Chapter 31: Police.

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Derek flipped the phone shut and sighed.
"They want us to go in so you can identify him."
"We? You don't have to." I told him, hugging myself. He shook his head.
"Don't be silly. Of course I'm coming with you." He started pushing the cart towards the check out isle. I followed behind him.
"I would rather go by myself. Ella gets out of school in half an hour."
"Are you sure?" He asked while setting the stuff on the conveyor belt. I nodded.
"Yes I'm sure."
"Ok." He nodded and paid for the stuff.
He drove me to the police station a couple blocks down the road. I opened the door and smiled.
"Thank you for driving me."
"You're welcome. Call me when you need a ride, ok?"
"Ok." I waved and walked inside.
The outside of the building was all brick and large, but the inside was compartmentalized and cut off. Everything about it was small and dank.
Some officers sat in mini offices and wrote out paperwork. The rest of the people there filed and printed things. I went to a young woman sitting behind the glass of the entrance. She looked up to me and smiled.
"May I help you?"
"Hi, I'm Clair Williams. I'd like to file a report."
"What kind?"
"I'm a criminal psychologist. I was stabbed by a patient of mine and it is imperative that we find him as soon as possible."
"Wait here, I'll get someone." She walked around the corner. I stared around at the little entrance. I saw a sign that read, Please no cell phones or weapons!
I found it funny that they put cell phones before weapons, but whatever.
She came back and bussed me inside the large doors.
"Follow me." She gestured. I walked in to a small hallway that led to several doors. She stopped and said,
"He's in there." She walked away. I walked in the door labled, detective Reeves.
He sat behind his desk, reading with his glasses on. The office was more like a closet, but he still had two chairs in front of the desk.
He looked up and smiled briefly.
"Hello, miss. Williams. Have a seat."
"Ok," I took a seat.
Detective Reeves was a heavier black man with a greying beard and a wide face. His uniform fit snug against him, but he smiled everywhere he went.
He scooted forward in his chair which squealed in protest.
"So, what can I do for you today?"
"I was attacked by a patient of mine last night. I'd like to file an APD and find him immediately."
"What's his history look like?" He asked while pulling out a blue sheet of paper.
"He was sent to the Pineview mental institute when he was 8 years old. He was sent to my office for psychological evaluation. He wanted me to observe his ritual. I went in the name of research, but he decided to turn on me. It's clear that on a psychological level, he isn't fit for society."
"I see, do you have his address?" He asked. I gave it to him. He scribbled it down and picked up the phone.
"Send Kentson in here." Within a minute, a young man in uniform walked in, took the paper and disappeared.
Detective Reeves smiled at me.
"I have some other news for you."
"What would that be?" I asked while crossing my legs.
"Remember the file I sent to you?"
"Of Colton Norris? Yes."
"Well, he has agreed to see you for evaluation." He smiled. I was surprised by this.
"Has he given any explanation for why?"
"No, but his lawyer probably had a part in it. He has scheduled an appointment for next Tuesday."
"Alright." I nodded. My phone started vibrating. I picked it up and held it to my ear.
"Hey, we just got back." Effey said to me. I smiled.
"How was it?"
"Long and exhausting. Would you want to come over? Frankie really misses Ella."
"Sure, we'll come by at around 6."
"Sounds good. Bye."
"Bye." I hung up and stood up. I shook detective Reeves hand. "Well, thank you for your help. I have somewhere to be, goodbye."
"Goodbye, miss. Williams. We'll be in touch." He waved as I walked out. I checked the time, 4:20.
Ella should be home by now.
I called Derek's cell. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Hi, it's me. I need a ride."
"Ok, we're on the way." He hung up. I sighed and took a seat on the ground. The cement was cold against the sweatpants. I watched the bustling street in front of me.
A woman tugged her small child behind her. A man talked on a phone with an exhausted expression. Another man walked his dog while on roller skates.
My cell phone started ringing.
"You don't seriously think they'll catch me, do you?" He asked. I stood up and gripped the receiver.
"Dont bother getting someone, I won't be on long."
"Christopher, listen to me-"
"No, Clair. I think what I have to say is more important for Ella." That's when my heart dropped into oblivion. I stumbled backwards, then sat on the steps.
"H-how do you know her name?"
"That's not important. I just called to say I'm skipping town right about...well, now. But that doesn't mean you're forgotten. No, my friend is still waiting for the right time to get you, so don't get too comfortable." He hung up.
I held the phone there for an extra minute, then slowly put it away. All I felt was helplessness.
Derek pulled up with Ella in the back seat. I smiled and sat down in the front. Ella jumped forward a little.
"Mommy! Can I name the puppy!?!"
"Later, guess what?"
"What?" She asked with a smile.
"Frankie and aunt Effey are back!"
"Really!?! Can I show Frankie the puppy?!" She smiled ear to ear. Derek laughed. I smiled.
"You can some other time. We're going to have supper at Frankie's house tonight." She sat back in her seat, swinging her feet. Derek turned onto his street and parked the car.
"I suppose you should get ready for her house." He stated while unbuckling himself. I remembered that I was still wearing his clothes, so I nodded and walked inside, Ella trailing behind.
