Me + Jock = WTF?!?! Chapter 10

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OMG!!!! I got almost a thousand reads after a week of posting! x_x

you guys rock my socks! lol

Here's the chapter :D Sorry it's boring D:



"So what's the news?" he asked looking serious.

I guess I have to tell him sooner or later...

I'm not sure how he's gonna take that his gf told that lie. I mean he loves her and he would be heartbroken.



Me + Jock = WTF?!?! (10)

I sat up and put the burger on the tray.

I looked at him.

He had concern in his eyes.

"There's a reason why I didn't meet you at lunch" I started pausing to see if he's listening.

He is. Shit. Now I really do have to tell him.

"When we walked in the class together yesterday," I said looking him strait in the eyes.

"I saw the whole cheerleading squad glaring at me," I said still not looking away from his delisiously chocolate eyes.

"They pulled a prank on me after class." I said

"What did they do?" he asked looking worried

"It doesn't matter, long story short: I got detention for being late for class then after detention I was pulled in the janitors closet" I said all in one breath after the word "short".

"Who pulled you in?" he asked looking way too concerned with worry in his face.

"It was Mikayla" I said preparing for him to yell WHAT?!?!?!?!!?

"M-m-mikayla?" he managed to choke out with wide eyes.

"Yeah, she told me that she spread the rumour about me kissing you thing, so that she would look like an innocent girlfriend" I said as he took it in.

I looked in his eyes, they were filled with confusion, betrayal, shock and not to forget hurt.

Just by looking at him made my stomach ache.

"Look, I know that this is hard for you" I said as I looked down "But I told you she was a bitch" I said looking up to see his facial expression.

"I-I-I" he managed to say

I could feel his pain. I mean you love someone, then they do something so hurtful that you think you know a person, but then well you get the picture...

My legs had a brain of their own cause I couldn't control them while they stood up, walked up to him and sat next to him...

In these kind of situations you need comfort so I hugged him to let him know he's not alone...

I did feel once the way he did, but that story is too pathetic to talk about right now...

He hugged me back and took a deep breath.

"You okay?" I asked him after I realized that we were sitting there hugging for about an half an hour.

"Yeah" he said looking in my eyes smiling

"Well can we eat and go, cause my mom grounded me and she will kill me if I get caught" I said putting on a whatever face like nothing happened.

"Okay" he said smiling.

I guess he got over it. About time...


We walked back to my house after the meal. At least my stomach was happy.

Sadly, this time we didn't hold hands.

WAIT!!!! It's not like I WANT to hold his hand. Uh it's only because I want to comfort him.

Yeah that's it...

We walked up to my house. I have no idea how I'm supposed to get up there...

"Jenny" I heard Fredward say.

"Yeah?" I turned to him.

He bent down like he was about to tie his shoe, but didn't

"Get on my back" he said

"Are you insane?!" I half yelled "What for?" I asked him crossing my arms on my chest.

"You get on my back, then I lift you up and you can get up to your window." he said smiling.

"Okay" I said as I felt like it was useless to argue with him anyway plus I couldn't say no to his smile.

I got on his back and he lifted me to my second floor. I got the hold of my roof and got in my window soon after.

I looked back out. He was smiling at me. I smiled back and noticed that the sun was rising. Shit! Now I'm gonna fall asleep in classes today. So not what I hoped for.

I looked back at him and waved bye as I closed my window.

I went into my bathroom, stripped out of my clothes and went to take a shower.

After I was done I dryed myself and put on a black tank top and gray shorts.

I got in my bed, set up my alarm clock and fell asleep.


Purplemiley0: You like? LOL I noticed that I have a main character Danni (Jenny's best friend) And she wasn't in some of my chapters so next one will be from her point of view and some stuff that will happen to her...



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