Chapter 32: Funeral.

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Effey and I wasted no time in getting up and running down the hall to the sound. We fled to the door of Frankie's room and ran in.
"What happened!?!" We both asked. Frankie and Ella stood on the bed and looked at us with pleading eyes.
"We accidentally broke the mirror!"
"But we didn't mean to!"
"Were sorry!" They both exclaimed. Effey and I looked to the corner where the mirror lay on the ground, broken. Effey sighed.
"I'm not mad. Both of you go to the living room so we can lean this up." She pointed to the door. They left as quickly as possible.
Effey bent down and asked me to grab the vacuum. I opened her little closet and wheeled it over.
After we finished cleaning, we walked to the kitchen and started dishing out the plates. Tonight we were eating spaghetti.
Ella and Frankie watched Effey and I and tried twirling the noodles around their forks like we did. I smiled and Effey talked about Chicago.
"So then my mom told me not to worry. The next thing I knew, I see Frankie and her in the kitchen covered in chocolate-"
"Mama, can we go now-"
"Frankie, what did I say about interrupting me?" She pointed a finger at her daughter. Frankie sat back and looked down.
"I'm sorry."
"Ok, yes you can leave." She stated. Ella and Frankie set their dishes by the sink and ran to the living room. Just when we were about to continue our conversation, a knock came to the door. Effey smiled at me and got up. I frowned and followed.
"Who is it?" I stood behind her. She opened the door and smiled as the man from the club stood in the doorway with a bouquet of roses in his hand.
"Hey, there's my girl!"
"Aww, Tyrone! You didn't have to bring me these!" She placed a gentle kiss on his lips and gave him a quick hug. He smiled and nodded at me.
"Hello, Effey, I didn't know you were having company over." I smiled at her. She shrugged.
"Sorry, guess I forgot."
"Well, if you don't mind then, Ella and I are gonna leave. We have a long day ahead of us." I looked down and hugged myself. Effey quickly came over to me and gave me a hug.
"I'll meet you at the church, ok?"
"Ok." I nodded and called Ella over. We both hopped in the car and I started driving to Kyle's apartment. Once there, I told Ella to wait in the car.
"But I want to say hi!"
"You can tomorrow, Ella. But I want you to wait here for now, ok?"
"Ok." She looked down. I got out and headed up the stairway.
His apartment was very small. He had a kitchenette with a small bathroom and a living room/bedroom.
Kyle laid on his bed, watching a movie and drinking mountain dew. His arm was slung in a cast and he sat stiffly to help his torso.
I smiled and shut the door.
"Hey, Kyle, how are you feeling?"
"Good." He shrugged. I stood awkwardly for a moment.
Kyle and I had never been as close as I would have liked. He was a huge momma's boy and I was more of a daddy's girl. We didn't really fight a lot, it's just that we never saw I eye to eye. We never had anything in common.
I sighed.
"Have you had any food yet?"
"Ok, then. Mom asked me to check on you. Are you coming tomorrow?" I asked. He shrugged.
"Yeah. mom's coming to get me."
"I guess I'll see you then, bye."
"Bye." He took another sip of pop. I gently closed the door and walked back to the car.
Once I reached the doors and stepped outside, I saw Ella standing outside of the car. I approached with a frown.
"Didnt I say to stay in the car?" I knelt down to her. She nodded.
"I know."
"Well then why did you leave the car?"
"I don't know!" She exclaimed. I sighed.
"You don't know why you got out of the car?"
"No." She shook her head. I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Well c'mon, we have a long day ahead of us." I helped her into her spot and we drove back to Derek's house.
Once we were inside, Lola came sprinting around the corner at us. She jumped up on Ella, licking her face. She giggled and pushed the dog away. Derek stood up from his spot on the couch where he was reading a newspaper. He smiled and walked over.
"How was your friend?"
"Oh, it was fine, thanks."
"While you were away, I stopped by the store and bought some things so Ella could have a proper bedroom. Well, you know, until it's safe for you to go home." He explained. I smiled.