I went up the stairs and unzipped my suitcase on the bed. I decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a light green shirt that hung off my shoulders, showing my bra strap underneath. I took a quick shower and threw on my things. I had to sit on the toilet to put the jeans on, but I finally managed to get it on.
I walked down the stairs.
"Ella, are you ready?" I looked in the living room, but was greeted by silence. I walked to the kitchen, the same. I leaned against the counter and thought.
Where is she?
I turned around and looked out the window. A warm smile krept on my face as I saw Derek and Ella outside in the evening sun, playing with the dog.
Ella was smiling and playing tug of war with a piece of rope.
The puppy was pulling back, anxious to get her new toy. Derek watched from his spot on the stairs, making sure the puppy wasn't too rough. He turned slightly and saw me standingin the window. Then he waved me over to join him.
I walked into the porch and down the first few steps, sitting right beside him.
"Hi. You look nice."
"Oh, thanks. It's just something I threw on."
"Well, I like it." He smiled. I blushed and looked at Ella. Her long strawberry blonde hair shimmered in the sun. Today she wore a grey t shirt with a black horse in the middle and a pair of blue jeans with fresh grass stains on the knees.
I shook my head and found myself accidentally saying,
"God, she looks like her dad." My mind automatically wanted the words to come back. Derek looked at me, then to her. Then he looked down and asked,
"What was he like?" He looked to me. I kept my eyes on Ella, keeping my face neutral.
"He was incredibly stubborn. I hated it when we argued because I could never win. He also had this weird thing where whenever we watched tv, he would constantly move his head from side to side. I remember it irritated the crap out of me. And I'll never forget his stupid grin when we walked down the street together." My heart ached and I gently shook my head. He scooted a little closer and clasped his hands together.
"Why did you guys break up?" He looked to me. I hugged myself.
"He was almost out of college, just starting out his life. He didn't want a baby ruining his plans." I watched as Ella fell back and the puppy held the rope in her mouth, bending the way puppies do when they want to play. She wagged her white tipped tail and hopped about.
Derek looked concerned.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
"He was a jerk for not wanting to be there for Ella."
"I'm sorry for asking, I didn't mean to upset you-"
"No, it's fine, Derek. You didn't upset me. It was a long time ago." I turned to him. He smiled gently at me.
"You know what? I'm glad he left."
"Because if he didn't, I might have never met you or Ella." He set his hand on top of mine. I smiled and set my other hand on top of his, sandwiching his hand.
"I'm glad I met you too, Derek." I smiled. My phone went off.
"Hi, Clair. Your brother will be here tomorrow for the funeral. Can you check up on Kyle tonight?"
"Sure, mom."
"Ok, I love you."
"Love you too, bye." I hung up. Derek looked to me.
"Who was it?"
"My mom. She wants me to check up on Kyle. Well, Ella and I better get going if we're gonna have dinner in time."
"Ok." He nodded and stood. I walked over to Ella and tapped her shoulder.
"C'mon, we gotta go."
"Ok, be good to Derek, Lola." She said while petting the dog. I frowned.
"That's her name! She looks like a Lola to me, anyways." She smiled and ran to the front. I sighed and followed her.
Derek watched as we drove off down the street. Ella smiled and swung her feet around.
"Guess what mommy!?!"
"What?" I asked with a smile.
"I made a new friend today! His name is Perry."
"Yeah, he was friends with the boy who was mean to me, but then he came to me in the playground and said he wants to be my friend instead." She smiled. I turned the car.
"Oooo, he likes you."
"Nu-uh!" She exclaimed while giggling. I giggled back and parked in Effey's building. We walked into the brick building and rang the buzzer labeled, 210
"Hey, let us in." I said. She laughed and buzzed us in. We walked up the ugly green carpeted stairs and knocked on her wooden door. She opened and wrapped me in a hug.
"Hey girl, what took you so long?" She slung an arm around my shoulder and we all walked inside.
Frankie ran to Ella and tackled her to the ground.
"Ella! I have to tell you about Chicago!" They giggled and walked hand in hand to Frankie's room.
Effey's apartment was nothing special, but it was very cozy. It had tan walls with two bedrooms and a bathroom. The kitchen and dining room were connected.
Effey and I made our way to the kitchen and sat down.
"Ugh, I'm glad that's over."
"How was it?" I asked. She shrugged.
"It was ok. It would have been better if my mother wasn't constantly telling me how I should have changed my major and became a doctor or something." She rubbed her eyes. I leaned on my elbows and sighed.
"We need to make this quick. I have to check up on Kyle and go to bed. I need to be up tomorrow morning."
"Why?" She asked while getting up and stirring a pot of noodles.
"My dad's funeral is tomorrow." I hugged myself and tried not to cry. Effey turned around and looked like she was about to scream.
"Oh my god, Clair." She walked up to me and wrapped my in a hug. I hugged back and took some deep breaths.
"H-he had a heart attack." I explained. Effey rubbed my back slowly.
"I'll go with you, what time?"
"10:00 tomorrow." I wiped my eyes. She sat across from my and held my hand.
"I'm so sorry."
"I'm fine-" but we both heard a loud CRASH!


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :P.

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