Me + Jock = WTF?!?! Chapter 5

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Sup! lol

I randomly started it on my b-day

(October 14) (at 11:45pm) (I'm officially 13)

lol i so need to sleep,

but i just felt like writing!

So there you go!

I'll try to make this at least 2 pages long cause i haven't posted any of the chapters of this story more than 1 page.

And finished on October 15 9:47 pm lol

Anyway enjoy! :)


Me + Jock = WTF?!?! (5)

My brothers were like angels I mean they were brats sometimes, but mostly they don't bug me.

Which thank god, cause they would so have regreted if they did I thought as I walked up to the big open gates.

Before walking into the park I checked my clock on my phone. 10:05. I have 1 hour.

Unless the twins give me away, but that never happened before cause they know what I would do to them if they did.

I sighed and walked through the gates. I made my way down the rocky path to the big tree that had a bench under it.

It was my speacial place. The only place I come to escape this hell hole.

I guess if it wasn't for this park I would have never been able to continue living.

I sat down on the cold, wooden bench, took out my ipod, turned it on and let my head fall back.

Finally some alone time with my favorite breeze.

The breeze felt cold against my pale, warm cheeks.

It was a feeling that i didn't want to forget.


Freddie's (Fredward's) P.O.V.

I was walking after my football practice. It's quicker to my house through the park.

I was just walking and admiring the night. The stars were shining, no clouds at all.

The breeze was cool yet crispy that gave that autumn feeling.

Suddenly, I stopped.

I saw a girl on a bench under the big tree. She had black long hair, a black hoddie-

OMG it's the girl that put the note under my gf's skirt and threw the paper airplane at us at lunch.

Why was she here? I mean for someone who was so strong and loyal to herself girl seemed to be just her outside.

It's like she had another personality.

Brave and strong on the outside and yet a little girl that just wanted to be alone inside.

It was very interesting. I never met a girl like that. What the f*ck am I thinking?!

I can't like her, can I? nevermind.

I just kept moving forward when i tripped on somekind of pipe that was stiking out of cement.

(Purplemiley0: Lol! I just HAD to put some drama in this x3)

I fell and ripped my jeans, leading by pain and bleeding of my right knee.

Ironically I fell just about a few meters away from her I can't believe she didn't even flinch!

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