"You didn't need to do that."
"But I did, I'm sure Ella would like a room of her own." When Ella heard that, she jumped over.
"I have a room here!?!"
"Yes, it's upstairs." He pointed. She smiled and bolted up the stairs, Lola hot on her tail. I watched her go and smiled.
He turned to me.
"I also picked up some toiletries for you."
"Oh, thanks." I smiled. He nodded and cleared his throat.
"Well, I'm going to shower quick and go to bed."
"Yeah, I think I'll do the same when you're finished."
"K." He hesitated for a moment before he walked up the stairs to his bedroom bathroom. I stood by the door for a second, then walked up to where I heard Ella giggling.
"Look Lola! It's a place for you!" She exclaimed. I leaned against the doorway and stared with a smile.
The room had tan walls and carpet. There was a twin size bed against one wall with a pink bedspread. A white dresser sat next to it with a little vanity mirror. A dog bed sat at the foot of the bed and a brand new doll house sat next to the door.
He had also took the liberty of hanging up her clothes in the closet and setting her folded ones on top of her dresser.
Ella smiled at me.
"Look at my new room mommy!" She smiled and petted Lola, who was lying on her back on the floor.
I smiled too and sat on the bed.
"Be sure to say thank you, ok?"
"Ok." She nodded. I smiled and went to the other bedroom.
I could hear the shower going, so I decided to get my outfit ready.
I chose a pair of shorts with an oversized university t shirt. I sat on the bed and swung my feet like a little kid.
When the door opened, Derek came out in black basketball shorts and a grey Nike shirt. I stood up with a small smile.
"Thank you for doing that. She's very happy."
"You're very welcome." He smiled and grabbed a pillow.
Right when he was about to leave, I turned on my foot and blurted out,
"You don't have to sleep downstairs." I wanted to stab myself.
He turned to me and leaned his head against the doorway.
"Are you sure?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, if you're ok with it?" I said. He shrugged and nodded.
"Ok." I stated awkwardly, then decided to stop embarrassing myself and closed the bathroom door.
I took a quick shower and threw my clothes on then walked out.
Derek was no where in sight. I frowned and walked towards Ella's room.
As I neared the door, I could here Derek's voice telling her a story.
"But then Goldie locks heard a loud voice say 'and who's this in my bed!" I walked in and saw Ella laying down with Lola at her side, giggling at the story. Derek sat at the end of her bed and smiled as he continued on.
I watched from the doorway silently until he finished the story.
"And they never heard from Goldie locks again." He smiled. She clapped.
"Can you tell me another one!"
"No, it's time for bed." I walked in and pulled the blanket over her. Lola looked at me with big eyes. I kissed Ella on the cheek.
"What do you say to Derek?"
"Thank you for telling me a bedtime story."
"Youre welcome Ella. Get some sleep, ok?"
"Ok." He gave her a quick hug and left the room. I smiled to myself and kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight, baby."
"Night mommy." I left the door open a crack and went to the bedroom.
Derek was standing by his dresser when I walked in, grabbing something from his drawer. I sat on the edge of the bed. He smiled at me when I came in and turned to look at me.
"Hi. What are you doing?"
"I have something for you." He said while walking over to me with a white rectangle in hand.
He sat next to me and handed the box to me. I gave him a questioning look and opened it.
There was a little silver cross sitting in the middle of the box. I smiled and said,
"Thank you."
"I know you aren't religious, but you can use all the support you can get in times like these." He was of course referring to my dad. I felt a tear push against my eye and I nodded.
"It's very thoughtful of you." I took it out and handed it to him while holding my hair to the side. He unhooked it and put the necklace on me. I sniffled a little and hugged myself. When I turned back to face him, he smiled gently and set a hand on mine.
"You'll get through this, Clair. You're strong."
"I'm glad one of us thinks so." I half laughed. He gave my hand a slight squeeze.
