she asked me with a sly smirk playing on her lips.

"Never" I denied "Cause I don't, and never will" I announced to her in as-if-I-care voice "And it's Mr. Fredward Jock" a corrected her standing up.

"Wait for me!" she said throwing away her stuff.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I said rolling my eyes while standing next to her.  

We walked by the Mr. Fredward Jock and Miss Stupid Cheerleader and I noticed tat they still were making out. God give me strength.

"Hey do you have a piece of paper?" I asked Danni as I stopped a few feet away from the 'making out couple'.

"Yeah, why?" she asked me taking out a piece of paper from her bag.

I love her bag. It's black and has pink, blue and green skulls on it. I have similar except my skulls are white but the same colors are like spattered around it.

"Thanks" I said to her as I took the paper. A sly grin appeared on my face as I made a paper airplane and tossed to the 'making out couple'.

When they were hit they looked confused, well Fredward mostly, but Mikayla's face was much more priceless! I tried not to laugh so hard, that my face turned red from holding it in. The couple turned to me, Fredward was surprised, while Mikayla was shooting daggers at me. I smirked, about time you returned to Planet Earth.

"Get a room!" I yelled out so loudly that it echoed in the whole cafeteria and confidently opened the doors.  

I looked back and saw that the 'love couple' were still watching me, well staring and glaring, was more like it.

"And thanks for ruining my appetite" I added showing them my middle finger and walking out with grinning Danni.

"I have to admit, their faces were priceless" Danni admitted as soon as the cafeteria door closed behind us.

"Thank you, thank you very much" I said grinning.

I high-fived Danni and we went to our next class.

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