Chapter 30: The day is ours.

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I rolled over on my side and looked at Ella. She was curled up next to me with hair over her face. I brushed it aside and kissed her cheek. She stirred, then settled back in.
The clock read 6:00. The door knob started to turn. I laid down and closed my eyes, pretending to sleep.
Derek walked in, freshly showered and looking beautiful as always. He wore a red t-shirt and black jeans. He walked to Ella's side of the bed and sat down on the edge.
He gently put his hand on her shoulder and shook a little from side to side. She squeezed her eyes.
"Ella?" He whispered in a comforting voice. She made a groaning sound.
"Ella, it's time to get ready for school." He whispered. He stopped shaking her gently and rubbed her arm. She sat up and stretched.
"Are you taking me-"
"Shh, you don't want to wake your mom." He whispered. She yawned and nodded.
"Are you gonna bring me to school?" She whispered.
"Yes, your mom needs to rest. C'mon, I'll make you breakfast."
"Will you make waffles please?" She asked with a smile. He smiled back.
"Only if you promise to brush your teeth."
"Ok." She got out of the bed as quietly as she could and tip toed to the bathroom.
Derek took the blankets and pulled them over my shoulder. He then stood up and walked silently down the stairs. I smiled and nestled further into the pillows.
They smell like him.
Ella came out about ten minutes later and went down the stairs. I then sat up and swung my legs over the bed. Then I remembered that I didn't have any pants on, so I covered my legs again. I leaned against the headboard and listened to the noises from downstairs. I could hear the sizzle of the waffles in the waffle iron and the tv playing Dora. I could also make out the sound of Derek and Ella talking while he cooked. The image it made in my mind made me smile.
I sat like this for a long while.
At about 7:30, I heard the door open and they left. It was then that I decided to get out of bed.
My sweater from last night hung below my butt, but I couldn't bend over in it.
I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a little tangled, but he didn't have a brush, so I just washed my face and went down the stairs. A plate of waffles was set out on the counter, so I put some on a plate and sat at the table.
The morning sun shone through the window. I smiled and set a hand under my leg to relieve the pressure. It stung, but for the most part wasn't hurting.
I heard some scratching come from the other room. I got up and looked at the door on the other side of the living room. The same thing scratching was now whimpering. I realized it was the puppy from last night.
She must be hungry by now...
I went back to the kitchen and looked through his fridge. There were some frozen sausages, so I took out a pan and threw them in. They sizzled and turned brown after a while. I filled a bowl with water and walked to the door.
When I opened it, she tried to squeeze past me.
"No!" I said firmly. I pointed down to her. She backed up and sat down, tilting her head. I looked down and studied her.
In the hurry of last night, I didn't notice how big she was. Most puppies her age were about as tall as my knee. But her head was about halfway up my thigh. Her body was narrow, but I could tell she was a large breed. Her eyes were little black spots.
I set the food down in front of her. She ran up and inhaled the food while wagging her tail. I smiled and sat down on the stoop. When she finished, she licked her nose and trotted to me. She sniffed my hand and licked it. I giggled and pushed her away. She backed up a foot, looked up at me, and jumped up so her front paws were in my lap. She licked my nose. I laughed and patted her head.
"Ok, that's enough." I pushed her aside again and stood up. She started to follow me in the house, but I used my good leg to block her and shut the door.
I went back to the table and ate my food. A fly buzzed to the table and landed on my food. I glared at it.
Think you can just land on my food!?!
I grabbed a newspaper from the other end of the table and rolled it up.
The fly buzzed to the wall. I stood up and limped over to it. I raised the paper and whacked the wall, but the fly flew into the kitchen. I sighed with frustration and hopped to the kitchen. I whapped the stove, but missed it again. The same thing happened with the cabinets, the counter, the fridge, and the wall.
The fly flew to the small hallway. I swung again and missed. It flew to the couch. I whapped it and finally killed it. I smiled and did a happy dance, but my leg started throbbing in pain so I limped to the doorway and sat down at the table.
After I finished eating, I took the plates and limped to the kitchen. I filled the sink and dipped my hands in the soapy water.
The front door opened and I heard footsteps walk to the kitchen. I turned slightly to see Derek smile at me.
I smiled back, but I definitely looked like a walrus trying to balance on a tight rope.
"Hey. How does your leg feel today?" He asked me while walking over and setting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged.
"It stings, but not as bad as before."
"I'm glad your feeling better." He smiled. I nodded and put another plate in the sink. He made a move to cut me off from the sink.
"Why don't you let me do these while you find something fresh to wear?" He suggested. It was then that I realized I still didn't have pants on.
Great job stupid...
I blushed and nodded.
"Yeah, good idea."
"All I have that might fit you is a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, is that ok?"
"Yes, that's fine." I smiled and went to the stairs. I set my foot on the first step, but my cut seized up like fire, and I made a gasping noise.