"I know it doesn't seem like it now, but everything is going to be ok." He reassured me. I wiped my eye and nodded.
"Thank you." We stared at each other for a moment before he cleared his throat.
"Well, I suppose we should get some sleep, huh?"
"Yeah." I scooted to the other side of the bed and laid down under the covers. Derek laid down and we remained silent for a while. I started nodding off to sleep.
Right before I fell asleep, he reached his hand around my waist and scooted against me, leaning his forehead against the back of my head. I didn't feel awkward. I felt safe in his arms.

(8:00 the next morning...)

I knelt down next to Ella as I buttoned up her black jacket. She wore a grey dress underneath with black flats. I had put her hair into a ponytail so she wouldn't play with her hair.
I was wearing a plain black dress shirt with a black skirt and tights. Ella swung her feet from the chair.
"Is uncle Matt gonna be there?"
"Yes, Ella."
"And his kids?" She asked. I nodded.
"Yes." I was trying my best to keep myself together so Ella wouldn't see me cry.
"And Frankie?"
"Yes." I nodded and finished buttoning her jacket. She nodded and hopped off the chair. I ushered her to the car where Derek was waiting.
He smiled gently when we got in.
"Hey." I said, sitting in the front seat. He sighed.
"I suppose." I nodded and wiped my eyes while taking a long, deep breath. He nodded and we drove off to the church.
The day was oddly sunny, with not a cloud in the sky. I stared out the window and watched as we approached the church.
It was only a small funeral, but there were still a few cars that lined the parking lot. Derek parked and opened the door for Ella as I got out of my door. Ella skipped ahead of us while Derek stood beside me, not saying anything.
I opened the door and saw my mom standing towards the front, dressed in a black dress. Ella went up and gave her a quick hug while I followed behind. She hugged Ella back and kissed her head. Then Ella stepped aside so I could hug her. She embraced me with a much needed hug and squeezed her eyes shut.
"I'm glad you're here."
"I'm glad you're here." I said back. Then, I turned to the casket that held my father. I walked up, Ella on one side, Derek on the other.
He looked so peaceful. But his skin was pale and leather-like. Almost like a manikin. I thought that maybe this wasn't real and my real dad would pop out of the curtains at any minute.
I reached down and stroked his cheek. It was as cold as ice.
I withdrew my hand and turned to take a seat for the service.
I saw Matt and his wife stamding near the front row with their children. Matt looked tired.
I smiled weakly at him and hugged him.
"Hey, how are you holding up?" He asked in the hug. I shrugged and pulled away.
"Oh, you know, alright. How about you?"
"I'm ok." He said, then his eyes slid to Derek and he nodded towards him.
"Who are you?"
"Oh, Matt, this is Derek. Derek, this is my brother Matt." I introduced them. They shook hands and Matt managed a small smile.
"Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." He said, stepping back.
I saw Effey come in with Frankie shortly behind, both dressed in black. They walked over and Effey hugged me.
"Hey, how are you?"
"I'm alright." I smiled in our hug.
The preacher went to the front, signalling everyone to sit.
Effey and I sat by each other in the front row, Frankie and Ella sitting by each other. Derek sat on my other side.
The preacher started talking about the ways of life, about how it is full of meetings and partings. He talked about God and how my father has found his place in paradise.
I didn't really hear what he told us. I have never had as much faith as my parents.
I thought about what my father had meant to me. How he loved that first cup of coffee in the morning. How he loved doing things himself and how he hated calling people to repair something. I thought about how he used to lecture us on how important it is to find something you love.
As much as I tried to fight it, my lip started quivering and a small whimper left my mouth.
Derek looked to me, saw my face, and he understood. He quietly slipped his hand underneath mine and held on tight. I reached up and wiped my face as much as possible.
The ceremony went by slowly, then we all headed out to our cars and followed the hearse to the graveyard. Once there, the preacher said one more prayer, then we watched as the first few shovels of dirt fell onto my father, encasing him in his silent tomb.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :).

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