chapter 17: What happened?

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Mr. Sampson wasn't so easy on me when I got to his office the second time.
"Please, Mr. Sampson, something came up at the school-"
"This is not a business where you can come and go as you please, miss. Williams."" He stated, folding his hands in front of him. I nodded.
"I know, I'm sorry for this-"
"Your obligation to your job must take priority." He said. I sat up and asked,
"Do you have children?"
"That is irrelevant-"
"No, Mr. Sampson, it isn't. Having children makes all the difference. This job is my top priority, right after my child." I stood and flipped hair from my face.
"Fire me if you must, but Ella needs me." I walked out of the office and checked out.
When I arrived, I waisted no time in making a B-line straight for the principles office.
The office lady looked surprised to see me looking as angry as I did. Her mouth formed a perfect 'o'. I paid no attention and pushed through the doorway. Once inside, I went straight to her desk and said,
"I want to know what happened, and I want to know now!"
"Mr. Anderson is speaking to her-" but I was already out of the door and into the small hallway. I could see Ella sitting in a chair, looking down. Mr. Anderson kneeled in front of her, speaking gently.
I walked in, making Mr. Anderson look up to me. He stood up and turned fully to me.
Even though my only concern was Ella, I couldn't help but feel my cheeks go red at his appearance. Today he wore nice blue jeans with a white sweater that was rolled at the elbows. He had shaved since the last time I saw him, but I could already see his 4 o'clock shadow appearing. He didn't smile this time, and he didn't seem surprised to see me.
"Hello." He stated. I ignored him and bent down in front of Ella.
"Sweetie, are you ok?" She got out of the chair and hugged me tightly while crying. I gently rocked her back and forth while shushing her and stroking her hair. Her tears started to make the fabric on my left shoulder go wet, but I kept hugging her until she calmed down enough to the point where no sound came out. She just shook and trembled in my arms.
I finally pulled away, tucked some stray hairs behind my ear, and looked into her face. Her right eye was swelling a little, but no black or blue marks. I lightly set a hand on her cheek and said,
"Tell me what happened." I stared at her. She sniffled a few times and started,
"I-I was just pl-playing with Frankie a-a-and Perry, and I accidentally r-ran into Jason, and h-he just punched me!" She started crying with new tears, her breath hitching. I pulled her into another hug and stood up with her still in my arms. She wrapped her legs around my waist and kept hugging me. I turned to Mr. Anderson and stated,
"I'm taking her home."
"I still need to speak with you-"
"I'm going to bring her to the car, then I'll come back in. But Ella is going home for the rest of the day." I interrupted. Without waiting for his response, I turned on my heel and went to my car. After Ella was placed in the backseat, I kissed her forehead and walked back inside.
When I walked in, Mr. Anderson was typing on his computer, his face a mask of neutralness. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.
I marched in without breaking stride and sat down, crossing my legs in the process. He turned and faced me, also crossing his legs so his right foot sat on his left knee. I crossed my arms.
"Please tell me what the school intends to do." I stared at him. He looked like he didn't want to tell me. After he bit his lip, he sighed.
"I want you to know I don't like this anymore than you do."
"Noted." I stated plainly. He cleared his throat.
"I spoke with the supervisors on the playground. They insisted that Ella was the one who started it."
"How!?" I asked. He shrugged.
"They claim she pushed him, but she told me they were playing tag. Kids don't always look where they're going."
"Exactly! It's not like Ella tried to push him!"
"I know, but they're sure it was her fault."
"Did you see the way she was crying!" I shouted.
"Her accidentally pushing a boy is one thing, but him punching her in the face is inexcusable!" I could feel my face getting hot as I stood up and paced the room. I felt like I wanted to rip everything off the walls and throw it at someone.
"Clair, please calm down-"
"Have they told the boy's parents what happened?" I asked sharply, still pacing. He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.
"The school think it's in their best interests to focus on Ella."
"Why!?" I asked impatiently.
"They feel that the boy's parents can get enough people to have a class-action law suit."
"Against the school?"
"Yes. They also think that your financial status is unsavory."
"Unsavory-" I began to say, but then it dawned on me; they think because I'm not rich, they can get away with blaming Ella.
I stopped for a moment and stared at Derek. His face relaxed.
"Like I said, I don't like this situation." He sat back. I clenched my jaw and returned to pacing, now fuming in anger.
Mr. Anderson got up and set both hands on my shoulders, stopping me in front of him. I faced him and suddenly felt completely self-conscious as his hands gripped my arms on the side.
"I know you're upset right now Clair, May I call you Clair?" He asked, looking into my eyes. I numbly nodded.
"Alright, Clair, believe me when I say I'm not happy with this either, but if we can play this the right way, we can beat this." He let go of my arms. I couldn't help but notice his use of the word, we.
"Please sit down." He gestured back to the chair. I sat down and put my hands together.
"Ok, Mr. Anderson-"
"Please, call me Derek." He said, holding up a dismissing hand. I stopped for a moment and nodded.
"Ok, fine, Derek. What do I need to do in order to make sure this boy doesn't pester Ella anymore?"
"Dont let her be the enemy. There's a PTA meeting this Monday at 6:00 in the afternoon. If you come and speak in front of the school board, they could probably stop the bullying."
"Probably?" I questioned.
"It's a fifty-fifty with these people, Clair." He stated, frowning.
"Like I said, I don't like this situation anymore than you do." He turned and wrote a number down on a piece of paper.
"If the meeting doesn't go well, here's my number. Call me and I'll go to the Newspapers with you and we'll make the problem public." He handed it to me.
I took it and smiled to myself. He frowned and smiled too.
"Oh, nothing." I sighed.
"No, what?" He asked, smiling. I stared at him. Damn, he was beautiful.
I waved the piece of paper.
"It's been a while since I've gotten a guy's number." I bit my lip. Then, he smiled and replied,
"I find that hard to believe." His smile brightened. My cheeks went red as I stood.
"Have a nice day, Derek."
"I'll see you around, Clair." He replied, waving as I left.
I took a deep breath and walked back to the car. Ella sat in the back, wiping snot off on the back of her arm. I got in the front and sighed.
"Do you want to get some ice cream, baby?"
"Yes." She said, smiling. Her smile brought me silent joy as I started the car and drove to dairy queen. Ella didn't say anything for the entire ride. As we walked in, she told me she wanted a strawberry dilly bar, so I ordered, then got myself a chocolate dipped cone. As I ordered it, I couldn't help but have thoughts of all the times Benny and I went to dairy queen for ice cream...
"Mommy?" Ella tugged on my hand. I snapped from my faze and looked down to Ella.
"Is Frankie still allowed to come over this weekend when you and aunt Effey go out?" She stared at me with her blue eyes.
Effey was graduating that weekend, and she wanted to go out and celebrate.
I nodded.
"Of course, sweetheart, why wouldn't she?"
"I thought I was in trouble." She stated, looking down. I shook my head.
"No, Ella, you aren't in trouble." Though I struggled to believe myself. Not because I was mad at her, but the school is another matter.
If anyone has ever been caught in a battle with the school of your children, you understand the struggles.
After we got our food, I let her pick the seat, which was a corner table with the highest chairs imaginable. She climbed on and began to nibble the ice cream.
"Yes Ella?"
"Why did you leave work?" She looked up from the ice cream. I smiled weakly.
"Because I wanted to make sure you were ok."
"I know, but why didn't you come after work?"
"Because you were hurting right away, I don't ever want you to think I would choose work over you." I rubbed the top of her head and kissed her forehead. She smiled and swung her feet.
"Where does a baby come from?" She stared at me with wondering eyes. I sat up, taken by surprise.
"Yeah?" She said, waiting. After a few seconds of trying to remember what my mother told me, I just shook my head.
"I'll tell you when you're older."
"Because I said so." I interrupted, then sighed. She frowned and said,
"Frankie says they come from birds that fly into windows at night. She said they were called storms."
"You mean storks?"
"Yeah, that's it. She said they give all animals their babies, too. Hippos, alligators, lions..." She trailed off, then started giggling.
"What?" I smiled and tilted my head.
"Oh,I was just thinking how funny it'd be if a storm accident'ly gave a human mom a baby tiger!" She kept giggling.
It was a sweet, high-pitched giggle. The giggle ever girl experiences at least once in their life.
I smiled and laughed along, enjoying her company.

