Chapter 15: Tell Mommy.

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My shift ended at 4:30 in the afternoon. I checked out for the second time in one day and walked out into the cool air. The sun had begun to dip in the sky, leaving streaks of pink and blue everywhere. Some seagulls flew in the sky, which was odd because we live no where near a lake.
I opened the door to my car and hopped in, starting it up. Once I pulled out of the parking lot, I drove to the Papa Murphy's just in town. It was Ella's favorite food. Once I had my order, I started driving home. For whatever reason, my mind slipped to Mr. Anderson. Not just because of his looks, but just his personality. It made me smile.
When I arrived home I saw Effey's Buick in the driveway. We had invented a system where I would watch the girls while she went to late classes and she'd watch them while I worked.
When I walked in, I saw the three of them playing with dolls in the living room. Ella looked up when I came in, then looked down because she was afraid of what I might say. Frankie smiled and waved to me.
"Hi Clair."
"Hi, Frankie. How was your day?"
"Good, 'cept for when Ella had to go see the principal."
"Frankie, what did I say?" Effey said to her. Frankie lowered her head.
"Sorry mom." Effey looked up to me. I smiled and said,
"Can I borrow Ella for a moment?" Effey nodded and tapped Ella on the shoulder.
"Go on, you heard your mother." She turned back to Frankie and they continued playing. Ella got up and walked over to me slowly, head still down. I guided her into my room and had her sit on my bed. She hugged herself and said quietly.
"I'm sorry, mommy. I didn't mean for them to call you to the school."
"Ella, you know better than to draw pictures like that." I stated, hands on my hips. She sniffled and nodded.
"I know." Her quietness made me soften.
"But I want you to know I'm not mad, ok Ella?" I sat on the bed next to her and set a hand gently on her shoulder. Her whole face scrunched up and she started to cry. I reached forward and drug her into my lap. She hugged me around the waist.
I remember what it was like to have your parents mad at you.
It's one of the scariest feelings in the world.
I shushed her and rocked her back and forth, stroking her hair. Once she had calmed down enough, she sat back up and wiped her eyes.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah." She sniffled. I smiled and rubbed her shoulder.
"Everything is going to be ok, Ella."
"Ok." She nodded. I took a deep breath, then got out of the bed. I kneeled down in front of her and looked her in the eyes.
"Honey, I need you to tell me what happened, alright?" She rubbed her eyes again and nodded. She coughed into her hand and told me everything. She told me about the bus ride and what he said. With each sentence, I could feel my arms getting tenser and my face becoming hotter. I clenched my jaw and listened to the rest. When she finished, she looked up and said,
"Am I in trouble?" Her little eyes looked to me. I smiled and shook my head.
"No, sweetheart, your not in trouble." I pulled her against me and hugged her tightly. She hugged back.
When she pulled away, she asked,
"What's gonna happen now?"
"Well, Ella, tomorrow when you get to school, I need you to tell Mr. Anderson what happened, ok?" I waited a minute. When she heard me say that, she frowned.
"You talked to Mr. Anderson?"
"Yes." I stated, giggling a little. She tilted her head.
"Because he had your picture." I sat on the bed next to her. She nodded like it explained a lot. Then, she rubbed her arm.
"I don't know if I can talk to him, mommy."
"Why not, Ella? He's the counselor, you can tell him anything." I stared down to her. She looked up to me and said,
"He looks just like Prince Erik." Her statement made me smile and nod.
"Yes, he does." I played with her hair. Then, she said something unexpected. She turned to me and frowned.
"Why can't he be my daddy?" She waited for an answer.
I looked down to her, dumbfounded.
"Clair! I have to leave now!" Effey bursted into the room, saving me. I breathed a little and pushed Ella on the back.
"C'mon, let's go eat some pizza." I ushered Ella out and waved to Effey as she left. Ella went off to the living room to play with Frankie. I set the pizza in the oven and was about to join them when my home phone began to ring. I picked it up and flipped some hair from my face.
