Chapter 2: Sick?

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We saw a lot of each other over the next 7 months, mostly in my room at all hours of the night to keep my parents from knowing. I visited his campus a few times, and I planned to go to his college.
The acceptance letter came three days before graduation.
As I sat at the table with my hands quivering, my parents couldn't stop cheering and crying.
"Oh, we knew you could do it!"
"My baby's going to college!" My mother cried, wrapping her arms around me. I smiled and hugged back, giggling. But the dominant thought in my mind was not the college.
Benny. I'll get to see him everyday.
That weekend began like any other. Cathy and I snuck out to attend a party.
This time it was held at her house, and surprise surprise, her sister and all her friends were there.
Cathy disappeared with Todd after about 5 minutes, and I was left alone on the couch. The music blasted out, but I just sat there, thinking of what lied ahead.
"Hey, loser." I heard his familiar voice taunt. His nickname was once condesending, but has since turned more playful. I smirked to the side and stood up to face Benny.
"Hello, stalker. What brings you here."
"Oh, you know. Some girl lost a bet and I've come to see if I can take my prize." He smirked in his usual way. We haven't kissed yet, but lately I had been craving it more and more.
Benny looked around quickly and said,
"Do you really need to be here?"
"Not unless you know somewhere better." I said, smiling. He smiled back and gestured with his head.
"C'mon. I'll take you out for ice cream." I smiled and walked behind him. We exited the house and hopped in his car. All I can remember of it is that it was black and spacious.
We cruised down the highway to the dairy queen on the other side of town. He said into the intercom,
"One chocolate dipped cone and one sundae."
"$6.59 at the window." The man said. After we had our stuff, he drove us to Pink park.
He took me there all the time. It was a quiet, out of the way place that sat right outside of town. It was a good place to think.
He shut off the engine and ate his sundae, staring ahead of us. I smiled and said,
"Guess what?"
"I got in!" I said, smiling. He looked up with wide eyes.
"Into Bridgale?"
"Yeah." I giggled. He smiled and used his spoon to wipe ice cream on my nose. I tilted my head and stared at him.
"That is so childish-" I reached over and plopped my ice cream on his nose. He gasped and said,
"Know what?"
"You're going to pay for that!" He dropped some in my hair. I flung my hands in the air and screamed,
"No! Not the hair!"
"Yes the hair!" He laughed back. I suddenly stopped and turned away from him, crossing my arms. It always made him stop. He stopped and reached across the middle, wrapping his hands around my waist. He pouted in my ear,
"Awe, please forgive me?" I giggled and sighed.
"Fine." Suddenly, thunder erupted. Rain started pouring down on the car with frightening force. I jumped a little and Benny's arms tightened around my waist.
"Are you ok?"
"Dont worry, it should lighten up in a while." He turned on the radio to sooth my nerves.