(Later that day...)

God, I can't feel my arm!
I sighed and tried to ignore my mind as I sat in the dark of the house. The only illumination came from the TV that blared the Disney channel. Right now I watched "The Suite life wick Zach and Cody," or something to that affect. Ella was curled in front of me, sleeping in the fetal position with her head on my arm.
I had considered taking it back, but decided that wouldn't be very motherly of me. So I sat there, enduring the momentary pain so she could sleep peacefully.
I was just starting to doze off when I got a phone car from the other end of the house.
It blared so loud, Ella stirred and woke up.
"Mmmm, I'm tired, mommy."
"Go lay down, baby, I'll tuck you in in a minute." I patted her butt as she hopped off the couch and went to her room.
I tucked some hair behind my ear and walked to the phone.
"Uh, hey, Clair." It was Mr. Sampson. I frowned and hugged myself.
"Uh, hey."
"I, um, just wanted to call and apologize for the way I acted."
"Oh, that's not nessicary-"
"No, no, it is. I also wanted to let you know that we'd love to have you come back."
"I'll see you tomorrow, then."
"Great, see you then." He hung up. I cleared my throat and walked to Ella's room.
She was curled under the covers, waiting for me to come in.
I sat down gently on the edge of the sheets and set a hand on her leg.
"Are you tucked in?"
"Will you snuggle with me?" She stared at me. A small smile krept on my face as I nodded.
"Sure, scootch over." I lifted the covers and laid down next to her, wrapping my arm around her. She settled back against my chest and laid down.
I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye!:)

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