chapter 10: Being busy.

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"Come on, Ella! You can do it!" I cheered and clapped my hands. Ella used the leg of her high chair to try and stand up, but she lost balance and fell back onto her butt. I sat across the room from her, encouraging her to walk for the first time.
"Come on!"
"Chair no-no!" She said, shaking her little head at the chair. I smiled and crawled over to her.
"Ok, maybe we'll try after school and work, ok?"
"Mommy fly!" She giggled at me. I stood up and picked her up. I tussled the newly grown strawberry blonde hair on the top of her head and asked,
"You want to fly?"
"Mommy fly!" She repeated. I grabbed her by the sides and lifted her over my head, speed walking around the room and making airplane noises.
"Weeee!" I said. She clapped and laughed while I did circles around the living room.
The front door opened and my father stepped in.
"Alright, are you ready to go?" He asked. I brought Ella back down to eye level and kissed her forehead.
"I guess so. Ok, Ella, you be good for grandpa, understand?" I handed her to my dad. She pouted and said,
"Bye bye." I picked up my backpack and smiled.
"Bye bye."
The morning air was crisp and cold, but far better than the winter weather we endured. The spring grass was just beginning to bud and grow. Each blade had dew speckled on them, making the ground sparkle.
I savored the few moments I had because I knew that my day would only complicate itself from this point on.
Why can't life be like it's simple pleasures?
Because life doesn't give a crap about anything or anyone. But then again, out of the 7 billion people in this world, my problems are pretty minimal.
Enough analyzing, you have school to go to.
I stepped in the car and started it up. The motor jutted, then kicked to life. I shifted gears and started driving off to the university.
By the time I arrived, I was running ten minutes late. After scooping my books up, I started sprinting to my building that was on the other side of campus. But on the way there, I tripped over nothing and fell in the grass, staining my blue jeans with streaks of green and covering my grey sweatshirt in dirt. My books flew everywhere.
Great. Just what I needed...
I huffed and picked up all the books, then continued running to the classroom.
I opened the door and took a quick breath.
"Miss. Williams! You're late!" My professor shouted. I nodded and quickly brought my books to my table.
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again, sir."
"Are you ready to stop interrupting my class and learn from me?" He asked. I nodded and took out my books.
He turned back to everyone and said,
"Now, who can tell me what percentage of criminals end up back in prison within six months of their release?"
A boy with pink hair raised his hand. The professor nodded to him. He stuck his hand down and said,
"%73, sir"
"Very good-" but my phone started ringing at full volume. I clenched my jaw and thought,
I'm not answering it...
"Who's phone is that?!" The professor asked angrily. No one spoke up. The phone eventually stopped playing. After a few minutes of lecturing, he went back to teaching.
"Alright, turn your text books to page 678 and write down everything on that page."
I took out the book and opened it up to the page he instructed. I was about halfway done when my phone stared ringing again. Everyone looked up from their books and looked around for the scource of the sound. Luckily for me, it was under my bags and my coat and the sound was distorted. Unluckily for me, the professor wasn't feeling tolerant that day.
He stood up from his desk and said,
"Alright, I want everyone with a cellphone to line up here, in front of everyone, and I'll find the culprit myself!" He stood up and walked to the front of his desk, waiting expectantly.
I took a deep breath and grabbed my cellphone. I closed my eyes and walked down to the front of the classroom. Other people started to get up, but they all stopped when I said,
"That's not necessary, it was my phone." I held it up and walked the rest of the way down the steps to where he stood.
He scratched his beard, then pointed to the door and said,
"You have interuppted long enough, miss. Williams, I want you to leave my classroom."
My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat.
"But, sir-"
"No, leave." He ordered. I looked at him, then walked back to gather my things under the critical eyes of my classmates. They all looked at me like I had murdered six babies and laughed while doing it.
I scooped up everything and walked out of the room. The professor slammed the door behind me. I grudgingly walked to my car and looked at my phone.
The two missed calls had come from my home phone.
I sighed angrily and called him back. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hey, Clair-"
"Dad, thanks to you, I just got kicked out of my class!" I said in an impatient voice. He paused for a minute.
"Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to." His voice was soft and understanding. I sighed slowly and pinched the bridge of my nose with my index finger and thumb.
It's not his fault, he didn't know....
"I know you didn't mean to, dad." I said, setting a hand on my hip. I opened the car door and sat inside. He sighed on his end.
"If I had known-"
"It's fine, dad, really."
"Oh, it's not find Clair. Your education is important, don't forget that." He said. I shook my head.
I don't need a lecture right now.
"Anyway, why did you call me?" I questioned, tilting my head. He coughed on his end and replied,
"Well, I uh, wanted to know where her diapers were." I leaned my head back on the car seat.
Of course...
"They're underneath her crib."
"Ok, I'll see you when you're done with work, pumpkin."
"Bye." He hung up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I started the car and drive off in the direction of our local diner, Cakeies.