"Are you ok?" He came to me and asked. I took some deep breaths and nodded.
"I'm ok. It just burns..."
"Here, I'll help you." He set one of my arms around his neck and wrapped one of his arms around my waist to help support me. I blushed and we took the steps one at a time until we reached the top. When we made it, I took a breath.
"I think I'll be fine from here."
"You sure?" He asked, putting a hand on my back. I smiled and nodded.
"I'm sure."
"Ok, let me know if you need help."
"Ok." I nodded. He walked down the stairs and disappeared. I opened the door to the bedroom and walked to his dresser. I opened the first door and saw many shirts, so I grabbed a large white one and set it on top of the dresser. I found a pair of grey sweatpants and took them to the bathroom.
After I pulled my sweater over my head, I looked at myself in the mirror. As usual when I saw myself, all I could see was my jiggly stomach and my flabby arms.
I threw the clothes I had found on. The shirt was baggy and the sweatpant string had to be tightened, but they were comfortable. The material on the sweatpants was nice against my cut, making me feel more at ease.
I walked carefully down the steps and went to the kitchen.
He had finished the dishes and was now drying them. I limped over.
"You didn't have to skip work."
"Yes I did, I didn't want you going back there by yourself."
"I could have had someone take me." I stated.
"But I wouldn't know if they could protect you."
"I can protect myself, I'm a big girl." I said. He smiled and tucked some hair behind my ear. Then he stroked my cheek, lighting fireworks everywhere.
"Not the way I can protect you." He said. He then went about his business. I stood frozen in place.
"Have you fed the puppy yet?" He asked me. I nodded.
"Uh, yeah. I gave her some sausages."
"Good." He nodded. Then he shrugged. "What do you plan on doing with her?"
"I'm not sure. I would give her away.."
"But?" He asked with a smile. I bit my lip.
"Ella would never let me hear the end of it."
"So you're gonna keep her?" He asked. I looked to him and shrugged.
"If its ok with you?"
"It is." He nodded. Then he walked to the table and grabbed his keys.
"Well, let's drive you to your house."
"Ok." I got up and followed him to his car.
He went to my side and opened the door. I smiled.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." He nodded and closed the door behind me. He hopped in and started down the road.
"Let's stop at the store on the way back to get some dog supplies."
"Ok." I nodded and sat my head back. We got to my house about ten minutes later. He walked to the other side and helped me walk to the door.
When I opened it, I expected the house to have been raided. But everything seemed to be in place.
I walked to my room and opened a suitcase I kept in my closet. After I threw a ton of things in it, I walked back out to the kitchen.
Derek was staring at a family photo I had hanging in the little dining room beside the kitchen. It was taken last summer when my parents had a big barbeque in the mountains. They rented a cabin towards the top. We tried making Mac and cheese, but because of the elevation, it ended up more like soup.
He pointed to it and asked,
"Is this your dad?" He looked at me. I walked over and saw his familiar, crooked smile that used to bother me. I smiled weakly and nodded.
"Yeah. He was so proud of bringing us together that weekend." I stared at it. My heart felt like crumbling.
"His funeral is Friday." I added. We stood quietly for a moment. Then, he set a hand on my shoulder.
"I can come with you, if you would like? For moral support."
"Would you?" I asked with more pleading than I had intended. He nodded.
"Absolutely." He nodded. He bent down and took the suitcase from my hand.
"Oh, I can carry-"
"No, a gentleman never lets a lady carry her stuff." He said in a funny accent. I giggled and did a curtsie.
"If you insist."
"I do. Let's go to the grocery store." He gestured to the door. I followed and sat in the front seat.
He turned on the radio. It immediately turned onto the classical station, playing Mozart's famous work, Ronda Alla Turca. He blushed a little and switched the station.
"Sorry, my music taste is a little out dated."
"No, that's fine." I smiled. He started driving. I hugged myself. "When did you start listening to Mozart?" I questioned. He smiled to himself.
"I used to take piano lessons. From the second I heard Mozart and Bach and Wagner...I just thought they were geniuses. As I got into high school, I played them more and more at my recitals." He smiled to himself. I smiled.
"Do you still play?"
"I know how, but I don't have anytime anymore." He looked to the left and pulled into the store. We started inside.
"I would love to hear you play." I said while grabbing a cart.
"Maybe I will, then." He said with a smile. We walked to the dog isle and threw some random things in. A large dog bed, a food dish, some toys.
I was reaching for a large bone when I happened to look at the end of the isle.
Christopher smirked in my direction, then bolted towards the exit. I pointed.
"There! He's the man who stabbed me!" I exclaimed. Derek looked to where I was pointing and jogged to the end of the isle.
"I'll call the police." He stated, taking out his phone. But I was too busy thinking about what he had said.
I'll get you bitch, and your fucking brat too.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye!:).

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