"Hello, Clair." I heard a newly familiar voice on the other end say. I frowned and bit my lip.
"Is this Christopher?"
"It is." He said. I heard the slur in his voice.
"How did you get this number?"
"Secretary." He explained shortly. I heard what sounded like smoke being blown from his mouth.
Oh Jesus....
"What do you want?" I asked impatiently.
"I'm in need of a designated driver." He said from his end, chuckling a little. I sighed.
"I can't just come and get you."
"Why, you got kids to watch?" He asked. I closed my eyes.
Don't let him know.
"You having sex?" He asked. I could almost hear the smile on his face. I felt appalled.
"I most certainly am not!" I felt my cheeks go hot. He chuckled from his end, and I immediately felt stupid for letting him get to me.
"Relax, babe, I'm only playing with you."
"Well, I really am sorry-"
"Don't you wanna find out who I want to kill?" He asked. That made me stop. My rational side told me I was stupid for entertaining him this long, but my curious side told me to find out more. I gripped the receiver.
"I do."
"Good. I'm at Goldstein's downtown, you know the place?"
"See you here." And he hung up. I put the phone down and dialed my parents. After two rings, my father picked up.
"Hey, dad, a problem came up at work, can you come watch the girls for me?" I asked. He yawned.
"Yes." I stated.
"K, be over in a while."
"Ok, love you." I hung up and went to the girls. Ella looked up at me.
"Who was on the phone?"
"No one," I shook my head and leaned over her. I kissed her head and stood up.
"Grandpa is coming to watch you, I have to go back to work for something, ok?"
"Ok." She said. I nodded and went to get my coat.
After ten minutes my dad arrived and I started on my crusade.
The bar music blasted through the windows and even down the street as I pulled up. Some people smoked on the side of the building. Christopher was one of them.
I sighed and parked across the street, then got out of the car to wave him over. He didn't see me at first, but then he smiled and flicked his cigarette aside and started walking across the street. He wore a red plad shirt with black jeans. When he reached me, he leaned in and said,
"That took you a while. Must've stopped for round two, huh?" I shook my head and sat in the front seat. He got in the other end.
"Please put your seatbelt on."
"You worried about me?" He asked through a smirked, but complied and pulled the belt across his chest. I pulled out and sighed.
"Where do you live?"
"On Ferguson street." He replied, looking over to me. "You look stressed out."
"It's been a long day." I stated, turning on the next road. "Tell me what happened when they sent you away."
"You like muffins?" He asked, slurring intensely. I frowned, unsure if this was his drunk side talking or if it was just him.
"I guess so."
"I do, we should get muffins sometime." He smiled at me.
Is he hitting on me?
"Stay focused, I need to know why you want to kill someone." I stated, stopping at a red light.
"That's a nice statement, Clair, but the truth is that I'm not sure why I want to." He looked out the window. I sighed as the light turned green.
"How long have you wanted to kill someone?"
"All my life." He said, not facing me. His voice was chokey now. My face softened and I remained silent for a while. We drove on. He finally looked up and said,
"You know, it's kind of funny."
"What is?" I questioned. He smiled and looked over to me.
"To think you aren't married by now." His smirked was evil. It was wickid and dark in the night. I didn't like it.
"Maybe I'm engaged." I stated. He shook his head.
"You don't have a ring."
"I don't know what you're implying-"
"I'm not. I'm just saying it's a little shocking to me." He turned back to look in front of him.
I turned into his street and stopped in front of his building.
"Please, tell me what happened." I begged. He looked at his building, looked back to me, then smiled.
"Maybe at our next appointment, tha ms for the ride." He got out and went inside.
I stared, watching him leave.
Why won't he say anything?
I shook my head and sighed.
I spent the rest of the night playing dress up with Ella and Frankie. Even though I tried to stop thinking of him, I couldn't get Christopher our of my mind.
What did he mean?


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye!:).

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