After I turned onto main street, I parked in the back and entered through the employee door.
The stench of steam and cooking food filled the air with an aroma that only diners have.
I slipped my card in the slot to clock in and tied a black apron on over my grass stained clothes. Then I pulled all of my dirty blonde hair back into a messy bun and sighed, knowing that it would only be another 5 hours before I could go home and spend time with my little Ella.
I waltzed out into the restaurant bustling with people, both old and young. The clinking and clattering of silverware and plates was almost deafening, making me feel like I should have brought ear plugs. I reached into the front pocket of my apron and grabbed my little notepad and a pen.
I walked up to my section and greeted a young couple with a smile.
"Hello, I'm Clair, I'll be your server today. What can I get you to drink?"
"Hmm, I don't know, what do you want?" The girl asked the guy. He shrugged and said,
"Do you have Pepsi?"
"Only coke products," I replied. He nodded and said,
"I'll just have a water, then."
"Alright, and you?"
"A water too." She said. I nodded and walked off to the kitchen.
"Jerry, I need two waters."
"Ok, hold on." Jerry said. Jerry was a sweet old black man who had worked in the diner for almost ten years. He limped a lot and his hands were in the beginning stages of arthritis, but he still brought a lot of energy into the diner.
He handed me two glasses and I walked back, giving them the drinks.
"There you go, are you ready to order?"
"I'll have a chicken salad."
"And I'd like a BBQ burger." I jotted down the notes and took the menus in my arms.
"Ok." I walked off and put the menus back in their cupboard. After I told Jerry the order, I walked up to a table with three guys in their late twenties with tattoos everywhere and crew cuts.
One of them with a black skin-tight t-shirt whistled when I approached.
"Hello, beautiful." He said, smirking to the side. I smiled back quickly and opened the notepad.
"I'll be your server today, what would you like to drink?"
"Whats your name?" The guy asked. His voice was loud and gruff. I looked down to him.
"Clair, that's a nice name." He said, smirking to the side. I sighed and said,
"Are you going to order?" I asked. They ordered their drinks and I walked off, making sure to move quickly so he wouldn't just stare at my ass.
Jerry called out to me when I turned the corner,
"Clair! Your order for 22 is up!"
"Thanks!" I called, picking it up and walking back to the couple's table.
"Here you are, anything else I can get you?"
"No thank you," the girl said. I nodded and walked back to the kitchen for the other tables drinks.
When I got back, they were deeply emerged in conversation about the most recent football game. I cleared my throat and said,
"Are you ready to order?"
"Hmm? Yeah, I'll have a steak."
"I'll have some chicken wings in hot sauce."
"I'll have a regular burger." I nodded and walked over to Jerry.
"Here's the orders."
"Ok. Oh, Joanne wanted to know if you'd take her shift?"
"What? No, I wouldn't have anyone to watch Ella!" I exclaimed. He nodded and said,
"I'll let her know. Some old folks came in at table 6."
"Ok, thanks." I started out to table 6, but got called over by the couple's table.
"We would like our check, please."
"Ok, sir, I'll be right back." I nodded and went to table six.
An elderly man and two old women sat at a table. They all looked to be at least 700 years old. I handed them the menus and said,
"I'm Clair, what would you like to drink?"
"Huh?!" The one woman with dyed red hair asked. The man yelled across the table,
"What do you wanna drink?!"
"I don't want a sink!"
"No! To drink!"
"Oh! I'd like some coffee!" She told the man. I nodded and wrote it down. The other lady said,
"I'll have a cup of tea, please."
"I'll have a coffee." The man said. I nodded and smiled to them.
"I'll be right back." I ran to the front counter to get the couple's table their tab. Jerry shouted,
"Your orders are done!"
"K!" I gave the couple's their tab and went to grab the tray of food. I waded through an endless crowd of people to get to their table. Once I set down the food, I sighed.
"Would you guys like anything else?"
"A neck rub would be nice," the same man who asked for my name said. I smiled sarcastically and walked back to get the coffee and tea.
After I had taken their orders, I gave it to Jerry and walked back to the table with the men in tattoos.
"Ok, is there anything else you would like today?"
"How about your number, sweetheart?" The guy asked with a greasy smile. I tilted my head, handed hem their bill, and said,
"I have a daughter. You can pay up front." And walked away.

I sat down in the car and took a deep breath.
I made it...
I started up the car and drove all the way home without hitting a stop light. The second I walked through the door, I heard Ella say,
"Mommy!" She was sitting on my dad's lap. Dad smiled at me and said,
"She wouldn't let me put her to bed, she wanted you to read her a story." I smiled and set my bags down.
"Is that so?" I picked her up and sighed.
"What story do you want, Ella?"
"Piggies!" She chanted, clapping her hands. I smiled and brought her into her room. I sat down on the rocking chair with her and sighed.
"Well, once upon a time, there were three little pigs..."
Ella listened, interrupting every now and then to talk about her favorite part of the story. I smiled and nodded with her explanations.
By the time the story was over, she was sleeping in my arms. I lightly ran my fingers over the top of her head, then kissed it. Then I whispered lightly in her ear,
"I know you don't understand yet, but I want you to know that everything I do, I do for you."


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :)

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