Me + Jock = WTF?!?! Chapter 8

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Hey! You guys rock!!!!! Thanks so much for so many reads on my story! :D

Enjoy! I tried to make this 2 pages long. Hopefully it will be.

Me + Jock = WTF?!?! (8)


I walked by the lockers and was now passing the supplies closet when the door unexpectedly opened and someone

grabbed and pulled me into the closet.

You can tell how I felt. I was scared. I mean what person would grab and pull you in a closet!??!?!!?

"Who the hell are you to gr-" I started but the person put its hand on my mouth.

"What the hell?!" I yelled in the hand.

The person turned on the light. OMG!!!!! It's...


I don't believe it. Miss Stupid Cheerleader?! W-what is she doing in a supplies closet?

More importantly why did she pulled me in here!?

"What's the deal you and with pulling people into closets?" I asked her as she removed her hand from my mouth and put it on her hips.

"Well loner, I pulled you in here for one reason only" she said with an evil smile.

"Which is?" I said with a raised eyebrow as I too put my hands on my hips.

She opened her mouth but I cut her off.

"If this is about me kissing Fredward I have to say the 20th time that I didn't do it" I said opening the door, but then she suddenly knocked her hand on it to make it close again and got infront of it blocking my way out.

"It is about that, but I just wanted to say something else" she said turning back to me.

"I want you to know" she said with a glare "that I made it up and spread to everyone that you kissed him" she said with an evil smile.

WHAT?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!!? Miss Stupid Chearleader made it up!?!??!!?

"I guess you want to know why, don't you little loner?" she asked still keeping the evil smile and leaning her upper body to me.

"Yes, Miss Stupid Cheerleader" I said as I could feel the anger biulding up inside of me as I held myself back from slapping her.

She was thrown back by what I called her. Ha! Suck it you slut!

"I spread the rumour around so you could look bad" she started "All of the school thinks that I'm a slut" she continued.

She IS. I noted.

"So I did it so you could look bad while I look like an innocent girlfriend." she said with an evil smile and proudness in herself.

I so am gonna rip her head of right now and feed to my dog!

Well if I had a dog. And if I had anythign to help me rip it of I would...

I just stood there. Motionless. I didn't know what to say or do. Miss Stupid Cheerleader just became Miss Evil Cheerleader.

That was all that was going through my mind right now.

Other than that I'm going to jail soon after I strangle her and dump her body in a lake. Then all those guys with gloves and the finger print powder show up to examine her.

"Oh yeah and thanks for helping me" she said.

"How?" I asked.

"That incident at the cafeteria that day" she said "it looked as if you were jealous" she said with an evil laugh "which made everyone believe my lie" she said still laughing.

Then she stopped, brushed herself off and turned to me.

"So there, for once I'll look innocent" she said as she opened the door leaving me in the supplies closet holding myself back trying not to attack her, beat up her "precious" face and break the heels off her "dearest" highheels.

After a few minutes I got my feet moving slowly opening the door. Closing the door I suddenly felt my feet on fire and then as if I couldn't control them they started running. Like real running.

I didn't know where I was going. And I didn't care. Bitch! I kept yelling in my head as my feet kept running faster and faster. Wait, why can't I just tell everyone the truth? Oh wait who would believe a loner like me?

And I so wish that I didn't do that air plane thing! Damn Miss Evil Cheerleader, damn Fredward, stupid me!

I finally stopped. I was next to the big iron fence. The park.


Purplemiley0: Hey!!!!!!!!!!!! It's finally here!!!! Comment and tell me what you think of it please!

Thanks~ :)

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