{Two hours later....:}

"What happened to it lightening up?" I asked, smirking at him. It was now 10:00 and the rain was still going strong. Benny shrugged and said,
"I thought it would." I nodded and half yawned. He smiled and said,
"If you want to lay down in the back, you can." I smiled and said,
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" But I crawled back and laid across the back. I had to tuck my legs in to keep them from hitting the doors. Although I tried, I couldn't sleep. After a while, the silence between Benny and I became all consuming. After an hour, it was unbearable. I lifted my head and said,
"I don't think it's letting up soon. You can lay back here with me, if you'd like." I stared at him. He turned around with a smirk and replied,
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" But he crawled back and over me. He laid down behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me against him. I gasped at first, but then settled in and laid my head against the soft seat.
The scene was set. Rain poured down onto the car, gently rapping on the hood. It slid down the windows, one drop slipping into another and racing down. The car had no light, the only illumination coming from a nearby street lamp. Our breath slightly fogged the window, and I was pressed tightly against him. He couldn't help it. His penis stiffened in his pants.
I felt a slight discomfort as it poked me, and he noticed my sudden movement. His hand quickly fled to his crotch to cover the boner.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
His sudden clumsiness and shyness made me smile. I turned to him and bit my lip.
This would be a nice place to kiss him for the first time...
"Benny?" I said in a soft voice. His eyes settled on mine, and he breathed out,
"Yes?" As I stared into his eyes, my hands found their way to his cheeks. I brushed my thumbs over them and whispered,
"Do you really want to kiss me?" He stared blankly at me. After a second, he nodded a little and looked down.
"Oh yes," he whispered. Then, he laid down so our legs were intertwined. He set a hand on my left cheek and rested his elbow on the seat next to my head. Then he brushed my lips with his thumb.
"Since the first moment I saw you, I've wanted to kiss you all over your body until you screamed my name." He gazed deeply into my eyes. I felt myself wanting him.
I smiled gently, brushing my thumb over his cheek again.
"Then why don't you?" I whispered, grabbing the hand on my cheek and ripping it down to my breast. The move only made Benny's shaft harden against his jeans. He quickly smashed his lips onto mine, shoving his tongue in my mouth as deep as he could get it. I pushed my tongue back against his, wrestling for dominance. I reached my hand under his shirt and pulled up. He took it all the way off and threw it to the front seat. I rubbed my hands up and down his chest, tracing each muscle line. He unbuttoned my shirt and then reached behind me to get to my bra strap. While he did that, I reached down into his jeans and lightly touched his cock, making him moan loudly. His moan made me feel tingly all over.
He quickly threw the bra with his shirt and cupped my breast in one hand. His hands were cold against my skin and made me shiver. He used his thumb and index fingers to rub my nipples. I moaned and grabbed handfuls of his hair. He let go of them and slid his hands down my stomach to my belt buckle. He quickly undid it and slipped his hand into my underwear, brushing my core with his fingers. I clawed his back and bit his bottom lip.
He kissed my neck while rubbing little circles around my clit. I rocked my hips upwards to meet his hand. He quickly pulled his hand away from me and started to unbuckle his pants. I pulled my pants down more so he could get better access.
After the pants were unbuckled, he pulled out his member, which was an impressive 11 inches. I slowly rubbed it and spread my legs as far apart as they would go.
He lifted both my legs in his hands and pushed himself in slowly. I felt like it would go all the way up into my stomach.
"Fuck, I don't think you'll fit." I groaned out, arching my back. He smiled and grunted,
"This would be easier if you weren't so fucking tight," he finally pushed everything in. I adjusted slightly, then got propelled back as he thrusted in. He moaned and pulled back my hair. I moaned as his cock pushed deeper inside me.
Our breath fogged the windows  and sweat coated my body. I clawed all up and down his back. He clenched his jaw and grunted.
"Baby, I'm so close."
"I want you to come inside me," I moaned out, breathing heavily. He nodded and thrusted a few more times before unloading everything he had inside me. He kept thrusting, wanting me to follow. I squirted my juices out and laid back. He fell on top of me and sighed.
"I can't wait for you to be in my college." I giggled and smelled his hair.

(3 months later...:)

"Are we still doing dinner tonight?" Benny asked through the pay phone on campus. He had been on a road trip for the past couple weeks and I couldn't wait to see him.
"Yes. First I have my appointment with Dr. Wulkam."
"Ok, see you tonight, beautiful. Love you."
"Love you too." I smiled and hung the phone up. I had not been feeling myself for the past few weeks. So I scheduled a time with my doctor and hoped it wasn't serious.
I drove to the clinic and told the receptionist my name.
"Ah, Clair Williams. Please sit in the waiting area."
"Thank you." I took a seat and looked around the brightly colored room. Two children played in the corner under the watchful eye of their mother.
I never would have guessed how close I was to being like her.
"Tania Bailey?" A nurse called. The mother stood up and ushered the children in front of her.
After twenty more minutes of waiting, a nurse in pink scrubs and a clipboard called out,
"Clair Williams?" I stood and followed the woman down to a little side room where she took my weight and height.
"205 pounds, 6 '1'. Please follow me." She led me to a little examination room and said, "wait here. The doctor will be with you in a minute."
"Thank you." She nodded and left me alone. Pictures of abdominal muscles and organs adorned the walls. I was about to touch a model of a human head when the door opened.
Dr. Wulkam, a 36 year old man who had known me since I was 15, walked in the room. He smiled and nodded a hello at me.
"How are you today, Clair?"
"I'm well, you?"
"Good, thanks for asking. So it says here that you've been having stomach problems?"
"Yeah. It's been aching and I've been puking for the past week or so."
"I see. Well, first we're going to take some blood, then we'll need a urine sample, ok?"
"Youre the doctor." I said, smiling. He nodded and left the room. When he came back, he had a large needle and a cup.
"Ok, ready?" I shivered as I rolled up my t-shirt sleeve. I bit my lip and looked away from the needle as he stuck it into my arm and drew the blood.
After the pinching sensation went, he sighed.
"Alright, please go and pee in this cup."
"K." I took it and went to the bathroom. It's hard to pee in a cup when people expect you to, but after I finished my business I gave him the cup and he told me that he would call me with results later the next day.
"Bye, Dr. Wulkam."
"I'll call you around 8 or 9a.m."
I nodded and walked out to my car.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye!:).

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